I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Zone. In other words, the depth of a dungeon indicates how challenging it is.

Dungeons of the same Zone and depth are roughly of the same difficulty level.

Put differently, advancing just one step deeper greatly increases the dungeon’s risk factor.


After breaking through all the dungeons on the shortest route from the 6th to the 7th Zone, 

I gazed anew at the 7th Zone spread out beyond the darkness.

The latter half of the dungeon, namely the 6th to 10th Zones, also known as the ‘Deep Dark Realm,’ is immensely larger and tougher than the previous Zones.

The 6th Zone was the weakest of them, so I managed to carve out a path, but rescuing operations in the 7th Zone tomorrow won’t be as easy as today.

’At least the good thing is that [Wolf’s Den] is nearby.’

The Wolf’s Den is at the beginning of the 7th Zone.

I should be able to quickly defeat it and get out swiftly. That’s if everything goes as planned.

“Alright, everyone worked hard today!”

Base camp.

It was time to end today’s free exploration and return.

“Let’s head back, clean up, and rest!”

I encouraged the party members, drained from clearing several dungeons today.

We’ll have to work hard again tomorrow, so they need to rest well tonight.

The tired party members, one by one, entered the teleport gate, stretching and yawning.

Lilly, who looked a bit sulky, and Godhand, who seemed particularly exhausted, disappeared into the gate. Once the other party members had all returned,


I turned to look at Verdandi, who had been seeing us off.

“Thanks for your continuous support all this time.”

Verdandi gave a gentle smile. Every time I saw her, her tear-like markings made it hard to tell whether she was smiling or crying.

“Don’t mention it. I’m doing this to save my comrades.”

Indeed. Right now, Verdandi was helping us merely to rescue her party.

But the fact remains that she actively assisted us in our dungeon explorations over the past few weeks.

I believe we’ve formed a fairly cooperative and good relationship.

“I know it’s not much of a repayment for all your help, but...”

I took out a dagger from my belongings and handed it to Verdandi.

“Take it.”

“Huh? What’s this…”

Upon seeing it, Verdandi’s eyes widened in surprise.

It’s a Blink Dagger, an SSR-grade weapon that I got from the last loot box.

After much contemplation, I decided to give it to Verdandi.

She’s the only dagger user among us, and if tomorrow’s battle gets intense, having this dagger as her secret weapon might be beneficial.

“It’s a Blink Dagger. You know how to use it, right?”

“Oh my, such a valuable item!”

Verdandi recognized what it was and seemed surprised, but she graciously accepted it with both hands.

“Thank you so much, Ash. I’ll use it well.”

“No big deal. It’s just a token of appreciation since you’ve been so helpful to us. Don’t feel obliged.”

I then took out a small pouch from my belongings and handed it over.

“Oh, and these are Sunflower Seeds. I managed to get some more.”

“Wow! I’m truly grateful!”

She seemed to appreciate the Sunflower Seeds more than the SSR-grade dagger.

Watching Verdandi happily pocket the seeds, I grew curious.

I had never seen her eat the sunflower seeds she so adored. Was she saving them for later, only to occasionally indulge?

Suddenly, an image flashed across my mind: Verdandi, sneakily hiding in a corner, nibbling on a sunflower seed one by one. I quickly shook my head, dismissing the thought. She’d eat them when she wanted to.

"See you tomorrow!"

As I waved and positioned myself in front of the teleportation gate, Verdandi unexpectedly stretched out her hand.


Did she want more? There were no more sunflower seeds left.

Seeing my confusion, Verdandi fidgeted awkwardly with her fingers. "You taught me when we first met, right? When humans greet each other, they... shake hands."


Suppressing a smile, I shook Verdandi’s hand and said, "Sure. Once again, looking forward to our continued friendship, Verdandi."

"Haha. Yes. Take care and see you tomorrow."

After an awkward wave, she hesitated before releasing my hand.

I gave a final nod before diving into the teleportation gate.




In Verdandi’s hands were two items she alternated gazing at: a top-tier Blink Dagger and a pouch filled with sunflower seeds.

