I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 549 I Seduced Her

Chapter 549 I Seduced Her

Chapter 549 I Seduced Her

Miriam’s hand, gripping the armrest of her seat, tightened suddenly. “Lincoln, you’ve already broken the rules…”

“Let’s deal with one thing at a time. “Fine, what do you have in mind?” Miriam asked.

“Since clocking in was a great idea from Grace, just let her cultivate a sense of time and exercise early in the morning for the next three months.”

Miriam could discern the meaning behind Lincoln’s words. If she didn’t agree, it would mean this matter wouldn’t be settled.

“Any objections?” Lincoln’s gloomy gaze was like a sharp knife! Grace didn’t dare to object and immediately shook her head. “None.”

“Mother, you heard it too.”

Lincoln looked back at Miriam, giving her no reason to refuse. She had to deal with it in this way. Miriam stared at him. “Then we’ll do as you say.” Then Miriam began asking about yesterday’s events.

This time, Grace defended herself with reason and accused Zayla of secretly changing the manual machine to an automatic one to slack off. She didn’t mention what she had done to Zayla in the past few days.

If the machine wasn’t changed to automatic, it would have been impossible to complete the task! Zayla watched as Grace twisted the truth. This time, after listening, Miriam didn’t bother asking for Zayla’s thoughts.

“Zayla, you can ask for help when facing difficulties, but don’t resort to cunning tricks like this. It goes against the purpose of why I asked you to come here for training.” “Mother,” Lincoln called out again.

But it was clear that Miriam wouldn’t listen anymore. She gestured to him, signaling that there was no need for further discussion.

“There’s no need to explain. Modifying the machine is wrong. Grace’s approach may be extreme, but you did change the machine.

“For this week, you will stay in your room for reflection and not step out of the door! Consider it your punishment.” Miriam looked at Lincoln. “What about you breaking the rules?” she asked sternly.

Jasmine immediately spoke up for Lincoln, “I believe Lincoln must have been seduced before he broke the rules and came to the manor.” Lincoln sneered, “Who could seduce me?”

Jasmine glanced fearfully at Zayla. Lincoln laughed coldly, “I pursued her relentlessly. I seduced her.” He had gone to great lengths to get rid of her ex-husband and make her fall in love with him.

“Lincoln!” Miriam scolded harshly, “Do you know what you’re saying?” Lincoln was demeaning himself! Jasmine was completely shocked. She never expected that the proud and noble Lincoln would demean himself for a Woman and even claim that he seduced her!

“Mother, you know very well what I’m saying, and you also know that my promise to abide by the rules is contingent on her being safe and sound.

“Otherwise, I don’t mind breaking the rules!” Miriam angrily slapped the table! Bang! “Nonsense! Lincoln, do you have any respect for me?”

“I used to.” But today, it seemed that he no longer did. Miriam understood what Lincoln meant… She couldn’t help feeling guilty, her gaze evasive. She had just said that she was here to uphold justice, but she hadn’t done so.

She didn’t even listen to Zayla’s explanation, and when the outcome was determined, she hypocritically asked for her thoughts. She was not fair at all.

Miriam knew this. But she… had no choice… “Fine, very well.” Miriam looked outside the hall. Someone!” she shouted.


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