I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 274

Chapter 274

The next day.

My party and I entered the 7th zone of the dungeon.

The 7th zone could be described as the commercial district within the inner fortress of Lake Kingdom.

500 years ago, before the fall of Lake Kingdom, people living in the inner fortress shopped, ate, and drank here.

"Every time we explore this dungeon, I can’t help but think..."

This time, I left Lilly in the city and brought Junior along. Considering the risks and Junior being a powerful awakened character, I thought she was necessary.

Junior stretched her neck, taking in the sights of the 7th zone.

"It almost looks like a lovely city, if it weren’t shrouded in darkness and overrun by monsters."

True to her words, the dungeon bore the semblance of a bustling and sophisticated city.

Ever since entering the inner fortress, it felt even more so. The perfectly planned and constructed city streets were breathtakingly beautiful, looking as if they were straight out of a painting. If only it weren’t cloaked in darkness and swarming with monsters.

"If it weren’t for those two, this place would have a lot of research potential," Junior murmured, looking slightly disappointed.

"It’s a shame."

"If there were no darkness or monsters, would it even be a dungeon?"

It would’ve just been a historical site. There would’ve been no need to bring weapons.

The world would have been at peace. Crossroad wouldn’t have been the frontline against monsters.

"...I wish to see it someday. Lake Kingdom without darkness and monsters."

Junior traced her fingers over the meticulous stone walls of the dark city, murmuring softly.


I had thought the same.

Could Crossroad ever be just a peaceful town where people farmed and traded, without the need for wartime weapons?

Lost in such musings, we soon arrived at our destination.

7th zone, the Wolf’s Den.

The building was strikingly large, making it easy to locate. I looked up at the massive dungeon in front of me.

The Wolf’s Den consisted of three floors above ground and three below. It’s a huge bar. The upper three floors exuded a luxurious ambiance, while the lower three were decked out with all sorts of seedy amenities.

From a place where mysterious water pipes were smoked, to a spot for enjoying the dance of performers, and various other shady entertainments of the magical kingdom from 500 years ago awaited customers.

The Wolf’s Den symbolized the darker side of Lake Kingdom. It was a decadent and hedonistic entertainment establishment. Quite a sleazy joint.

Even without entering, lurid advertisements and posters promoting these offerings were plastered all over the building’s exterior.

Junior teased me as I eyed the posters with a look of distaste, "I bet His Highness, the crown prince, has frequented places like this to the point of exhaustion, no?"


I was momentarily taken aback. Hey, isn’t that a biased assumption about the crown prince?

’There’s no way to reveal here that, back on Earth, I, not even frequenting college bars, let alone clubs, was an ultra-straight-laced guy.’

I had been such a model student who maintained a self-imposed curfew... the epitome of a geek...!

But what could I do? The reputation that this bastard Ash built up preceded me.

Though inwardly choking back tears of frustration, I casually brushed my hair back and smirked arrogantly on the outside.

"Haha. These old-timey taverns are just child’s play compared to the pleasure districts of the Imperial Capital."

"Woooo! Truly the most mischievous of the Empire!"

"The Night Prince who once ruled the nights of the Imperial Capital...!"

"Decadent Prince! Pleasure Prince! Such a bad guy! That’s why I’m so drawn to him!"

Kuilan and the Penal Squad guys cheered and raised(?) me up.

I bit my lip, trembling with anger.

Damn you, Ash! Because of your past antics, my pure and pitiable soul is being misunderstood!

To ease the tension, we prepared to enter the dungeon while chatting about such silly things.


Everyone looked a bit tense but okay, only Verdandi at the far back seemed gloomy.

I approached her and asked, "Verdandi, are you okay?"

"... Ah, yes, Lord Ash."

Verdandi tried to give a smile, her tear marks more evident.

"It’s fine. Don’t worry."

"Everyone will be safe. We’ll make sure of it."


"Let’s go and rescue them quickly!"

The massive tavern doors swung open. My party and I rushed into the dungeon.


[Zone 7: Wolf’s Den]

- Clear Progress: Normal Rooms 0/12, Boss Rooms 0/2

- Treasure Chests Acquired: 0/5

The dungeon, fitting the large building, was vast.

We first cleared out the 1st-floor hall.

The hall, as grand and ornate as a palace, had the Penal Squad leading the charge, the Shadow Squad pouring in firepower, and Junior and Verdandi wrapping things up.

The monsters consisted of this season’s skeletons. And then.




While most think of succubi and incubi when hearing "Unholy", those creatures are of a higher rank. (TL Note: Reminder, the name of the Legion is actually "Nightmare", but as in Bad Dreams)

The majority of the Unholy Legion are these... pallid ghost-type monsters flying in front of us now. Simply put, they’re ghosts.

"Ah! Ghosts!"josei

As expected, Kuilan, who’s weak to such things, screamed and cowered.

Being a close-combat physical dealer, the match-up is unfavorable for him... but please, do act your size.

The Penal Squad, which had been holding out well, was thrown into disarray at the sight of the ghosts. The ghosts, emitting eerie laughter, flew about amidst our party.

Watching this, I said to Junior, "Junior. Clean them up."


Junior lightly swung the staff she held, [Lord of Crimson].

Using up the stored stacks, blood magic poured out, and she added her own lightning magic.

Boom! Zap!


In an instant, the ghosts hit by the magic exploded.

The 1st-floor hall was cleared quickly, and the Penal Squad members, who’d been trembling at the ghosts’ appearance, embarrassedly got back on their feet. I clicked my tongue.

