I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

It was on the brink of developing into a romantic atmosphere.

But, as always, that sort of thing didn’t happen in my life.

Not even 10 minutes after we started dance practice, I stepped on Serenade’s foot four times.

“Ugh... Uh...”

At first, Serenade laughed it off, saying it was fine, but after her foot was stepped on four times, she finally crouched down, tears welling in her eyes.

I’m, I’m sorry. Does it hurt a lot?

“Are you doing this on purpose, My Lord...?”

Serenade looked up at me with teary, reddened eyes.

“You’re not tormenting me because you dislike me, are you...?”

“I swear I’m not. I have no such wicked pleasure.”

Teaching a dance and repeatedly stepping on her foot to torment her? It’s creative but overly complex torment.

Looking down at Serenade’s reddened foot, I sighed softly.

“I’m really sorry. I must be a klutz.”

Moving in sync with someone was much more difficult than I had thought.

As much as this was true, I hadn’t expected to step on my fiancée’s foot so carelessly.

“It reminds me of our engagement ceremony. That was 10 years ago.”

Serenade, who stood up with my support, muttered.

“Looking back, you really couldn’t dance then either.”

“Did I step on your foot then too?”

“Just my foot? You tripped over my skirt, and we both fell flat on our faces.”

Serenade covered her mouth and giggled.

“It hurt, and it was embarrassing, but that moment was... the happiest in my life.”

Serenade, who was murmuring distantly, shook off her foot a few times and then energetically nodded.

“Alright, the pain’s gone! This time, I’ll teach you from the beginning!”

Serenade took a step closer to me.

“Now, again. Let’s start with the hands.”

My left hand and Serenade’s right hand clasped together.

She held my right hand with her left, guiding it to rest below her left armpit.

“Place it here. Yes, like that.”

And Serenade’s left hand rested on my shoulder.

This was the basic stance for the waltz, a representative social dance.

Our bodies were almost close enough to feel each other’s breath. If we listened carefully, we might hear each other’s heartbeat.josei


Serenade, whose eyes met mine, quickly looked down and took a deep breath.

“Now, let’s try stepping. I’ll lead until you get used to it, My Lord.”

I moved my feet cautiously as Serenade led. Being careful not to step on her feet.

“Relax your body, don’t tense up, and go slow. Left foot forward. Right foot to the side. Together, good. Right foot back, left foot to the side, together. You’re doing well...”

As time passed,

“One, two, three. Good. One, two, three. That’s it.”

Whether it was because the tension had eased and our bodies had warmed up, from that point on, I was able to practice dancing without stepping on Serenade’s foot.

Serenade too looked more relaxed, her face softening into a comfortable smile.

“You’re learning fast, My Lord!”


“With a bit more practice, you’ll have no problem at formal gatherings.”

I quietly stared at her newfound natural smile.

Serenade couldn’t maintain eye contact for long and quickly looked down again, her cheeks flushed.

Watching her intently, I slowly spoke.


“Yes, My Lord.”

“Your family is about to be exterminated.”

The previously gentle atmosphere froze.

At my unexpected words, Serenade’s shoulders stiffened, and her steps faltered.

Her face hardened as she stammered,

“...What? What does that...”

“It’s exactly as I said, Serenade. Your family will soon be exterminated.”

I glanced briefly at the window. Our dancing could be seen from outside the building.

“Keep dancing. There may be eyes watching us.”

I began to lead the waltz as I had learned. Serenade followed my movements, her face pale and confused.

“The dancing lesson was an excuse. I came to tell you this.”

That was my real purpose. That’s how someone clumsy like me could ask a lady to teach him to dance. Well, the situation did require that I learn to dance anyway.

I whispered in Serenade’s ear, recounting what I had heard.

The Emperor had long decided to use and discard the Silver Winter Merchant Guild.

Once the road construction project was completed, the engagement between Serenade and me would be annulled, and the Imperial Family would swallow the Silver Winter Merchant Guild whole. And now that time had come.

I asked Serenade, her face pale and drawn,

"Didn’t you feel a premonition?"

"Well, over the past few years that you, my lord, have been cold to me... I thought I might be disengaged, but..."

Serenade shook her head slightly, trembling.

"To think that they would crush our family itself, not even in my dreams..."

The Imperial Family intends to swallow the Silver Winter Merchant Guild whole.

In the process, there’s no way they would leave the Silver Winter family alone. Destruction was as plain as day.

"That’s why I came here, Serenade. To protect your family and your guild."

In the game, the Silver Winter Merchant Guild doesn’t trade with Crossroad at all.

Perhaps after the Silver Winter Merchant Guild is absorbed by the Imperial Family, it will be utilized for other matters within the Empire.

It won’t be involved in things like the Margrave’s frontlines at all.

’Do you think I’ll leave it at that?’

I must preserve the Silver Winter family and make them sturdy supporters of Crossroad.

That would be a great help in the future strategy.

Above all, I had resolved to live as Ash.

And so, rescuing this lady, Ash’s first love and fiancée, was undoubtedly the thing to do.

"In a few days, I will meet with Father and my brothers and hold a conference."

The Guardian conference.

I would meet the Emperor and princes there and could grasp the true intentions they harbored.

