I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 316

Chapter 316

Chapter 316

Chapter 316 Came Prepared

Zayla was terrified. She quickly opened the door and wanted to rush out.

“Stop her!” Palmer’s voice sounded again.

Several bodyguards rushed forward, grabbed Zayla’s arm, and pressed her against the closed door.

Palmer stepped forward quickly and took out her phone from her coat pocket.

“I almost underestimated you again!”

“How dare you record? You came here prepared!”

Palmer snorted angrily. He held Zayla’s phone and smiled more triumphantly.

“But it’s hard to beat that old lion.

Don’t play those tricks in front of me!

It’s a blatant act of disrespect.”

Then Palmer threw the phone into the fish tank in front of Zayla.

Water splashed, and the phone sank to the bottom!

“Zayla, you had your chance, but you didn’t know how to cherish it. Since I have the 15% shares, there is no need to keep you.”


Palmer spread his hands, showing an innocent expression.

“You will fall from the building, which will be an accident.”

He immediately said, “Take her upstairs!”

The bodyguards nodded quickly and escorted Zayla upstairs.

At this moment, there was a burst of shouting.

you, Zayla?”

replied immediately.

Then she heard Ophelia talking with the two bodyguards at the door.


heard Zayla’s voice.

mourning hall!

Open the door! Otherwise, I will call my brother!”

Lucy’s sudden death was a big blow for Ophelia.

She fainted in sorrow several times but tried very hard to cheer up.

She knew Lucy must be worried about her, so she wanted to send Lucy away with a smile and didn’t allow any problems at the funeral!

Outside the door, Ophelia was making a fuss!

Seeing this, Palmer had no choice but to ask the bodyguards to release Zayla.

Palmer looked at her and asked, “What are you doing? Your mother just passed away. Can you be quiet? You are no longer a child. Be sensible.”

“Look at Norah. She won first place in the contest show, while you’re at the bottom of your class. Do you feel ashamed?”

Palmer looked at Ophelia with impatience.

to his harsh words.

“Why are they guarding the door? Did they do something to Zayla?”

“Dad, today is mum’s funeral. I don’t want anything to happen. You said I am not a child anymore, so I am doing what an adult should do.”

It was the first time that Ophelia talked to Palmer like this, which shocked him.

Palmer cleared his throat and looked serious, pretending to be upright again.

“Nothing happens. I just want to talk to Zayla for a few words. You know her background. I don’t want her to act like a clown at your mother’s funeral.”

Ophelia muttered, “Zayla won’t. It has always been Norah.”

When Palmer was about to scold Ophelia, Zayla walked out.

She held Ophelia’s arm and said, “Ophelia, I’m fine. Let’s go.”

Ophelia nodded and followed Zayla to leave.

Palmer hurriedly turned his head to look at the goldfish tank, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the phone at the bottom of the tank.

Fortunately, the phone was still there.

“She has no recording and no evidence right now. She can’t do anything to me.” Palmer stood in the living room.

Looking at the portrait of Lucy not far away, he smiled complacently.

He said, “Crush the phone.”

“Yes.” The bodyguard replied immediately.

After walking out of the hall, Ophelia asked, “Zayla, why did you ask me to wait half an hour before looking for you? Do you know my father will make things difficult for you?”

Zayla didn’t say much and just nodded.

“If mum were here, she would help you.” Ophelia was dispirited. She lowered her head and wiped her tears.

When Zayla saw Ophelia, she also felt uncomfortable.

She hugged Ophelia, patted her on the back lightly, and comforted her.

Zayla frowned tightly as if she was lost in thought…

She didn’t know how Ophelia would react if Ophelia knew it was her father who killed her mother.

Zayla felt sorry for Ophelia, but Palmer never cared about Ophelia. She was afraid Palmer would also kill Ophelia one day…

Those heartless bad people must be brought to justice!

Zayla found an excuse and went to the bathroom.

After confirming that she was the only one in the bathroom, she closed the door and lifted her long dress!


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