I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Trudge. Trudge.

Five shadows approached.

Aegis Special Forces Team 4, crossbows raised, cut through the smoke and dust as they slowly made their way toward the carriage.

They were professionals, having handled countless assassination missions in the Imperial Capital.

Once the higher-ups assigned a target, they acted like ruthless killing machines. Regardless of gender, age, how pitifully their targets wept, or how they pleaded, they wouldn’t bat an eye in executing them.

This time, there were two caught in their trap.

Having overturned the carriage, the targets would surely be disoriented.

The plan was to eliminate them quickly, obliterate all evidence, and then leave the scene—

But that was how it was supposed to go.


The plan went awry from the very start.

Through the thick smoke, dusting away the debris, Elize burst out like a cannonball.


The agent at the forefront, who was approaching with his crossbow, widened his eyes at the unexpected development.

In the hands of the maid with navy-blue short hair was a blunt rectangular bladed executioner’s sword.


And with that sword, she decapitated the lead agent in a single stroke.

Swoosh! Swoosh!


The other agents indiscriminately fired their crossbows at Elize.

Arrows poured down like rain, and the smoke and dust that filled the air were momentarily torn apart by the trajectory of the arrows before settling down again.

Elize calmly extended the Sword Coffin strapped to her back to use as a shield.

Ping! Ting-ting-ting!

Scratches marred the surface of the coffin, but the arrows couldn’t penetrate it.


Opening the Sword Coffin to her sides, Elize pulled out two short swords and threw them forward.

Thunk! Whoosh!


The second agent was struck in the neck and forehead by the short swords. He collapsed on the spot.

As she threw the short swords, Elize was already charging forward.

Suddenly, in her hands, she held the initial executioner’s sword and one more slender rapier.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

The agents shot the remaining arrows at the charging Elize, but—


Elize deflected all the arrows effortlessly with her rapier.


Approaching the third agent, Elize swung her executioner’s sword, cutting off his head too.

Then, spinning her body in a full circle to gather momentum—she threw the executioner’s sword.


The spinning sword impaled the fourth agent’s upper body as he was loading his crossbow.

Blood sprayed as he was pinned to the wall.

Elize, catching her breath, looked at her last opponent, just as an arrow flew toward her face.


With a transcendent reflex, Elize swung her rapier to deflect the arrow.

But it was a mistake.

The last agent’s arrow was the same as the one that destroyed the carriage, enchanted with explosive magic.


A massive explosion erupted from the rapier as it blocked the arrow.

The agent, staring at the thickening smoke and dust, calmly loaded the next arrow.

He didn’t let his guard down. That maid was no ordinary foe.

’I must end this carefully and decisively. Otherwise, I’m the one who will suffer.’

Just as the agent cautiously advanced, a step at a time—

"Sword Coffin, eject."


Suddenly, a magical light flashed from within the smoke and dust. Startled, the agent shot arrows at it. Swoosh! Swoosh!

But what was there wasn’t Elize but the Sword Coffin. It was merely activated by Elize’s command to emit a magical light.

And she didn’t miss the opportunity when the enemy’s attention was diverted.


Cutting through the smoke and dust, Elize leaped to the agent’s side.

"Third sword."


The long sword ejected from the Sword Coffin, spinning in the air above Elize’s head.

She caught it and slashed downward.


The last agent’s shoulder was cleaved to the ribs, gushing blood. He fell forward, lifeless.

"Haa, haa, haa!"

Elize, having confirmed the elimination of all enemies, gasped for breath.

She wasn’t unscathed either. Her left arm that blocked the explosive arrow was soaked in blood and tattered. She couldn’t feel it at all.


But Elize didn’t care about her own body as she ran towards the carriage.

"Master! Are you alright? Master!"

Elize frantically opened the door to the carriage, revealing the moaning Serenade.

"Ugh, Elize... Are you alright?"

"I’m fine! But what about you, master?"

Elize quickly helped Serenade up and took her out of the carriage.

The carriage had overturned, colliding with things here and there.

Serenade quickly wiped the blood flowing from her scraped knees and forehead with a handkerchief.

"We can’t use the carriage... What about the horses?"

"One has broken loose and run away, and one remains. Shall I saddle it..."

Elize’s motion to retrieve the saddle from the carriage’s luggage stopped. Clenching her teeth, she looked towards the entrance of the alley.

Clip-clop. Clip-clop...

From the alley where they first entered with the carriage, through the dust and smoke... The silhouettes of five new figures were approaching.

Aegis Special Forces Team 4 consisted of 20 members.

With the annihilation of the first execution unit, the second one had been deployed immediately.

"Damn it..."

Elize, gritting her teeth, drew her Sword Coffin to her side and spoke to Serenade.

"Master, those bastards are targeting you. But with the condition of my arm now, I can’t protect you and fight at the same time."


"I’ll hold them off. We’re not far from the Imperial Palace now. You must walk there alone."

In the distance, the spires of the Thorn Bush Palace were visible. It would take some time, but it was within walking distance.

"Enemies are likely waiting on the other side of the alley as well. You’ll be caught if you simply go, so use ’that equipment’ to get through."


