I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 494

Chapter 494

Chapter 494

Chapter 494 It’s Not by the Book

“Can’t you see it through the window in the house?” Robert scratched his head and thought what Lincoln said made sense. But he was Lincoln’s uncle. He wouldn’t let Lincoln preach at him.

He immediately looked at Zayla and thought she would definitely help him. After all, he was their elder! “Little girl, don’t you feel like it makes you more immersed when you watch the snow scene in the water pavilion?”

Zayla smiled and nodded slightly. “Yes.” She knew that if she didn’t take Robert’s side, Robert would definitely say that she was ungrateful. After all, Robert had lent her one hundred cannons without hesitation!

Robert looked at Lincoln proudly. “Did you hear that? Zayla agreed with me! This water pavilion is the best place to see the snow scene!” Lincoln looked at Zayla and raised his eyebrows. “Do you want to continue?” Zayla wanted to shake her head. It was too cold…

She blinked her long and curled eyelashes, thinking of how to express her thoughts indirectly to avoid hurting Robert. But before she could speak, Lincoln had already grabbed her wrist, clasped her slender waist, and picked her up. “Let him enjoy it alone.” “How can we let him be alone…” “He has been alone for sixty years, so he is used to it.”

Zayla didn’t know what to say. In the next second, Lincoln walked out of the water pavilion with Zayla in his arms.

Robert, the lonely old man, looked at their figures and shouted angrily, “Stinky boy! You care little about your uncle since you have a wife.” Lincoln stopped in his tracks. He smiled, turned around, and replied, “I even care little about my parents. So, it’s normal that I care little about you.”

“Are… are you quite proud?” Lincoln’s smile deepened. “How can I not be proud? I am not the one who is alone.” Robert was speechless. Afterward, Lincoln hugged Zayla and left.

Robert looked at Aziel who was not far away and immediately started to complain about Lincoln! “See! This is what your Prince Lincoln is like! He is no longer hard to reach or decent.”

“He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing! He’s scheming privately!” Aziel kept laughing. “Calm down. Calm down. You have known him for a long time.”

“He is so scheming. Why does Zayla fall in love with him?” Aziel covered his mouth and smiled, and said again, “Oh, Ms. Vargas is also scheming. As the saying goes, ‘Birds of a different feather don’t flock together.”

“Those hundred cannons let me see that she is as bold as Lincoln, but I really didn’t find out how she is scheming.” Aziel pointed to the paper on the round table. “Then you can see the back of this content sheet.” Robert immediately turned over the content sheet on the table.

[I finally know why Robert is single! How can someone take a girl to sit in a water pavilion surrounded by air to watch the snow scene on a snowy day? It’s so cold. I feel cold. Lincoln, Lincoln, come and save me.]

The graceful handwriting was crooked, which showed that she shivered so much from the cold that she could even hold the pen.

Robert scratched his head. “Is it that cold?” He picked up the coffee cup, took a sip of the cold coffee, and sneezed several times in the next second. IEW was really quite cold…

Lincoln carried Zayla through the huge garden and shuttled between several palaces. It was only then that Zayla discovered that with the garden as the dividing line, half was the modern world, and the

other half was the old world.

They seemed to be traveling back and forth between modern and ancient times, like a dream. Zayla asked Lincoln to put her down several times, but Lincoln refused for various reasons.

“The ground is wet, and you will slip.” “You felt so cold, so just stay in my arms obediently.”

“Be obedient. I will carry you back.” “Zayla! The anger of gigolo will bring serious consequences.” In the end, she had to give up. Along the way, many people saw this scene.

Their first reaction was to bow their heads, and their second reaction was to respectfully address, “Your Highness.” There was no exception. Zayla stretched out her cold red finger and lightly poked his strong chest. “Your Highness, it seems that you can’t hold me like this. It’s not by the book.


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