And once I understood those intentions, I could clearly devise a plan to save the Silver Winter.

"We must prepare ourselves beforehand."

I looked into Serenade’s trembling silver eyes.

"Tell me, Serenade."


"What products does your guild deal with?"

How could I save this small merchant family on the brink?

The conclusion I reached was this.

"Among those products... do you have ’information’?"

Serenade’s eyes widened. I continued,

"There’s no item more expensive and devastatingly tradable than information."

"I’m, I’m sorry. But our guild has only traded in physical goods so far..."

"Then let’s create a new category this time."

I slowly let go of Serenade’s hand, separating from her.

"I will come to learn dance from you every day until the party."


"In this week, prepare your guild to buy and sell ’information’ as a product. Reorganize the entire guild."

It sounds grand, but it’s simple.

All that’s needed is to deliver information quickly and securely.

And it wouldn’t be too difficult for the Silver Winter Merchant Guild, which has a nationwide distribution network and has been involved in the national road construction project.

After the dance ended, the two of us bowed to each other. Serenade and I bent at the waist towards each other.

"It was a good time, my lord."

"I enjoyed it too, Serenade."

And so today’s dance lesson ended.

When we were close, it was fine, but after we separated and distance grew, it suddenly felt awkward.

I scratched the back of my head sheepishly, preparing to leave.

"Then, that’s it for today. I’ll be going now."

"...My lord."

I turned my back, and Serenade hesitated and spoke.

"To be honest... I thought you hated me and our guild."


"I’m happy that you’re doing so much for us, but has something changed your mind?"

"Is a reason needed?"

I smiled and looked back at her.

"We’re engaged, aren’t we?"

"Do you not... dislike me, a lowly girl from a merchant family?"

"Never. Not once."

From Crossroad’s perspective, they were always a trading partner I wanted.

From Ash’s point of view... well, they said it was first love.

I’ve lived a life far from such sweet and bitter words, so I don’t quite know the feeling.

But I have no reason to dislike.

I wish for a good partnership. Both in business and in social dancing.

"I’ll come again tomorrow."

Serenade bit her lip and looked at me with troubled eyes. I pointed to her foot with the tip of my finger.

"Apply ointment to the top of your foot."


Afterward, I visited Serenade every day to learn social dance and party manners.

I felt watched from all around, but Fernandez did nothing to stop me afterwards.

I decided not to worry too much and act as I pleased.

Three days later, in the morning.

After dancing for several days in a row, I was dragging my sore body, low in Stamina, to the Star Palace restaurant for breakfast when I noticed the atmosphere was more bustling than usual.

The excitement was clear on the faces of the passing servants.

"What’s going on today? The victory celebration isn’t for a few more days, is it?" I asked Alberto, who was serving my meal.

Alberto responded with a kind smile. 

"News came this morning. Prince Lark is returning today."


Prince Lark, the first prince, had returned from the western front.

"They are preparing a return parade at the Imperial Capital’s west gate. It’s only natural that the citizens are excited."

Alberto, pouring tea into my cup, gestured outside.

"How about it, will you go to greet your brother?"

"Of course!"

As someone from the Eastern Country of Etiquette (TL Note: He’s saying that Korea is known as the ’Eastern Country of Etiquette’), I must! I must go and welcome my brother after his long journey. I want to see his face too.

So, I rode in a carriage with Alberto towards the Imperial Capital’s west gate.

The western road, where access was restricted, was already ringing with cheers, signaling that the return parade had begun.

The streets were already bustling with people, so Alberto parked my carriage a little off the road.

The soldiers lined up along the road saluted one by one as the parade approached.

"Behold the Emperor’s eldest son and the Imperial Army’s Commander-in-Chief, Prince Lark ’Avalanche’ Everblack’s return!"


The citizens on both sides of the road cheered and threw flowers. It felt like fans welcoming home an idol from the airport.

Amidst the showering bouquets, cheers, and applause - Prince Lark was riding in, leading the parade.

He looked to be in his early thirties.

Dressed in practical and somber metallic armor, the white cape billowing behind him was the only splash of grandeur.

His jet-black hair was neatly combed back, blue energy swirling around it.

His deep-set eyes were also a dark blue color.

This man was the supreme commander of the entire empire, the commander of the western front, and an undefeated knight.



Despite the blessings and cheers from all the citizens, Lark’s expression remained stoic.

Even though it was a return parade, he could have at least smiled once, but he drove his horse forward with a stony gaze.

"Why does my brother look like that? Did something upset him?" I asked.

Alberto chuckled darkly. 

"Hasn’t he always been like that? He’s someone whose expression rarely changes."

Ah, so that’s his personality. It felt like his face had been frozen like a marble statue since birth.

Just then, Lark, who had been leading the parade, suddenly lifted his head and looked left and right. Then, he turned his eyes sharply towards us. Huh?

His dark blue eyes met mine unmistakably. Uh...?


Lark spurred his horse, leaping over the crowded citizens on the roadside.

The citizens screamed in unison, but he paid no attention, starting to approach my carriage.

I unwittingly swallowed dryly.

What, what’s happening? What’s going on?

--TL Notes--  

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