"Don’t worry about me. I’ll kill them all and find a safe place to hide."

Elize, glaring at the approaching agents, gritted her teeth.

"Master, these people are no ordinary thugs. They are undoubtedly under the direct command of the Imperial Family... the hunting dogs of the Black Ops."


"From the moment they started targeting us, the only way for Silver Winter Merchant Guild to survive is to do as you said."

Elize nodded gravely.

"Arrive at the Imperial Palace, participate in the party. And then..."

And then?

And then, what?

Not even sure herself what to do, Elize offered Serenade a rare, faint smile.

It was an awkward smile, unaccustomed to smiling. Yet it was filled with pure affection for her master.

"Get what you desire, Master."

She said.

"You’re the wealthiest person in this country, after all. You should have everything you want."

"What I want...?"

"Yes. What you want, Master. Not what the Silver Winter family wants, or that spoiled prince..."

To live life the way you desire.

That was Elize’s wish.

For this feeble woman to live, not for anyone else, but for herself. More selfishly than anyone.

’I know I can’t do that.’

The future of the family, Serenade’s fate, Elize’s life—all were hanging by a thread.

So at least her own wish could be spoken honestly, right?

Clip-clop. Clip-clop. Clip-clop.

The once faint footsteps were now clear. The second execution unit was close.

"Go, Master! Leave this to me."


Serenade gritted her teeth and stood, her legs still trembling from the shock of the accident.



"You know you still have a debt to repay our family, right?"

The unexpected mention of debt deepened the awkward smile on Elize’s lips.

"You have to come back to pay it off. Promise."

"Of course."

Serenade’s hand touched Elize’s back and then fell away. Elize did not look back.

Listening to the fading footsteps of her departing master, Elize briefly closed her eyes, then opened them wide, filled with determination.

’I won’t die here.’

She would kill them all, survive, and see Serenade’s face again. And then...


The next moment,

An arrow lodged into Elize’s stomach without warning.


Startled, she coughed up blood and glared ahead.

She hadn’t sensed the sniper’s attack, which meant there must be a sniper with special skills.


Drawing a new sword from the Sword Coffin, Elize growled.

"Now it feels like I’m dealing with the special agents of the Black Ops...!"

The next moment, a fierce attack from five special forces agents fell upon Elize.


The party’s atmosphere was ripening by the minute.

We had won the war against Bringar Duchy, solidified the alliance with the northern kingdom, and even announced my engagement with Princess Yun. Truly, it was a joyous time on all fronts.

The newly engaged Imperial Prince and Princess’s energetic dance ignited the party’s atmosphere to a whole new level.

Even now, as Yun and I had returned to rest, the orchestra continued to play lively music, and in the center of the grand hall, the nobles each formed couples and enjoyed dancing.

’Everyone looks so joyful.’

Drained of energy, I dumbly stared at the spectacle.

Yun had left to converse with the Northern Kingdom’s emissaries, and I was sitting in my designated spot on the platform, catching my breath.

"Well done, Ash."

I heard someone call my name and turned to find Fernandez.

Fernandez took a seat beside me and grinned broadly.

"Simply by fulfilling your role so well, you’ve made Father and your brothers extremely happy. I’m proud of you."

"What... Well, I guess I’ve reached the age to get things right?"

Fernandez playfully ruffled my smiling head.

After leaving it at that, I asked,



"Setting the fire at the Silver Winter Merchant Guild, was that your doing?"


Fernandez admitted it with a refreshingly unabashed attitude.

"We announced your engagement today, but what if we sent a divorce request to that side and got rejected? Anyway, we were planning to expel the Silver Winter family, so I went straight to work."


"The real power in the Silver Winter Merchant Guild is currently with Countess Serenade. Eliminate that young lady, and it’s a snake without a head. They say the Count lost his taste years ago."

Fernandez shrugged his shoulders.

"But Countess Serenade didn’t die in the fire, did she? I intended to disguise it as an accident... Ah, our people are more clumsy than I thought."


I asked, straining to find Serenade at the party, even though she was long overdue.

"Did you send someone to kill her for sure?"

"Yes. I hate to go this far, but she seemed intent on coming to the party. On the day of your new engagement announcement, how bad would it look if your former fiancée showed up? How ugly to the Northern emissaries? I had to stop it."


"So I deployed smart kids who do a good job on our side. They’ll erase her from this world without a trace."

Fernandez playfully patted my silent shoulder, smiling.

"Why? Are you uncomfortable because she’s your former fiancée? You used to dislike her so much."

"... No. You did well, brother."

With a cheer, I got up from my chair.

"But brother. About that... ’Guardians’ meeting.’"


"If someone has the qualifications of a Guardian, anyone can summon it, right?"

"Of course, if there is an issue that important."

"I see."

I craned my neck, looking for the Emperor and Lark within my line of sight. They were all within range.

"Then, I’ll summon it now."


"The Guardians’ meeting. Right now. I want it summoned."

I chopped out my words to Fernandez, who was looking at me with astonished eyes.

"I have something to talk about."

Yes. I’ve reached the age where I can fend for myself.

"Something very important. A discussion."

--TL Notes--

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