I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Emerging from the Imperial Parade, Prince Lark spurred his horse and started approaching the carriage I was in.

"Ah, dear me. His Highness Lark is at it again..."

Alberto, rubbing his forehead, grumbled as if he had a headache. I was annoyed and snapped at him.

"Why, why is he doing this?! He’s coming to me, right?! Do I have some deep grudge with my brother?!"

Honestly, it was terrifying as my undefeated knight of a brother approached with his stern, stone-like face.

As I trembled and asked, Alberto nodded his head slightly.

"No, Your Highness. It’s not that. It’s quite the opposite..."


Dismounting from his horse, Lark brashly opened my carriage door,


He grabbed my sides with both hands, pulled me out of the carriage, and then- lifted me up high.

I witnessed a smile spreading across Lark’s face, hard as a marble statue.

"My youngest brother! How have you been?"



So that’s what he meant.

"His Highness Lark has been taking care of Your Highness Ash since you were young, on behalf of our busy Emperor. So, uh..."

Alberto whispered in a creeping voice from behind me.

"...he cares for you very much."

Although it was nice that Alberto subtly gave me information after finding out I had lost my memory, this time it would have been better if he had told me a little earlier.

Lark swung me around in the air, still holding me aloft.

"You’re still adorable, my little brother! Your big brother missed you so much!"

No, this isn’t merely caring; it’s like treating me as his own child! There’s only like a ten-year age difference between us, right?!

Being flown like a newborn in front of countless citizens was not an enjoyable experience. It was embarrassing, so I wanted to get down quickly!

"I heard the news! You had a tough time at the Southern Front? I’m really sorry I couldn’t come to help you!"

Finally ending the flying game, Lark pulled me into a tight embrace.

"Here, a hug of brotherly love, dear brother!"


This may seem like a display of brother affection, but hey, muscled knight? It feels like I might suffocate and die when you’re doing this in your armor?

"Prince Lark, Prince Ash."

At that moment, Alberto called us urgently. Thanks to him, Lark released his embrace, and I could finally breathe.

"You have been summoned to the main palace."

Receiving the message from a courier who had hurried over, Alberto read the contents with a serious face.

"...Both of you are summoned by His Imperial Majesty."

Lark furrowed his brows and set me down, and I clenched my fist.

We were going to meet the Emperor.

Finally, the ’Guardian Council’ was about to begin.


"How is the Southern Front, Ash? I heard the monsters are quite rampant."

On our way to the main palace where the Emperor resides.

"Is there anything else you need? Although sending reinforcements to the Western Front is difficult, your big brother can still send you some pocket money."


I couldn’t reply at all.

Lark was... carrying me on his shoulders as he walked.

Sitting on the broad shoulders of Lark, and being not particularly short myself, I was the focus of everyone’s gaze.

Embarrassed, I covered my face with both hands and suppressed a scream.

I had heard it from Lucas too. I had a good relationship with Prince Lark, the First Prince.

But this isn’t just a good relationship! It’s like uncle and nephew!

"Ah, big brother."

Then, Prince Fernandez, the Second Prince, who was standing at the entrance to the main palace, waved his hand. He seemed to be waiting for us.

"You have returned. You must be weary from your long journey."


Lark finally set me down, spread his arms wide, and strode toward Fernandez.

"Come here."


Fernandez sighed in resignation, obediently walked toward Lark, and was then tightly embraced.

"It’s a hug of brotherly love-!"


Fernandez twisted his body and let out a similar scream as mine. This was somewhat amusing to watch.

"My brothers! It’s so good to gather together like this!"

Lark slapped me and Fernandez on the back with hands as big as pot lids.

With each slap, Fernandez and I shook like reeds. Enough already!

As the overly affectionate greeting ended, Lark gestured toward the inner palace, asking Fernandez, "How is Father?"

"He just woke up from a nap."

"He must be in a bad mood."

"It’s been a while since he has been in a good mood."

The two strode casually into the palace, and I quickly followed.

"Why did you arbitrarily declare victory, Fernandez?" 

Lark suddenly scolded Fernandez with a stern face, his warm smile from moments ago seemingly insincere.

"The situation is precarious across not only the battlefield of Bringar Duchy but also the entire western front. The Bringar folks are tough and stubborn. Guerilla attacks continue, and even areas that were already subdued are witnessing revolts."


"Moreover, we haven’t even captured the Bringar Duchess... that Dragon Lady. Declaring victory in such circumstances? And even summoning me to the victory celebration, what were you thinking?"

