Chapter 155 - Hunted

Chapter 155 - Hunted: Part Two

[ Music Recommendation: Part V by Prequell ]


Already her heart was drumming to the beat of a manic drum. Aila was panting again from the new rush of adrenaline and fear pumping through her body. She was racing by the side of the road again after the path from the woods led her there. She was unable to move back into the thickness of the forest.

Panic and anxiety started to claw up her chest, replacing the pain in her back. Her rising emotions made her unknowingly unblock the bond between her and Damon. Aila's emotions, now mixed with his. Pure rage almost engulfed her, and she felt frustrated at her situation, along with the worry forming in her chest. Aila did not know that these were her mates feelings.

But these overwhelming feelings distracted her, causing her to miss her footing, and she tumbled to the ground. A whimper escaped her mouth at the sudden agonising ripping at the lower part of her back. Her wound had been stretched wider, and new blood coated her white fur. Her eyes welled up with tears, but she quickly picked herself up, ruffled her fur in an attempt to shake off the pain before running once more.

Though her movements were a little stiff, more robotic from the throbbing pain. Aila grimaced but pursued on; she couldn't let herself be captured. She had a feeling that the man who stabbed her, Clint, would be worse than Connor. Even thinking about him made her shiver, and Aila forced herself not to think about the cells and the state her friends were in. She had it easy compared to them. 

Aila shook her head. This wasn't the time to think about being caught. They were hot on her tail, and she needed to keep a clear mind. With that last thought, she narrowed her eyes and pushed on. The sounds of a car's engine, the turning of wheels and the sounds of men startled her from their close proximity. 

She looked to the side and almost felt her heart drop. One of the hunter's SUVs was to the side of her, both windows were rolled down, and guns pointed at her. The only thing stopping her from completely panicking was her position to theirs. Aila was on raised ground, and there was a thin horizontal wooden fence between them, providing the most minimalistic cover. But it was far too open.

Bang! Bang!

Aila yelped, stopping in her tracks from the bullets that were shot ahead of her. But leapt forwards immediately after hearing another shot from behind her, but this time, when she briefly glanced back, she saw it was a net! Aila's eyes widened, and she faced the front, almost immediately needing to jump high after hearing another gunshot. The next bullet flew through the air, missing her belly by inches and lodging into the tree beside her.

That was way too fricken close!

There were at least six cars. Aila didn't know where the others were, but Ajax could always alert her if she was in trouble.

"You're in trouble now," Her wolf growled through clenched teeth. Aila ignored her, trying to think of an escape. The route she was on was one path, and she couldn't change direction or turn to the side.

They started using tactics to distract her by shining their torches and lasers into her eyes. A growl left her lips as she began to blink and turn her head away, watching the dots, stars, and annoying colourful lights flash across her vision.

"Aila! There's another path to your right.."

"Turn now!"

On Ajax' instruction, she blindly turned right and followed a darkened path away from the road. Her paws splashed through puddles and squished through the sinking mud, but it didn't stop her or slow her down. From what she could see, the forest was opening up at the far end to a clearing.

At the sight of open space and the sudden rush of freedom away from the hunters, Aila pushed her legs forwards, past her limits, speeding up. The noise from the cars gradually lowered the further she got away. She had to narrow her eyes slightly from the cold wind and dust going into them, along with focusing on her blurred surroundings.

"Stay focused. They are still nearby," Malia coached her.

After crossing the clearing, Aila followed Ajax' instructions. Her body was still tense, and her heart pumped harder. Every little sound made her flinch and jump, looking for the source of it. But the hunters weren't directly next to her or behind her. They were on the road nearby, still searching for her. She followed the road and stayed extra vigilant. The hunters would find her soon, but this time, she was more prepared.

A wolf's howl cut through the air, making Aila slow down her pace and glance behind her. Her heart stopped for a moment. Thoughts of Damon were quickly crushed when her mark started to burn again. It wasn't him, and she was thankful it wasn't. She didn't run all this way to protect everyone for her mate to suddenly show up.

"Ajax, is that another werewolf?" Aila mind-linked him and turned her head back, before dashing left to the fields Ajax mentioned earlier.

"No packs own this territory. It might be a rogue.." Ajax trailed off as Aila pushed herself on again. The sounds of the cars in the distance urged her on; she glanced back, they could still see her. Their torches beamed across the field, and a few of the SUV's turned off the road and started following her.historical


Aila thought they would stick to the road. But they had been chasing her for hours now; Silas was probably losing his patience and threatened his men.

"Such a great leader," Malia snapped sarcastically.

Aila pushed herself on against her body's wishes. Aila narrowed her eyes slightly; ahead of her in the distance was something glinting under the stary night sky. She tilted her head slightly and heard the sound of rushing water. There was a river ahead!

"The wolf is a rogue. But it's not a type 1. It's a normal werewolf, seems to be heading in the same direction but is keeping its distance from the hunters," Ajax mind-linked her.

"Let me know if I need to be worried. I'm going to lose the ones behind me now. Ajax.. you're brilliant! I can lose them by crossing the river," She complimented him as she slowed down a little, planning to send them flying into the water.

His chuckle reverberated through her mind. "I know, doll. It's a good thing you got me instead of Gabriel. I'm much better company," Ajax joked.

Aila was about to reply, but another net was thrown her way that she barely dodged.

"They're getting too close, Aila," Malia muttered. Her voice was painstakingly calm. She didn't need to be told twice. Aila knew her wolf was scouting the area more thoroughly while Aila sprinted out of reach from the hunters.

Aila reached the gushing river and leapt, landing on a small rock in the middle before hopping over to the other side. She didn't stop to look behind her, even as she heard the screeching of tires and the loud splash and crashing sounds of two vehicles going into the water. The third SUV braked just in time; she could hear their swearing as she followed the river and parted ways down a slope.

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