Chapter 156 - Instincts

Chapter 156 - Instincts


Aila continued running for another two hours. She occasionally heard the other werewolf, but it didn't come near her or interfere. It could probably tell she was injured, and a hurt wolf feeling threatened would lash out. It didn't know how strong she was, but it most likely had an idea after the night of her continuous running whilst injured.

The type two rogues weren't something to worry about compared to the vicious type one that attacked the pack. They were still to be avoided as there was a reason; they were rogues. But Aila knew after her weeks of training and sparred with her mate, one of the strongest wolves out there, that she had no problem taking on anyone. 

The night drew on, and her legs carried her for another hour before she slowed down to a walk. She was unaware of the time but knew it was late into the night. Her eyes and ears were still alert, but she needed to rest her paws for a bit. The cushioning underneath was burning from all the running she had been doing.

"Ajax, you're very quiet. Are you okay?" Aila whispered through the mind-link. She was feeling tired and wanted to sleep, but she needed to know Ajax was okay. Although Damon warned her about sleeping while her wolf was in charge, she knew it had to be a necessity. Otherwise, Ajax would be dealing with a very hangry, sleep-deprived Luna werewolf.

At the mention of his name, the falcon swooped down in front of her, landing gracefully on the ground. He looked so tiny in comparison to her; she almost wanted to hug him like a little toy. But Malia reminded her of Ajax's flirtatious ways.

"Tired. But I look better than you!" He sounded chipper, but Aila wondered if it was slightly laid on for her benefit. She didn't need to glance down at herself to know she was a mess. Her normal beautiful white fur was covered in mud, her back and the side of her back leg was damp with her blood, and she knew snout wasn't clean.

Ajax moved out of her way so she could continue walking. As he did, she heard the small bones of the bird crack, and without waiting to watch his shift, he emerged by her side as the black panther.

Aila chuckled at Ajax' response, even if it was a little delayed. Her mind was starting to become foggy with tiredness, yet her senses were still on high alert. They were walking in a valley rich with the smell of earth and pine; the sounds of a small stream and the wind swirling leaves off their branches made Aila relax. Nature seemed to calm her burning soul and restless mind.

"I'm going to sleep-"

"Aila, we need to keep going. Try and hold out until tomorrow evening?" Ajax interrupted.

"I can still go.. My wolf can run for me, but I want you to rest as well," She replied calmly as her eyes snapped up to an owl hooting in a tree.

The panther looked at her, "I didn't think wolves did that.. Isn't that dangerous?"

Aila glanced at him, "I won't sleep for long, maybe four hours? It should give me enough rest. But if you turn yourself into something small, you could rest then catch up?"

"Sweetie, I don't know. That's risky. I could lose you. You could get lost.." Ajax's cheery voice was becoming concerned.

"I'll probably trot at most. I can't keep running at full speed, especially with my injury.." She trailed off.

Malia agreed with her, "Oh, hell no. I'm not running. I will probably walk unless I sense danger."

"Come on, it will do you some good. Plus.. you really need some beauty sleep.." Aila smirked and nudged her side into the panthers. She hid her grimace from the pain radiating from her wound from such a small action.

Ajax chuckled, "Oh honey if I get any sexier, you'll keel over."

There he was!

Before Aila could reply, she yawned, showing off her sharp teeth.

"Alright, get some rest. I'll have a few hours' sleep and try and catch up to you before you wake up," Ajax nudged his head against hers before parting ways with her. She watched as he shifted into his falcon form and flew up into a tree.

Aila didn't wait any longer and instantly let herself fall back into the warm embrace of darkness, not even talking to her wolf as she did so. Malia took the reins before the white wolf stumbled too much and nearly collapsed. Malia shook her head; their body was suffering from that stupid knife wound. It wasn't just physical fatigue but mental they were dealing with. 

They had to stay extra vigilant, keep their emotions in check and block the bond. While Aila had wrapped herself up in a cocoon of darkness, Malia decided to check on their mate. His pain was gone, but he was hurt from her leaving; of course, he was. Mates weren't supposed to be away from each other for long periods of time. So, if one just suddenly left, it felt worse because they didn't know when they would see each other.

In allowing the bond to take over slightly, it also let Damon know that she was safe. If he was awake, which Malia knew was a fact, as she was away from him in danger. But he could now feel their emotions as well. So, she closed it off after feeling his torment and anger. The wolf fixed her eyes ahead at the dark scenery.

She didn't blame Aila for just dropping back and throwing the reins to her. They were a mess. Malia had napped a few times throughout the day, already knowing Aila planned to sleep and let her take over. Malia was a little hesitant, though, last time they had Damon to keep her from losing herself to her basic instincts. 

Her paws crunched into some dry leaves, and she looked down, making sure to avoid them. The less noise, the better. The only thing about slowing down to a walk was the possibility of another predator or the hunters catching up. But after Aila's little stunt earlier, the wolf had no doubt they were struggling to keep up with her.

They had been using radios and phones to keep in contact. Ajax would let them know of their conversations. It was really cool mind-linking Ajax because he would open up his sight to Aila through the mind-link, and they could see how he saw as a falcon, along with what he could hear. He was their personal drone, and it helped them stay a few steps ahead of them.

Four hours later, and Malia had begun to lose herself in the feeling of tracking down her prey. With her snout on the ground and keeping her steps light, she crept through the long grass. There was deer nearby, and Malia began salivating at the thought of all that meat. She glanced up at the sky and noted how the darkness had hues of light, brightening the sky and waking up the birds.

The sun would be up soon, and she could find something to eat. There was bound to be a herd of deer's nearby; she had seen their droppings and the recent footprints in the earth. Her stomach was rumbling, and her back was now becoming a problem, one that caused her mood to plummet. She needed protein and rest to help her heal.


Malia ignored the irritable voice and trotted over to a stream to quench her thirst. But her appetite seemed to be getting worse. Even as she rehydrated with the cool liquid. What was wrong with her? Her eyes began to glow, and she saw a falcon land stupidly close to her.

"Ailaaaa…" The voice became slurred and distorted. And she couldn't help but watch the falcon step closer. She barred her teeth and jumped towards it, snapping her teeth in an attempt to eat it. The falcon flew to a nearby tree, and she didn't bother going near it.

Hunger and pain were all she felt as she followed the scent of her prey.




Hunt to survive.

Her mind seemed to tickle with something urgent, but the wolf just tilted its head to the side until slowly a veil of darkness fell over her mind, and everything went blank. 

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