I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 550 Lovesickness

Chapter 550 Lovesickness

Chapter 550 Lovesickness

Meanwhile, after receiving Miriam’s message, Robert arrived with his men according to her instructions.

However, he didn’t expect that the order Miriam gave was for him to take Lincoln away! Soon, Lincoln was surrounded by a crowd! . He had nowhere to go, and his view was also blocked. Robert helplessly rubbed his nose.

He gently patted Lincoln on the shoulder and whispered, “Lincoln, your mother is already very angry. Don’t make things difficult for me. Come back to the base with me.”

Lincoln stared at Zayla, the only person he was worried about from beginning to end. He even hated and despised his status. If it weren’t for the shackles of his status, he could be her gigolo without any restrictions.

Zayla met his eyes and hooked her pinky finger around his under the cover of the crowd. “I’m fine. It’s just facing the wall in self-reflection. It’s not any substantial punishment.

“Grace is the pitiful one. She has to clock in early every day and walks through the ice and snow to get to the clock-in location.” Zayla sounded casual, but upon hearing this, Lincoln frowned.

She had also been getting up early to clock in these past few days and walking through ice and snow while being constantly harassed.

Now that she mentioned it, it sounded so simple, but it made him feel even more distressed. He raised his hand and caressed her fair cheek. Then he looked back at Robert.


Robert knew that Lincoln was ready to go back to the base with him, so he quickly replied, “Hmm!” “Turn around.”

wwwwww.es non Robert was puzzled. “No peeking.” Robert didn’t say anything.

He was stunned. He didn’t expect Lincoln to be so bold. Robert turned away. Lincoln threaded his slender fingers through Zayla’s long hair, and he bent down to kiss her lips.

The next second, a cold, hard object fell into her pocket. Zayla was surprised. What was that? She opened her beautiful eyes and looked at him in confusion, her curled eyelashes fluttering slightly.

Lincoln smiled as he kissed her and whispered so only the two of them could hear, “This is the best way to cure lovesickness.” Zayla was even more confused. The best way to cure lovesickness?

What was it? She reached into her pocket… She understood! It was this! Her beautiful eyes curved, and she smiled sweetly. Robert, who had turned away, pretended not to know anything…

“Let’s go.” The couple had to part ways. Soon, Lincoln left with Robert, followed by the retreating crowd… Jasmine didn’t know what happened in the crowd or why Lincoln left Zayla behind.

However, none of that mattered now. What mattered was that she saw Miriam’s attitude! Miriam was completely on her side and supporting the Powell family!

At this moment, Jasmine was so smug! She was very confident! Lincoln would definitely belong to her! Her father hadn’t lied to her!

The more Jasmine thought about it, the happier she became. Her eyes were full of smugness. Miriam noticed Jasmine out of the corner of her eye. Jasmine’s smug smile was really irritating.

Her hand gripping the armrest tightened again. Miriam looked at Zayla and asked, “Do you accept this punishment of facing the wall in self-reflection for seven days?” Zayla understood her actions.

Grace and the others were all members of the Powell family, and Jasmine was standing right there in the hall. Miriam had to respect the Powell family. After all, they provided the funding.

Moreover, Lincoln had indeed violated the rules. But even so, Miriam didn’t punish him and just asked Robert to take him away. It was clear that Miriam cared for Lincoln. Even though he wasn’t her biological son, she had raised him for so many years, and she must have feelings for him. Zayla shook her head. “Yes, I do.”

“Good.” Miriam immediately sent people to escort Zayla back to her room for self-reflection for seven days. The room door and balcony door were chained shut, making it impossible to open. As soon as the door closed, Zayla took out the phone.

Lincoln had slipped his phone into her pocket while the crowd was surrounding them. Zayla tapped the screen and found that the lock screen was actually her photo. It was a photo taken at her coming-of- age ceremony.

Zayla felt embarrassed. She unlocked the phone, which surprisingly didn’t require a password or facial recognition. She remembered that Lincoln had used both security features before.

It seemed that he had anticipated this situation and disabled them in advance. Upon unlocking the phone, she was surprised to see her photo as the wallpaper again. This time, Zayla couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

It was clear that Lincoln was deeply infatuated with her. Facing the wall in self-reflection for seven days would undoubtedly be bofing, so having a phone to pass the time would be helpful.

Zayla lay in bed, wanting to catch up on the happenings in Harper over the past few days, and he casually opened the Twitter app. Upon seeing the first trending topic, she suddenly sat up straight in bed!


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