I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 468

Chapter 468

Chapter 468

Chapter 468 Engagement

When Zayla heard the news, the spoon she held fell instantly and hit the table, making a clanging sound. The nurse was about to leave. When she heard this sound, she hurriedly looked back.

“What happened? Didn’t you get burned?” The nurse quickly stepped forward and asked. Zayla came back to her senses and shook her head lightly. “Sorry, I didn’t hold it firmly.”

“It’s okay since you don’t scald yourself. It’s normal that some patients often go limp. Would you like me to feed you?” No, I can do it. Thank you,” Zayla said with a smile. Then she pointed to the TV and asked, “Is that… true?”

The nurse túrned her head to look and said firmly, “Of course, it’s true! It has been officially announced! But it’s not surprising. They have been engaged since childhood.” “They have been engaged since childhood?” Zayla’s voice was trembling. Zayla looked at her phone on the side. It seemed unnecessary to call Lincoln.

“Right. Everyone knows that. Miss Powell is gorgeous! I met her on the day the hospital opened! She is well-educated and graceful. No wonder she is from a noble family!” The nurse praised Jasmine generously. Zayla was silent again and nodded mechanically.

“Don’t you know that?” The nurse asked curiously, “Are you a foreigner?” “Yes.” Zayla came back to her senses and nodded. The nurse said, “I see! The hospital you stay now is a private hospital given to Miss Powell by the Powell family!”

“You are so lucky! To celebrate their engagement, Miss Powell said all the treatment of every patient in the hospital would be free! You don’t have to pay a penny!”

Zayla smiled weakly. “I’m really a lucky dog… When she said this, she wanted to cry, but she tried her best to laugh. The nurse didn’t notice anything. As Zayla could eat with the spoon by herself, the nurse told her to ring the bell if she needed help and then left the ward. But the moment the ward door closed…

Zayla burst into tears in an instant… It took less than a week from the time the village was besieged until the turmoil subsided today, but it was as long as a century for Zayla. She knew what helped her survive until now. But now, she had nothing left. Zayla closed her eyes, letting the tears fall.

She quickly wiped it away with the back of her hand. She comforted herself in her mind, Not a big deal. I can pretend I’ve never met him before, and I’ve never been with him…> Zayla kept comforting herself. At this moment, her phone rang. She picked up her phone and found it was a text message.

[Zayla, if you can receive his text message, call me back. Stephen] It was her brother! Zayla called Stephen immediately, Stephen answered the phone quickly and said anxiously, “Zayla?”“Stephen… I want to go home…”

Stephen could hear her sobbing voice and knew what had happened. “Okay. Let’s go home. I will take you home.” Zayla immediately sent her location to Stephen.

Stephen had already arrived in Kovis. Upon receiving Zayla’s location, he rushed to the hospital instantly. When he saw Zayla had lost a lot of weight, he felt heartache! “Let’s go back to Harper! Our family has everything. We will make you recover and get fat again.” “Stephen… I’m your sister, not a pig. Zayla forced a smile as she didn’t want her brother to worry about her. Stephen rubbed her head and said, “Right. My sister is a beautiful princess.”

Zayla repeated in her mind, “Princess…” She lowered her head and blinked, trying to hold back her tears. Those fairy tales didn’t lie. Only princesses married princes. But she was not a princess.

Stephen realized he had said something wrong. He quickly said, “I’ll buy the nearest flight. Let’s leave this place that doesn’t belong to us.” Zayla nodded, After deliberation, she decided to call Robert before leaving.


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