I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 537

Chapter 537

Chapter 537

Chapter 537 Lincoln Misses You

With that said, Drew excitedly pressed the answer button. Lincoln’s magnetic voice sounded, “Are you together now?” “Give her your phone.”

Drew pursed her lips unhappily. She didn’t even say hi to Lincoln! And Drew didn’t hear what Lincoln said clearly, but her instinct was to hand the phone to Zayla.

Just when Drew was about to hand out her phone, she immediately stopped and asked with a smile, “Lincoln, who are you talking about? There are two people beside me, one is Janus, and the other is…” Before Drew could finish speaking, Lincoln’s deep voice came again.

“Do you think I will talk to Janus on the phone in particular?” Obviously, Lincoln didn’t want to waste a second of his time talking to his girl! But at the moment, Janus, who was standing beside Drew, was puzzled. Drew burst out laughing and then handed the phone to Zayla. “Zayla, Lincoln misses you and wants to talk to you!”

Lincoln on the other end of the phone was speechless. He never said that he missed Zayla, for he usually kept it to himself. Zayla’s ears were a bit red. And after thanking Drew, she took the phone. Seeing this, Drew was very clever and immediately grabbed Janus’ hand.

“Janus, my hands hurt a little. Didn’t you just say that you would get some snow from outside for me?” Janus looked at Drew and thought she was talking nonsense. “Didn’t you just pretend?” Janus was very puzzled. Drew was instantly speechless!

Drew didn’t expect Janus to be so unromantic! Who would be unlucky enough to marry him in the future? Drew pouted and said, “I feel a little pain now!” Janus looked down at her wrist carefully. “No redness or swelling. You don’t even have any red marks, so how could it hurt?”

Drew felt that she couldn’t continue talking with Janus, so she simply dragged him and walked towards the door! Janus staggered! “Drew, when did you get so strong? Hey… Why are you dragging me? “You don’t look like you have a wrist injury. Why are you walking so fast? Where are you taking me? want to ask Lincoln. What does he mean by that? “What does he mean he won’t talk to me on the phone in particular? Who endured the humiliation for Lincoln when he confronted Brendis in those years? “Who was blocking the hail of bullets for him, the real successor?

“You know what? I had to pretend to be very powerful at that time…” “He’s really loquacious.” thought Drew.

Drew, even as Janus’ sister, couldn’t bare it anymore, so she simply raised her hand to cover Janus’ chattering mouth… With a bang, the door closed. Zayla burst out laughing. “Our younger brother and sister are nice, aren’t they?” Lincoln’s words came. His words sounded like a question, but they implied an affirmation. Without hesitation, Zayla replied repeatedly, “Exactly. They are nice.”

As soon as she said this, she suddenly realized something! No, no! “That’s your younger brother and sister.” She corrected it immediately. “You are mine, and my brother and sister are also yours.”

With an idea, Zayla deliberately asked him, “Then my brother is also your brother?” “Your brother?” Zayla imitated his tone just now and said, “You are mine, so my brother is also your brother.”

Lincoln wasn’t annoyed at all but smiled and chuckled. “Well, I’m yours.” Zayla blushed and was a bit annoyed. Was she being tricked again


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