I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

Chapter 451 The Latest News

“Good news! Good news! The village is safe now!”

“After several rounds of negotiation, Brendis sent someone to search the village carefully but did not find the person he was looking for, so he sent them away.” Hearing what Alex said, Stephen breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that his sister had already gotten into the mountain and escaped from Brendis’ people. Good. At least she was safe. The butler looked at the living room in the distance and said with a worried face, Mr. Vargas, Miss Meeks…”

Stephen looked at the living room and saw Bonnie still curled up on the couch silently. He walked towards the living room and sat beside Bonnie. He didn’t say anything, just picked up a box of tissues and stuffed it into her

arms. Bonnie was already sad, and when she saw his behavior, she pulled out several tissues and cried even more fiercely.

“Things have already happened, and crying won’t solve the problem.” These familiar words sounded again. Last time, she lost her mother’s relics, and he said the same thing. It was not a comforting consolation, but it was an indisputable fact.

Bonnie raised her tear-filled eyes and barely saw Stephen through the haze. “I know, but I feel very sad. It’s all my fault. If it weren’t for me being a burden, Zayla wouldn’t be missing…” “It’s useless to be sad. It’s not helping.

Why don’t you ask for the latest news?” “What news?” “Brendis didn’t find Zayla, so she is safe for now,” Stephen told Bonnie what he had just heard.

Really? Brendis didn’t find Zayla?” Bonnie was pleasantly surprised. This was the best out of the worst! “The news was brought back by your butler, Alex Meeks.” Bonnie hurriedly looked at the butler, “Is this true, Alex?”

“Miss Meeks, this is definitely true. In order to ensure the authenticity of the news, I specially contacted the village in the name of your brother, Mr. Meeks. This is what the village head told me personally.” Hearing this, Bonnie felt slightly relieved. “What about the villagers?” Bonnie asked, “How are they doing?”

Alex said truthfully, “A few were injured, but they were all fine. It’s just that several houses were burned down, and the damage in the village was a bit serious.”

“The follow-up construction, as well as a series of appeasement payments, should all be from the Meeks family’s private account in the name of donation.” “Miss Meeks, don’t worry. Although Mr. Meeks is not in town, I will take care of it.”

Since the great great great grandfather of Alex had been the butler of the Meeks family, he had lived in this environment since he was a child, and he had already engraved all the things the butler had to do in his mind. This lifestyle had become a habit. Bonnie nodded immediately, “If you don’t have enough money, use my bonus.”

“Miss Meeks, you can rest assured. Mr.Meeks has been with Mr. Nash for so many years, and he is so poor that he only has money left.” Alex jokingly said. Bonnie finally smiled and wiped away the tears on her cheeks indiscriminately.

Alex looked at Bonnie, thinking Miss Meeks was so pure and kind, so she must have been terrified when she encountered such a terrible thing.

But fortunately, she was naturally optimistic. According to her look now, she should be fine. Since it was not peaceful outside, and Mr. Meeks was not here, he had to remind her about the situation.

Alex said earnestly, “Miss Meeks, please listen to me during this time. You should stay at home and don’t go out.” Bonnie was about to ask why, but the huge LCD TV beside her was broadcasting the latest emergency news about Brevan!


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