I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

In the garden of the Imperial Palace, Alberto stood still at the entrance to the Star Palace.

With a gentle expression, Alberto, who had been watering a tree planted near the entrance, suddenly glanced to the side.

"You’re here."

Alberto seemed to smile gently.

"Miss Serenade."


The space next to Alberto shimmered transparently, and then, crumpling like clothing, someone revealed themselves by taking off a cloak.

It was Serenade.

What she had been wearing and had taken off was the [Invisibility Cloak]. It was an item that Ash had given her in advance for emergencies.

Wearing this cloak and hiding, Serenade had come to the Star Palace.

She was familiar with the way since she had often visited this place in her childhood, and above all, Ash had told her that an ally would be waiting for her here.

Looking up at the ally’s face, Serenade murmured with difficulty.


"It’s been a long time. You’ve grown a lot."

Although they hadn’t seen each other in several years, Alberto was lively. Serenade smiled without even realizing it.

"Alberto, you’re the same as ever."

But there was no time for the two to ease the tension. The sound of soldiers’ footsteps began to echo around the Star Palace.

Alberto nodded with a stern face.

"I have already been informed by the Prince. I will escort you to the banquet hall."

Quickly scanning the surroundings, Alberto took Serenade’s hand and led her.

"This way."

"But, Alberto!"

Serenade blurted out in shock.

"If you get caught helping me, it will have a bad effect on you too..."

"I have worked in this palace for 50 years now."

Alberto calmly shrugged his shoulders.

"It’s about time I retired."


"To be able to help a young countess who’s like a granddaughter before retiring, isn’t that rather a joyous thing?"

Alberto, who showed a broad smile, began to walk ahead.

"There is no one who knows the shortcuts and byways between the palaces better than me. Come on, let’s go. I’ll guide you faster than anyone else."

Serenade, limping due to her injury, followed Alberto towards the banquet hall.


The evening sky over the Imperial Capital was red.

The crimson sunset had covered the entire Imperial Palace.

The banquet hall was no different, with both the large building and the surrounding garden glowing red.

The party’s starting time of 6 p.m. had long passed.

Since it was already late, all the nobles who were to enter were already inside.

Therefore, the entrance to the banquet hall was deserted. Alberto and Serenade had just arrived here through a shortcut.

"You’ve had a long journey, Miss Serenade."

Pointing to the entrance of the banquet hall, Alberto grinned.

"Now, please enter. Prince Ash will be waiting for you."


Serenade suddenly looked down at her disheveled appearance.

She was already unsatisfied with her hair, makeup, and dress, and her condition had worsened due to the ambush on the way.

Blood had oozed from her forehead when the carriage was rammed.

The dress’s hem was torn, her stockings were frayed, and her shoe’s heel was even broken, wobbling as she walked.

She was in no shape to attend a party.

She wanted to hide in a mouse hole rather than go to the banquet hall.

"To attend a party looking like this..."

Serenade tightly clenched the hem of her dress.

"People will laugh at me..."

"What does it matter if they laugh?"

Alberto uttered solemnly.

"Who has come to see you, Miss? Those foolish people who mock your appearance? Or Prince Ash, who awaits you?"

At the mention of Ash’s name, Serenade’s shoulders flinched.

The fact that he was waiting for her made her all the more unwilling to show herself in such a state.

"His Highness the Prince will... be ashamed of me too..."

"That is not the case."

Alberto assured her.

"Trust me. His Highness Prince Ash will never regard Miss Serenade as something to be ashamed of."


"Prince Ash told me. He needs Miss Serenade today, so escort her to the grand banquet hall, no matter what."


"And the reason Prince Ash needs Miss Serenade is not because of your appearance, right?"

Serenade clenched her fists tightly.


She had come here because Ash needed her.

Even if Ash were to feel ashamed of Serenade, what did it matter?josei

She would endure that shame.

"...Thank you, Alberto."

With her determination set, Serenade entered the grand banquet hall with a resolute face.

Watching Serenade’s retreating figure, Alberto smiled for a moment before his face turned stern, and he turned around.

In the distance, he could see soldiers hurrying over.

"Dirty military boots at a party... They know nothing of basic etiquette."

Adjusting his tie, Alberto walked sternly towards the soldiers.

"Looks like you’ll need an old man’s meticulous guidance."

Blocking the soldiers with his body, Serenade entered the grand banquet hall.


As soon as Serenade entered the grand banquet hall, sharp glances poured from every direction.

Time had passed since the party had started.

Her arrival, staggering on a broken heel, was noticeable.

Some covered their mouths with fans and snickered; some openly jeered with derisive whistles.

"Look at that mess, she must be a commoner merchant."

"Does the Silver Winter House have no mirrors?"

"If I were her, I’d have turned back at the entrance, ashamed of that appearance."

