I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 450

Chapter 450

Chapter 450

Chapter 450 Zayla Was in a Coma

Zayla pulled the trigger subconsciously. Bang! There was a gunshot. The bullet grazed Simon’s arm. At the same time, it hit a viper not far away. The viper’s body was stiff, and it moved

very slowly. The sudden drop in the temperature in Black Ridge Town and the sudden snow made the snake unable to find a place to sleep yet.

But even so, the viper was still dangerous. Once someone was bitten by it, she or he would have no choice but to wait for death in the mountain.

When Zayla saw the viper, she realized that Simon didn’t turn around to attack her. Simon’s blood flowed down and fell on the white snow.

Simon covered his arm with one hand and cleaned the ground with clean snow with the other in case Brendis’ people would see the blood.

Zayla bit her lips, tore off a piece of her clothes, and gave Simon a simple dressing. Simon looked at her and smiled. “I know you just wanted to defend yourself.”

“But it’s true that you saved me.” So, can I get a little bit of your trust?” Zayla didn’t look at Simon. She just tied the knot quickly. “We don’t need to trust each other anymore.”

After saying that, she turned around and left. Simon frowned, but his heart ached at the same time. He was so depressed. He followed Zayla quickly. “It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe me, but don’t reject me to follow you.”

“I will leave when you arrive at the place you want to go.” Hearing Simon’s words, Zayla stopped again. “Do you know where I am going?” “Southbard.” Zayla was stunned.

How did Simon know that she was going to the Southbard? “How did I know? It doesn’t matter.’ “The most important thing is that I must send you to Southbard safely.”

Zayla looked at Simon and said nothing. Then she turned around and left. She didn’t drive Simon away. It was Simon’s business that he wanted to follow her

Simon was now unarmed, and there was a wound on his arm. He was no longer a threat to Zayla. There was nothing to worry about Besides, Zayla was familiar with the mountain roads, too. Her phone was lost in the chaos. The top priority right now was to get out of Black

Ridge Mountain as soon as possible. Only in this way could she get in touch with her brother and Bonnie as soon as possible. Zayla didn’t know if the two of them were still fine and if they had escaped safely.

After all, Stephen used to be Brendis counsellor. How could Brendis tolerate the betrayal of his counsellor? Zayla was anxious. Suddenly, she felt a little dizzy, and her feet became weaker and weaker.

After walking for about ten minutes, she really couldn’t hold on any longer. She reached out to hold the trunk beside her. Seeing this, Simon quickly stepped forward and tried to help her.

“Don’t touch me!” Zayla refused his touch. Simon was speechless for a while, with a sharp pain in his heart. He withdrew his hands, but his heart could not be relieved.

He had been standing beside Zayla and fully vigilant. At last, Zayla couldn’t hold on any longer. She blacked out completely. Simon held her immediately.

“Zayla!” It was late at night. After Bonnie showed Stephen the way, they successfully left the village and entered Black Ridge

Town. After all, Black Ridge Town was Iowa’s territory. Although he wasn’t in the town, Brendis didn’t dare to break into it. They went to the Meeks family for a rest.

The servant had prepared a lot of dishes, but the two of them had no appetite at all. Bonnie curled up on the sofa, still suffering from the shock.

Stephen leaned against the door, waiting for the news. Stephen was anxious. Brendis also made a portrait of Stephen’s face. If Stephen went out at this time, he would be easily recognized.

The best way was to wait for the news here. But waiting was the most torturing One hour, two hours… It was completely dark when he finally saw someone.


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