I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 536

Chapter 536

Chapter 536

Chapter 536 Lincoln’s Phone Call

“Mom, you haven’t seen how chaotic the scene is. If I had come a little later, they would have made Zayla jump! “They brought a lot of people, and they were so rude! The bathroom door was smashed, and the windows were broken! “Did you hear the howling wind? It’s so scary!

“Drew and I are both in the Snow Manor, but they have made their own decisions and never asked us for instructions! “This is a slight on us, and it is also a slight on you! And… They even scared Drew to tears!

“You know that when Drew is afraid, her first reaction must be to call you. “But I didn’t expect that old hag to stop her. Now Drew’s wrist is swollen.

“You want me to ice her wrist? Okay, okay, I see. It’s all covered with ice and snow outside. I’ll get her some snow from outside.” Janus blathered on and on, but his every sentence and every word made Grace sweat profusely from fright, but she couldn’t even interrupt! After waiting until the phone was hung up, Janus looked at Grace. “Just go back and wait for the instructions. I don’t need you here.” “I… I didn’t…” Grace was about to cry!

Grace felt that accusing Zayla of violating the regulations today was the worst decision she ever made in her life!

However, it was too late! Janus stared at her, and hurriedly said, “You didn’t? I saw it with my own eyes, and you’re still trying to fool me?”

Janus didn’t give Grace any chance to argue and directly blamed Grace. Anyway, Grace was not a good person! Janus looked at Grace and said angrily, “My mother will come to the Snow Manor tomorrow! Just wait for her to teach you a lesson!” With that said, Janus pointed to the door of the bathroom, “Why are you still here? Why don’t you go back to your room?”

Grace didn’t dare to speak anymore, and she also knew that it was useless to defend herself, so she could only grit her teeth and leave with her head down. The two guards’ legs were already weak, and they almost crawled out. After the three of them left, Drew was very clever and quickly closed the door.

“Zayla, are you cold?” Zayla nodded. Drew took out several heating pads from her pocket and stuffed them into Zayla’s hands.

“They’ve been in my pocket for a while, and they are already warm! Zayla, you can warm your hands with them. I’ll get you clothes!” With that said, Drew immediately took a coat and put it on Zayla.

The heating in the room was very sufficient, and Zayla felt warm within a short time. Zayla had only been in the Snow Manor a few days, and she had been being plotted.

If Miriam had been unaware of Zayla’s situation, none of Zayla’s remaining days in the manor would be easy. Faced with different problems, Zayla could solve them once, twice, three times, or even every time. But after all, it was time-consuming, labor-intensive, and brain-intensive. So it was better to solve them once and for all so that they didn’t dare to make trouble for her again! What Janus just told Miriam was a bit of an exaggeration, but it was true that Zayla was picked on!

Now, Miriam knew about this matter, and there were two witnesses, Janus and Drew. No matter how eloquent Grace and the two guards were, Miriam could not trust the three of them more than her own children. To a certain extent, things worked out. Zayla breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, a bell rang! “It’s Lincoln’s phone call!”


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