Struggling to endure all the humiliation, a barbed comment stuck in Serenade’s ear as she made her way in.

"Prince Ash is already engaged to Princess Yun, what face does the former fiancée have to show up?"


Ash’s engagement.

To another princess.

At those words, Serenade’s vision turned white.

With legs threatening to give out, she stumbled forward, forcing herself to maintain balance.

"Did she come to scatter ashes at the wedding?"

"She’s spent ten years ingratiating herself with the Imperial Family, yet she clings on till the end."

"That’s why commoners are..."

Her heart, which she had steeled, crumbled at once.

Serenade bit her lip hard, barely holding back her burning eyes.


At that moment, the doors to the innermost room of the grand banquet hall opened, and the emperor and three princes appeared.

They seemed to have been in a meeting.




The Emperor and the other two princes sat at their designated places on the platform with stern faces.

Ash, the last of the four royal members to appear, approached a girl waiting at the front of the room with ivory-colored hair and knelt on one knee.

Serenade recognized her at a glance. That lady.

That beautiful girl was Ash’s real betrothed.

The prince, dressed in black formal attire, and the princess, in a pearl-colored dress, matched each other perfectly.

But what about himself?

’I look like a crow, even the painstakingly painted blush worn off...’

Serenade slowed to a stop.

He couldn’t walk any further. He didn’t have the courage to advance into that brilliant space.

How great it would be if he could vanish without a trace from this spot...

That’s when it happened. Ash, who had just engaged in affectionate conversation with the princess, stood up from his seat and looked straight at Serenade.

And then,

Step. Step.

He descended from the platform and began walking directly towards Serenade.

The surroundings buzzed loudly. The nobles participating in the party looked back and forth between Ash and Serenade, pouring out words to each other.

Serenade’s breath caught at the sight of Ash, unswervingly striding towards him.

He didn’t know why Ash had summoned her here.

But if her usefulness was over, and she was to be divorced as the fiancée, and if Ash was to form a new bond with that princess...

Perhaps this was the last chance she might have to see Ash.


Serenade inhaled deeply, straightened her back, and stood up tall. Then she opened her reddened silver eyes.

’Yes, I will bear it.’

Even if what you have left to give me is only farewell and pain.

Even if all that awaits me, a forsaken person, is a thorny path filled with humiliation, disgrace, and wounds.

’If that’s what you’ve given me, I will willingly embrace it.’

With that determination, her mind settled.

Ash approached right in front of Serenade. The once noisy party hall quieted for a moment.


Ash was the first to smile warmly.

Lifting his trembling lips, Serenade smiled back.

"...Your Highness Prince Ash."

At Serenade’s greeting, Ash chuckled.

"You can call me ’My Lord’ as usual."


Serenade glanced sideways at the princess sitting on the platform, watching them.

"The new princess you’ve promised to marry is here."


Instead of words, Ash slowly looked down at Serenade’s feet.

"You’ve had a tough time coming all the way here for me."

Observing Serenade’s worn and broken shoes, Ash suddenly,



He took off his shoes and casually threw them aside.

At this unexpected action, not only the people around but also Serenade’s eyes widened in surprise.

And then Ash carefully knelt on one knee in front of Serenade, lifted Serenade’s foot, and... removed Serenade’s shoe.

The murmuring around them grew louder. The princess on the platform also appeared shocked, covering her mouth.

Serenade’s feet within the shoes were caked with mud and blood.

"Um... Prince Ash...?"

Watching Ash, who had removed both of the broken shoes and tossed them aside, Serenade stammered in a bewildered tone.

"What are you doing right now...?"

"If it goes like this, stepping on your foot again won’t hurt, will it?"


Ash looked at the orchestra next to him and swung his arm widely.

Upon this gesture, the sharp-witted conductor immediately grabbed the baton and swung it.

As the prelude to a waltz filled the air, Ash gave a sly wink to Serenade.

"There’s only one thing a man and woman do at a party, right?"


"We’ve practiced together all this time. So we should put it to use on the main stage."

Ash grabbed Serenade’s hand and skillfully pulled her close.

Assuming a posture as if embracing each other in the waltz.

Ash displayed a playful smile.

A smile that reminded them of their very young days. Dazzling.

"Shall we dance, Cinderella?"

The music began.

And amidst the astonished gazes of everyone, the two began to dance barefoot.


30 minutes before Serenade’s arrival.

In the innermost room of the grand banquet hall.

At the guardians’ meeting urgently summoned by Ash.

"From now on, the Southern Front will refuse all support from the Imperial Family."

Ash said this outright to the Emperor and his two brothers.




Lark, Fernandez, and even the Emperor looked at the youngest one, who was spouting nonsense, with bewildered eyes.

"I proclaim it here and now."

Regardless of their reaction, Ash declared confidently.

"From this moment on, the monster front will follow a completely independent route, separate from the Empire."

--TL Notes--  

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