I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 445

Chapter 445

Chapter 445

Chapter 445 Be Bewitched by His Face

Bonnie was scared. She wanted to explain, but her brain went blank. She was a little girl, inexperienced and well-protected. She didn’t know how to hide her emotions and uneasiness.

“Since you regard me as your friend, tell me who the man is.” Zayla said in a gentle tone. She didn’t mean to blame Bonnie. She was just trying to figure out the truth and find a way to help Bonnie solve the

problem properly. “Rose…” Bonnie bit her lips and then said. “I’m not in love.” “I believe you.” Zayla nodded affirmatively. “You believe me?”

“Well, hiding a man is different from being in love.” Bonnie was stunned for a second and muttered, “Then it seems that hiding a little man is more serious.” Zayla patted her forehead and said, “So

you know that too?” Bonnie pouted, looking pitiful and aggrieved. “Rose, how do you know that I’m hiding a little man in the villa?” Zayla explained, “The servant you hired

went to the shops to buy clothes and underwear. All of them are men’s.” “I just need to go to those shops, buy something, and talk to the people there by the way. Then I will know everything.”

Bonnie got the answer. She then asked with a smile, “The plaid pants are not bad, right? Ha-ha, I chose it for him.” Zayla was speechless. “It’s cool.”

Bonnie shrugged and said, “I have no choice. I brought the little man back from

the forest, so I have to give him food and clothes.” Upon hearing this, Zayla turned to look at Bonnie in shock. What did you say? From the forest?”

Zayla didn’t expect that! She had thought that the man was a schoolboy or a gigolo from a nightclub. But in fact, Bonnie found the man in the forest.

Bonnie knew that she couldn’t hide it from Zayla anymore, so she explained in detail, “I went to the mountain for sketching that day and found him in the bushes. He was in a coma, and his abdomen was covered with blood.” “So you brought an unknown man home and hid him?” Bonnie nodded. “He’s dumb and can’t

speak. He wrote on the paper and told me that he was chased by his enemy. He’s not a bad guy and won’t hurt me.”

Zayla knew that Bonnie was innocent, so it made sense for Bonnie to believe the man’s words. But Zayla had to be more careful.

“There are too many tragedies about the farmer and the snake. You saved him, which means you are kind but can’t prove he’s good.”

“He is a man, not a cat or dog. What should you do if he hurts you?” Zayla’s words made sense. Bonnie also realized her mistake. “I didn’t think too much at that time…

And he has never hurt me.” Bonnie lowered her head and lowered her voice. She grabbed the hem of her clothes tightly, like a child who had made a mistake.

“You can save him, but you should call the police or tell your brother as soon as possible instead of hiding it till now.” “He didn’t hurt you because you are lucky, but you won’t be lucky every time.”

Bonnie lowered her head without saying anything. She was scolded by Zayla, and she thought Zayla was right. She was indeed too impulsive. Zayla, I know I was wrong. It won’t happen again. I promise!”

While speaking, Bonnie quickly raised her fingers to swear. Zayla looked at Bonnie with doubt. Bonnie immediately held Zayla’s arm and shook it.

“Zayla, I’m just bewitched by the little man. He’s so handsome!” “Such a handsome man fell in the bushes and was seriously injured. How could I ignore him?”

Zayla finally realized that Bonnie did all this just because of the man’s handsome face! So, you were just bewitched by his handsome face!”

Bonnie nodded in a hurry and gave Zayla a thumbs up. “You know me so well. It’s just as Lincoln is bewitched by your beauty.” Zayla looked at Bonnie and shook her head. “No, it’s different.”


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