I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 446

Chapter 446

Chapter 446

Chapter 446 Is It Her Brother?

“What?” “Both Lincoln and I are bewitched by each other.” It was a big blow to Bonnie. As a single girl, she was jealous of the love of Lincoln and Zayla. Then, Bonnie swore to Zayla again and

again that she wouldn’t do it again. Zayla wanted to meet the little man who bewitched Bonnie. At least before Iowa came back, Zayla had to persuade the man to leave Black Ridge Town.

Although Bonnie didn’t want the man to leave, she clearly knew… what would happen if her brother knew about this.

Bonnie might be scolded or punished at most, but the little man would definitely suffer. Bonnie was sure her brother would beat the little man up.

Since Zayla helped Bonnie get her mother’s belongings back, Zayla gained Bonnie’s trust. In addition, Bonnie was also bewitched by Zayla’s beautiful face and personal charm. Bonnie had already regarded Zayla as her best friend. Bonnie absolutely believed Zayla could

solve this problem properly. Finally, Bonnie took Zayla to the villa. The breakfast was ready, and the servant had left, but the little man was not at the table. “Hey, he must be hiding again.” novelbin


Bonnie nodded and said, “Last time when you came here, I asked him to hide. He is not only handsome but also listens to my every word. I love it.”

Then Bonnie walked toward the bedroom. She opened the door and said to the man. “Steven, come out quickly. We can’t hide it anymore. Rose has found it!”

“But you don’t have to be afraid. Rose is a good person and can be trusted.” Stephen? Zayla’s heart skipped a beat when she

heard the name Then, it began to beat violently. Was Stephen the person she was thinking of? Was it her… brother? A man in a light blue sweater came out.

The moment Zayla saw the man, tears filled her eyes in an instant. “Brother…” She couldn’t believe what she had seen and burst into tears uncontrollably.

Then she almost ran into Stephen’s arms. “Zayla?” Stephen asked in disbelief. The girl he had been missing day and night was now in front of him. All of this was like a dream.

Bonnie, who was standing aside, was stunned. Wasn’t the little man dumb? What was going on? Why did the two of them hug each other? Brother? Zayla called him brother just now. What happened?

“Hey, you…” Bonnie pointed at Zayla and then at Stephen. “Are you brother and sister?” Zayla and Stephen came to their senses one after another, but Stephen didn’t answer. Zayla looked at Bonnie and nodded without hesitation. “He is my brother.”

Bonnie covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. “So… you mean I saved a strange man, and the man happens to be your brother.” Zayla thought for a while and said, “Well, that’s true.”

Zayla didn’t expect that the man Bonnie brought back from the mountain was her brother. Then, Zayla held Stephen’s arm tightly and looked him up and down. “How is your wound?” “It’s okay. Everything is fine.”

Stephen looked at Zayla and asked, “What about you? Why are you still wearing special makeup?” “It can help me avoid some trouble. I think it’s good.” “It’s good. After all, my sister is so beautiful, like a fairy.”

“Hey, you seem to have come talkative. Is it because you are wearing a light blue sweater?” Then Zayla turned to look at Bonnie. Bonnie blushed.

“I just casually bought the light blue sweater, oh, and the dark gray coat and plaid underwear. I just casually picked them!” Then she regretted blurting it out, but it was too late.


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