I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 469

Chapter 469

Chapter 469

Chapter 469 Lincoln Found Zayla’s Whereabouts

Robert received a call and learned Zayla was going to be discharged from the hospital and leave Kovis. Robert tried to persuade her to stay. He hoped Zayla could stay in Brevan and return to Southbard with him to fulfill her potential.

Robert didn’t think women were weaker than men and hated sexual discrimination. But when Zayla said that she was going back to her family, Robert didn’t speak anymore. No one could deny that home was the warmest place in this world. Robert immediately sent someone to complete the discharge procedures for Zayla and bought a first-class ticket for her. Zayla wanted to refuse, but Robert insisted.

“You’re my guest. This is what I should do.” Since Robert said so, Zayla didn’t refuse anymore. Then Robert told her to have to good rest and eat more local dishes after returning home.

Robert guessed Zayla was thin because she was not used to foreign dishes. The dishes in her hometown might help her gain some weight.

Sir, I want to ask you a favor.” Zayła knew Robert had a high status, and only he could do this favor. “Sure. I will help if there is anything I can do.” “I was able to arrive in Southbard and find you because a friend of mine helped me. He may have been caught by Brendis. I hope you can help me keep an eye on his where abouts.” “Okay. Send me his identity information and photo.” “Thank you.” “No worries. Your friend helped a lot when you sent the note to Southbard. Of course, I will find him and save him.” Robert was very helpful and righteous. Zayla smiled and asked gently, “I still don’t know your name yet.”

“Robert Nash.’

“Mr. Nash, hope I can see you again in the future,” “If you come to Brevan in the future, you must call me!” Robert really liked Zayla.

Her marksmanship was superb. She would be at the top and would be a key talent to be cultivated if she was sent to the special force. “Okay, I will.” Zayla thanked Robert again, said goodbye, and hung up the phone.

At this time, all discharge procedures had been completed. Zayla didn’t have any luggage to pack, so she followed Stephen to the airport directly.

As for the airport, Robert had already made all the arrangements. After they got their tickets, they could walk the VIP Channel directly when boarding. Zayla looked at the big clock in the airport.

There was still half an hour before boarding time. Under the leadership of a staff member, Zayla and Stephen arrived at the VIP room.

Towa rushed to Lincoln’s residence in Kovis. At this time, Lincoln was commanding Melvin to clarify his engagement with Jasmine no matter what it took.

“Lincoln, I got news!” Iowa was out of breath and hurried up. “Say it!” Lincoln looked anxious. “The airport! The airport has a VIP guest called Rose Mallard!” Hearing this, Lincoln looked at Iowa.

“Contact the airport and stop all the flights.” Iowa nodded knowingly and quickly took out his phone to make a call. Lincoln rushed out of the palace at lightning speed!

He wanted to rush to the airport and appear in front of Zayla as soon as possible! He wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her how much he missed her… “Mr. Nash, this way!” Aziel was already waiting outside. Lincoln got into the car.

The car was heading towards the airport at high speed! Lincoln clenched his fists tightly. He thought, Wait for me.> Zayla was sitting in the VIP room, grabbing the ticket to Harper in her hand…


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