’Ash is such a kind soul’, she thought.

He even promised to rescue her teammates who’d been captured by monsters. Though time was of the essence...

Verdandi wanted to believe in Ash.

He was one of the few benevolent humans she’d encountered in this endless, hellish dungeon. Holding tightly onto the dagger and pouch, Verdandi made up her mind.

’Let’s go.’

Gathering her belongings, Verdandi left the base camp.

She and her Holy Grail Seekers party had set up camp in a special area of the dungeon.

After a considerable trek through the dungeon’s shadows, she arrived at the chosen location.

Between zones 5 and 6 was a passage connecting the aqueducts. Broken pipes leaked water that seeped into the fractured stone walls.

In this rare passage where clear water flowed, unnamed grass and moss grew abundantly.

Being an elf born and nurtured by trees, Verdandi found this spot in the dungeon most comforting. It’s where her party had set up their residence.

Returning to an empty dwelling since her comrades had been abducted, Verdandi entered her makeshift shelter. After unpacking, she approached a small tilled plot beside the water stream.

Carefully, she began planting the sunflower seeds she’d received from Ash.


After emptying the contents of the pouch, she wiped the sweat from her forehead with her dirt-covered hand.

"Wasting your time, elf?"

With a playful, sinister chuckle, a chilling voice suddenly echoed.

"Planting flower seeds in a dungeon that never sees a glint of sunlight. Are you a fool?"


Startled, Verdandi swiftly drew her dagger and looked behind.

Swish, swish, swish.

How had this ominous presence remained hidden?

From the dark recesses of the passage, a figure exuding malevolent energy glided into view.

A woman whose revealing attire contrasted with her tattered monk robe was in sight. Her radiant, neon-pink hair, the horns protruding near her temples, and a devilish tail were unmistakable.

Clutching her dagger tighter, Verdandi uttered the being’s name with gritted teeth.


Nightmare Legion Commander, ranked 7th.

In a game of fate, the Succubus Queen, the femme fatale-

Salome, the legion commander of the Unholy Legion, slightly narrowed her eyes, a playful twinkle dancing within. Her red eyes gleamed with mischief. (TL Note: This is a problem. You see, the overall Legion is called ’악몽’, which means Nightmare. Meanwhile, Salome’s Legion is called ’몽마’, which could also mean Nightmare. The first one is Nightmare, as in, terrifying and the second one is Nightmare as in, terrible dreams. Creatures like the Succubi are also refered to as ’몽마’, which is usually translated as ’Mare’ by most translators. But, having two Nightmares would be confusing. So I will be changing it to Unholy Legion.)

"Hehe. I’m pleased to see you too, darling."

Verdandi looked at Salome with a mixture of surprise and suspicion.

“How did you get here...!? I’ve layered several perception-reducing spells here...!”

"A little persuasion on one of your comrades, and he spilled everything. Told me you’d be here."

At this, Verdandi’s eyes widened in shock.

“What did you do to my teammate, Night Hag!”

"‘For now’, he’s alive. Elf."

Covering her mouth with a hand, Salome giggled deviously.

"But, who knows? He might not last much longer. He’s been trapped in my ‘dream’ for quite a while now. Once I drain the last bit of his life force, he might wither away and die?"

Shortly after, Salome playfully swayed her pointer finger from side to side.

"Aww, I know what you’re thinking. You, along with your new friends, will come to rescue him, right?"


"You really think you can? Just imagine the despair your party felt when they were captured."

A mocking smile, like a crack on her porcelain-like, beautiful face, appeared on Salome.

"The vast gap in power."


"Even the famed Nameless tried to rescue the captured ones alone and had to repeatedly retreat. With your strength, rescuing your comrades is impossible."

The Plague Legion. The Unholy Legion. The Werewolf Legion.

The commanders of these three legions had formed an alliance, and Verdandi’s Holy Grail Seekers party, caught by them, was bound to face a crushing defeat.

Having felt the overwhelming strength of the enemies, Verdandi couldn’t easily refute Salome’s taunts.