"Isn’t it time you got used to these kinds of monsters?"

"Well, I mean... just by looking at them, I instinctively get scared..."

Kuilan, scratching the back of his head (or mane?), led the Penal Squad members to clear out the remaining skeletons.

The Shadow Squad began examining the stairs connecting the ground and basement.

I surveyed the neatly cleaned hall, lost in thought.

‘I heard that the Plague Legion, Unholy Legion, and Werewolf Legion had formed an alliance.’

The Werewolf Legion had been defeated by us.

Yet the Plague Legion and the Unholy Legion should have been here together.

‘I can’t see the Plague Legion... Are they lurking deeper?’

It felt odd.

Given the nature of the Plague Legion, they tend to spread their traces across a vast area. Those bastards are utterly filthy.

Had they been in this building, traces of them, along with a nauseating stench, would have been evident from the first-floor hall.

Yet, there was no sign of them.

‘No Plague Legion? So, only skeletons and ghosts in this dungeon?’

A smirk unknowingly brushed past my lips.

This might be easier than expected.


It was then.

Approaching me discreetly, Verdandi whispered into my ear.

"When I snuck in here before to rescue my comrades, I discovered a secret passage in the hall."


"It seems to lead somewhere... The passage is narrow, and if more than two people enter, the door closes automatically."

Verdandi, hesitating for a moment, asked me,

"I think something crucial might be hidden there, but it could be dangerous. What should we do?"


I glanced back at Verdandi. She looked up at me with an anxious expression. Silently observing the clear eyes of this elf and the tear marks below, I broke into a slight smile.

"Alright, let’s sneak in and see for ourselves."

Whether it was relief or regret, Verdandi exhaled softly. Leaving her behind, I instructed the party members.

"Continue cleaning up the remaining rooms on the first floor! Verdandi and I will briefly explore that passage."


Perhaps because this was a tavern of ill repute in more ways than one, the Wolf’s Den had several secret passages.

The one Verdandi led me to was a narrow secret passage on the first floor, ascending upward.

This passage, adjacent to the vast chimney of the first-floor hall, had a magic-operated elevator inside.

In no time, the elevator transported us to the third floor.

Upon exiting, a narrow passage led forward, and a grand stone door, securely closed, came into view.


As I approached, the stone doors slowly opened.

A room, slightly different in ambiance from the rest of this dungeon, revealed itself — an elegant space reminiscent of a luxury hotel suite.

On the room’s red carpet stood,

"I’ve been waiting for you, Ash."

A beautiful woman.

Within her ragged monk’s robe, a voluptuous figure was clearly visible.

Lustrous pink hair cascaded down, complementing her fair skin. Her captivating smile.

And amidst her hair, two horns protruded, with a demon’s tail swaying around her hips.

She was the very image of a succubus that one might imagine.

Entering the room and recognizing her, I murmured,


"Oh? You know my name? How delightful!"

Succubus Queen Salome giggled, covering her mouth. I chuckled bitterly to myself.

Of course, I know.

Out of my 742 game runs, you ruined 200 of them. Damn leader of the Unholy Legion.

"Shall we have our heartfelt conversation in our dreams? Come on!"

Salome extended her index finger toward me and shouted.

"I’ll give you a sweet dream... ’Sleep’!"

A vivid pink aura swirled around, sweeping over my body.


Instantly, my limbs went limp, my eyes clouded, and I froze in place.

"Perfect! Everything is going according to plan! Yeehaw~ Salome is a happy succubus!"

She swayed from side to side, placing her hands on her hips, and began humming a tune.

"Good job, elf! I didn’t expect you to bring him to me so easily."

“...Keep your promise, Salome.”

Verdandi, who had been standing at the entrance of the room, said in a low voice.

“Where are my comrades?”

"All the prisoners are gathered on the basement 1st floor. I’ll order my subordinates to release them now. Make sure you take them out safely."

Verdandi quickly turned and left the room. Salome giggled and waved.

"Let’s make another good deal next time, friend~!"

The door closed with a thud.

"Aha, it’s just the two of us now~?"

Salome sneaked over to my side.

Her pale, slender fingers touched my cheek. With her pink nails, she playfully poked my face, admiring me.

"Face is decent enough... and the body, well, it passes."


"Most of all, the power that brought down three Nightmare Legion commanders... Hmm."

Salome rested her hand on her chin and groaned, then her eyes widened with excitement.

"You know, you might just be my type?!"


"But falling for such a cheap trick? Disqualified, disqualified!"

She danced around me, bouncing and laughing like a child.

"Fool! Loser! Weakling!"


"Or perhaps, it’s just my irresistible charm that mere mortals can’t resist~?"

After a bit more teasing, she finally stopped in front of me.

Salome spread her arms wide.

"Well then, bon appétit~!"

She tried to embrace me.

It was the basic predatory pose of the succubi, to physically bond with their victim and trap them in a dream, draining their life force.

She hummed with anticipation, eyes closed, lips puckered, clearly ready to feast.

A succubus’s kiss is a potent life-draining skill.


I reached out with my left hand and stopped her lips.



With her face obscured by my hand, Salome blinked in confusion. I spoke coldly.

“Show’s over, isn’t it?”


Her red eyes widened in shock.

"W-What? How did you... How did you break free from my mind control?"

“Well, about that.”

I slowly opened my right hand, then clenched it into a fist, giving her a sly smile.

“Why don’t you figure it out after you take this?”


The very next moment, my right straight punch landed cleanly on the chin of the succubus queen.

--TL Notes--  

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