I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 493

Chapter 493

Chapter 493

Chapter 493 8aw the Snow Scene

“A sapphire ring.” Robert looked surprised. “How do you know?” Zayla was also extremely astonished at what she said.

She didn’t know why she thought of a sapphire ring. And she didn’t figure out why she blurted it out subconsciously. She had only been to Brevan once before. She had been here to visit Davis’ Clayton Testing.

Except for that, she didn’t dabble in the customs and historical stories here. She couldn’t know what was in the wooden box the queen held. There was only one possibility for her sudden thought… “I guessed it.” A sapphire ring meant a vow of eternal fidelity and everlasting love.

At the last and most difficult moment, the family of three was being together. Robert felt that her guess was too accurate and asked skeptically, “Little girl, tell me the truth. Do you have any superpowers?” At his age, this was the first time he had seen such a powerful young girl! “Why do you ask that, Robert?” Robert said with a smile, “My nephew has been hard to reach since he was a child, with a pure mind, but he has a charming handsome face.”

“When he was in high school, his desk was full of love letters, but he cared little about them. I kept teasing him, saying that when he was born, he must have been shot by Cupid’s Leaden Arrow.”

“There were funny things about Lincoln being not interested in girls. Janus was being a bitch and said that Lincoln liked men among their brothers!”

“Guess what happened? He was dragged to a small dark room and beaten hard by Lincoln. When he came out, he cried with two black eyes.” Lincoln made an example of Janus. Janus became obedient, and the gossip disappeared. However, Janus suffers so much trauma that as long as Lincoln coughs, he will immediately behave himself.”

“I know a little about Lincoln. He has dared to fight against his father since he was a child. He is afraid of nothing and nobody. On the contrary, everyone is afraid of him.” “Think about it. Such a powerful man is obedient to you!” “So you are the most powerful person! Don’t you think I should suspect that you have superpowers?”

After hearing Robert’s words, Zayla nodded slightly. He indeed had a reason to doubt that… But she really didn’t have superpowers. “Zayla can read minds.” Suddenly, a clear voice sounded.

Zayla turned her head and saw Lincoln stepping into the water pavilion. “I have a mind-reading skill? Why didn’t I know?” Zayla looked at him in surprise. Could it be that she learned it in a dream?

“You do.” He lowered his eyes and laughed. “You have my mind.” Zayla’s cheeks blushed instantly. Lincoln was so thick-skinned that he was calm and held her hand before Robert’s eyes.

He frowned slightly. “Why are your hands cold?” Robert took a sip of coffee. “What a fuss. How gan her hands not be cold in the water pavilion?” There were no walls or heating. Lincoln held Zayla’s hand tightly and turned to look at Robert. “Do you know why you have been single till now?” Robert was confused.

“On a snowy day, you take a young girl to sit in the water pavilion to face the cold wind?” Robert didn’t know what to say.

“You deserve to be single.” Robert was attacked violently! “I am taking her to see the snow scene.


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