The succubus proclaimed with a tone that seemed to relish the moment.

"After all, I’m no fool. If you try to overpower and take my guests, I’ll instantly destroy the dream. That will surely shatter the mind of the one dreaming."josei


"You know, right? I’m the only reason they’re still alive. Once my mercy ends, your comrades will either die or face something even more horrifying."

“What... do you want from me?”

Verdandi asked, her voice sounding as if she were about to vomit blood. Salome’s eyes widened in mock surprise.

"It’s simple. Those humans you’ve been hanging out with lately."

Salome stated her demand succinctly.

"Hand them over to me."

“Excuse me?”

"Oh, not all of them. Just that human commander named Ash."

A faint blush appeared on Salome’s cheeks as she thought of him.

"I’m... interested in him. He’s overthrown Orlop, Celendion, and now even Lunared. That man..."


"It’s definitely not a coincidence at this point. It’s fate. There’s something about that human man."

Moments later, Salome’s eyes sparkled as she pleaded, much like a child.

"So, can you arrange a one-on-one meeting between me and that Ash guy? Please? Can you?"

“...And what would you do when you meet? Seduce him?”

"Hehe! Obviously! Is there anything else a succubus should be doing?"

Salome’s initially innocent laughter morphed, casting an eerie shadow over her face.

"I’ll trap him deep in a dream, turning his mind to mush. Once I understand how he could’ve done all these things, I’ll kill him."


"Then the King will shower me with affection. ’Salome! You’ve eased my worries! As expected, you’re the prettiest and the smartest!’ Oh, how I long to hear his praise."

Verdandi, with clenched teeth, listened intently, her eyes trembling slightly.

“...And if I refuse your proposal?”


A cruel smile touched the corners of Salome’s mouth.

"Do you think you can refuse?"


"Will you abandon your precious comrades with whom you’ve been wading through this hell? I’ve watched you and your allies tirelessly explore for over a century. Do you think I don’t know of your loyalty to them?"

Indeed. To Verdandi, her comrades who had been with her in this hell for a century were more precious than anyone.



Verdandi tightly gripped the Blink Dagger in her hand. Her gaze also drifted to the sunflower seeds planted in the flower bed.

Ash’s kind face, who had promised to help without hesitation, flashed before her eyes.

Salome chuckled at Verdandi’s reaction.

"Do you perhaps have feelings for that human?"


"What a funny story, noble elf."

With each word, Salome bent one of her long fingers.

"You’re wandering here in search of a beacon to save your homeland. And why are you searching for that beacon? Isn’t it because your country is being pushed back in the war against humans?"


"Moreover, hasn’t your nation already been destroyed by humans, and your race barely survives as their slaves? And even in such a situation, you want to side with humans? Ha, you truly are a fool."

With trembling hands, Verdandi clenched her teeth and spat out.

"That’s why... we’re searching for the Holy Grail, aren’t we?"


“If we find the Holy Grail, we can revive the World Tree, activate ancient magic, and resurrect our kingdom...!”

Salome covered her mouth and chuckled.

"In the process, won’t you inevitably become enemies with humans?"


"In any case, humans are your enemies. And they are also my enemies."

Salome drew a slender knife and gently ran it across her long neck.

"I’m offering to kill your enemies on your behalf. Shouldn’t you be more than grateful?"


After a long silence, Verdandi asked with difficulty.

“...If I hand over Ash.”


“That means you’ll safely return my comrades?”

"Of course. Naturally."

Salome assured.

"The only way to save your comrades, your kin, is this."


"The enemy of an enemy is a friend, right? In the face of our common foe, humans, we are allies, elf."

Slowly extending her hand forward, Salome offered Verdandi a handshake.

Verdandi stared blankly at the beautiful hand of the Unholy Legion Commander.

She recalled the handshake she had shared with the human commander who was helping her just a short while ago.

"How about it?"

With a beautiful and fatally alluring smile,

Salome whispered,

"Will you form an alliance with me?"

--TL Notes--  

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