"There was a reason for declaring victory," Fernandez explained with a sigh.

"The allied nations in the northern front are agitated."

"The North? Why?"

"Since we attacked our long-time ally Bringar Duchy, they’re worried that they may be attacked too. According to spies’ reports, some nations are even considering breaking the alliance and attacking us."

Lark swallowed hard. Fernandez continued.

"That’s why we declared victory quickly. To prevent the allied nations from making foolish moves... and to assure them that they won’t be attacked. The victory celebration will have ambassadors from all allied nations."

I nodded quietly from behind.

Indeed. So that was the reason for the victory celebration.

"Although the situation in the West is precarious, we’ve surrounded the Bringar Duchy, and capturing the Duchess will conclude this war, won’t it?"

"Yes, but still."

"Please make an appearance at the event for a short while. You, Brother, symbolize the military and martial might of this nation. It would be improper for you to be absent."

Fernandez glanced at me.

"Most importantly, it’s been a long time since all of us, the guardians, gathered. To share our situations and discuss how to protect the empire... It’s time for a guardians’ meeting."

The corridor ended, and the doors to a giant virtual reality room appeared.

The Imperial Palace usually bustled with servants, but suddenly, no one was around.

Not even a single guard was left; it was eerily silent.

Fernandez pulled out a necklace he was wearing. A golden key was attached to it.

He inserted the key into a large lock on the door.



Magical symbols spread from the lock and door, and they slowly began to open.


White frosty powder flowed out from the opening.

I looked down at the powder, puzzled. What’s this in the middle of summer?

When the doors fully opened, and I saw what was inside, I froze.

’What is... this?’

It was a giant tree made of ice.josei

Its roots covered the floor, and its branches reached the tall ceiling.

And at the center of the tree, a throne.

A dazzling golden throne - completely fused with the ice tree, buried within.

"You’ve arrived."

That man was sitting there.

The sole emperor of the empire.

The man who ruled half the world.

And, my father.

Traha ’Peacemaker’ Everblack... sat as if frozen on the ice throne, then opened his frost-covered eyes.

"My sons."



Lark and Fernandez approached the throne, seemingly used to this sight, and knelt respectfully.

"Have you been well?"

I hurriedly followed my brothers, kneeling and bowing my head.

The Emperor, with black hair and black eyes, did not appear to be in his 40s, but in reality, he had long surpassed the age of 60. He slightly shook his head.

"It’s not good news. The situation at the Northern Front against the Foreign Gods is not favorable."

He grumbled and tapped the chessboard beside his throne with his fingertips.

The chess pieces lay scattered on the frozen board, stuck in place.

"The situation at the front is getting increasingly dire. I am concerned. How long can we hold this line and protect the Empire...?"

"Do not worry too much, Father."

Fernandez smoothly responded.

"Once we annihilate the Bringar Duchy and seize their dragon’s blood, you will be able to wield the power of the dragon’s blood, Father. Then the problem with the Front against the Foreign Gods will be resolved."


The Emperor, silent till then, gestured towards us.

"How are the three fronts you are overseeing? Tell me."

Lark was the first to respond.

"The Western Dragon’s Blood Front is almost settled. Soon, we will eradicate the Bringar Duchy and steal their dragon’s blood."

Fernandez seemed to wait before continuing.

"The Central Shadow Front is in fierce combat. However, we will soon reveal the enemy’s hidden force’s true identity, and even eliminate their supporters."


The Emperor looked at me last.

"Lastly, Ash."


"How is the situation in the Southern Monster Front?"

Having kept my mouth shut, I slowly rose. The eyes of the Emperor and the Princes were fixed on me.

Then, I said,

"What the hell are you all talking about?"

The Emperor raised his eyebrows in puzzlement, and a look of confusion crossed the faces of the two Princes.

"I’ll speak plainly. Father, brothers."

I had tried to hold it in, but I couldn’t anymore.

I decided to be straightforward.

"I suffered a severe head injury during battle in the Southern Front, and as a result, I’ve lost most of my memory. Therefore, I can’t keep up with your conversation right now."

Tapping my head to emphasize, I stared directly at the Emperor.

"Won’t you explain at least a bit for your pitiable youngest? What exactly is a guardian, and what are you and my brothers scheming?"

Foreign Gods Front? Dragon’s Blood Front? Shadow Front?

What the hell are those, you damn nerds! Speak so everyone can understand!

I don’t care about your fronts! Just let me protect our Monster Front well, and that’s it!

--TL Notes--  

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