I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 559 Who Could Take Advantage of Lincoln?

Chapter 559 Who Could Take Advantage of Lincoln?

Chapter 559 Who Could Take Advantage of Lincoln?

“Two people, so two favors.” There were two persons Lincoln needed to deal with. Robert had nothing to do. “You know how to count!” But Robert had no choice. After all, he couldn’t deal with these two people alone! Whenever they quarreled, it was so noisy!

“Okay, okay, two favors are okay.” Robert agreed. He was so tired of facing the two people. “Tell me, what two things do you want me to do for you?”

Lincoln said slowly, “Ten days later, please help me protect Zayla.” Robert was stunned. “What? Isn’t that girl in Snow Manor? Your mother is there as well, so Zayła will be safe.” “I’m still worried.” “But why don’t you take care of her by yourself?” As Robert asked, he snapped his fingers.

He suddenly realized something. “Ten days later? Isn’t that the day when Zayla has a test with Jasmine?” Lincoln nodded. “Will you leave the base?” Robert understood and asked.


“Where are you going?” Robert continued to ask. “Kovis.” Robert guessed, “Is it because of the Powell family?”


Robert understood. He didn’t ask more but just nodded.

“But I think you are worrying too much. I haven’t heard any news about Zayla being bullied these days.

“With your mother there, she will not be in danger. But with me together, it’s also double insurance. I know you want to get double insurance, and you won’t be worried. So trust me, Zayla will be safe,” Lincoln’s expression was so firm.

“Thank you, uncle.”


Robert patted his chest to assure Lincoln and asked again, “So what is another thing?” Lincoln smiled. “I haven’t thought about it yet.”

“So you want to let me pay it in the future.” Robert understood.

Lincoln was so cunning, but Robert could do nothing but bear it. Robert patted Lincoln’s shoulder lightly. “I just asked you to stop Janus and Drew for me, and then I owe you two favors.

“Lincoln, tell me the truth. Do you never let others take advantage of you?” Lincoln stood up and walked out of the room. The moment the door opened, his deep voice sounded slowly.

“No, I do.”

Robert was shocked. “Is there someone in this world who can take advantage of you?” Lincoln said firmly, “Zayla.” Robert was speechless.

“Forget it. I take back what I asked.”

Afterwards, Lincoln went to the living room. Before entering the living room, he heard Janus and Drew quarreling. Robert felt a headache for a while. These two were so noisy!

Lincoln didn’t hide the sound of his footsteps. Lincoln entered the living room, and his cold eyes fell on the two. The two who were quarreling became silent when they saw Lincoln.

“Lincoln…” Drew tried to please him and shouted with a guilty look. “Lincoln, hi!” Janus smiled so much that he showed his white teeth, but he was guilty as Drew.

Robert leaned aside, watched them, and said sarcastically, “Keep talking. Why do you stop? “You were quarreling so loudly just now. “So why do you stop now?


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