I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 317

Chapter 317

Chapter 317

Chapter 317 The Real Murderer

A black recording pen was tightly tied to her thigh, which was conspicuous on her fair skin.

The recording phone was just a feint.

Zayla raised the corners of her lips coldly and grabbed the recording pen tightly in her hand.

There was still about half an hour before the memorial service at nine o’clock. People from the upper class who came to express their condolences had already entered the venue one after another.

The hall was playing melodious and soothing music…

Zayla and Ophelia were in charge of arranging seats for the guests.

The most powerful families in Houston were the Russo family and the Vargas family. Their power was on par, and they had always competed with each other.

But when Lucy died, the Vargas family still came to mourn as they wanted to maintain the superficial peace.

As the person in charge of the Vargas Group, Stephen was present.

Leroy followed behind him.

When Stephen looked at Zayla, there was an unconcealable tenderness in his eyes.

Zayla pursed her lower lip and evaded his gaze. When she turned to get the tea, the cuffs of her coat drooped, and the recording pen fell into the white bag.

to Leroy.

Stephen wanted to reach for it, but Zayla dodged.

Seeing this, Leroy quickly took the bag.

“Sorry for your loss.” His sad voice sounded.

Stephen looked at Zayla as if he had noticed something.

too sad.”

Zayla was stunned for a while.

the mourners arrived.

Ezra and Norah’s mother started acting. Their eyes turned red, and they wiped away their tears…

Soon, the gates were closed, and the memorial service began.

While wiping his tears, Palmer stumbled to the platform covered with yellow and white petals with the support of the bodyguard.

His voice sounded in the mourning hall. He read the eulogy in a sobbing tone and almost collapsed to the ground several times.

He shouted in a hoarse voice, “Lucy, the love of my life.”

Suddenly, all the lights in the hall were. dimmed.

Immediately, a recording of a conversation was played in the hall.


“She suffered multiple organ failure and died suddenly. You put chronic poison in her diet! Am I right? Palmer, you are so cruel!”

“So what? Lucy brought it all on herself. She loved the wrong person.

let her be Mrs. Russo for many years and gave her a son and a daughter. She should give way to Ezra. She Should be content!”

“You just want her to make her way to Ezra? I think it’s because Lucy holds the Russo Group’s shares in her hands, and she has 16 million dollars under her name!”

“When Lucy dies, the biggest beneficiary is you!”

The recording was edited, and Zayla’s voice was simply processed. The conversation between the two was concise and made people know that Palmer was the murderer.

The clear recording echoed in this hall over and over again for fear that people might not hear it clearly.

Everyone present knew Palmer.

How could they not recognize his voice?

It wouldn’t be fake since Palmer said it himself.

Everyone was shocked.

They didn’t expect Palmer, who was still mourning his dead wife and trying to create a good image, would kill his wife.

Simon glanced at the guests and knew the Russo Group was in turmoil at this time!

The news that Palmer said he was the murderer who killed his wife would be a fatal blow for the Russo Group and the Russo family.

Palmer, standing on the stage, was completely panicked.

His face was as pale as a sheet, and he looked shocked.

He was confused about where this recording came from as Zayla’s phone had been destroyed.

The recording was still playing.

He was furious and pushed the bodyguard away. “Turn off the audio.

At the same time, the door of the memorial hall was open!


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