I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 560 Admit Their Mistakes,

Chapter 560 Admit Their Mistakes,

Chapter 560 Admit Their Mistakes,

Janus could say nothing. And Drew was speechless. Lincoln stood there with a strong aura. Although Lincoln was not angry, he always looked cold, which made them tremble with fear. Afterwards, Janus and Drew admitted their mistakes.

Janus was in his early twenties, and Drew was about to become an adult. But they all acted like children here and promised loudly to be kind to each other without quarrels in the future, Robert laughed and was gloating. Then, Iowa walked out.

“What happened?”

Robert immediately explained, “They quarreled just now. Their father isn’t here now, so as their brother, Lincoln should discipline them like a father!” Iowa immediately laughed. “Janus, I have to remind you. Don’t quarrel with Drew. She is in poor health, so just let her go.” When Janus calmed down, he also realized his mistake. He always said before thinking, “Okay, I will.”

“She is my sister, and she has been in poor health since she was a child. So next time when we quarrel, I will speak softly.”

And Lincoln was here now. Even if they wanted to quarrel, they didn’t have the guts to quarrel. Drew could only stare at Janus angrily.

“Does he act like a brother?” Iowa smiled. “They are really close.” “Lincoln, I’ll leave.” Iowa greeted Lincoln. After hearing this, Drew hurried to catch up and asked, “Iowa, where are you going?”

“I have something to do.” Well, how long will you be away?” Drew was very reluctant to part with Iowa. “My birthday is in February.”

Iowa smiled and patted her head. “I know. So I won’t leave for a long time. And I will give you the birthday present that I promised you.” “So, on my birthday, will you come back and give me a present?”

Iowa nodded with certainty. “Of course, I promised you.”

Drew smiled like a flower. “Yeah! I’m waiting for your gift!” Janus was standing not far away and muttered in a low voice, imitating Drew’s enthusiastic tone just now. Yeah, I’m waiting for your gift, wow!”

“I’m your brother. Why don’t you wait for my gift?” Drew gave Janus an angry look, then looked at Iowa, wishing him success in his work. “Good luck for us.” Iowa laughed.

Afterward, Iowa looked at Robert and said, “Mr. Nash, my sister will arrive in about half an hour. We’re sorry to bother you.” Robert patted his arm. “Don’t worry. It’s okay.”

“Thank you.” After the words fell, Iowa looked at Lincoln. “Lincoln.” Iowa called out and nodded. Lincoln nodded as well and said in a low voice, “Be careful.”


Afterward, Iowa left the base. Half an hour later, Bonnie arrived at the base.

As soon as Janus saw Bonnie, he began to tell her about the recent situation of Unicorn. Unicorn was rescued by Bonnie. And after it was adopted by Janus, it lived well now. For Unicorn, the two had a lot to talk about. Drew snorted softly. “Just a dog! I’ll raise a real flying beast next time!”

Robert was speechless for a moment. When their relationship was good, they were like twins! But when their relationship was not good, they were like enemies!

Robert thought he could not understand Janus and Drew. However, although Bonnie had never been in contact with Drew, they were the same age, so they quickly became friends.

Miriam was in Snow Manor, so those teachers didn’t dare to embarrass Zayla so blatantly. After her seven days of punishment, Zayla received her normal class schedule.

It was from nine o’clock in the morning to five o’clock in the afternoon, which was like going to work every day. The lessons in flower arrangement, weaving, and dancing were all near the end. The last course was jade appraisal.

In the following time, until the end of the training, there was only this course to be studied. At nine o’clock, the jade appraisal teachers would arrive at Snow Manor. At half past eight, Zayla got up. She washed up as usual, but she felt dizzy.

“Maybe I didn’t sleep well last night.” Suddenly, Zayla’s legs became limp, and she hurriedly supported the sink. Zayla shook her head, trying to wake herself up. But until the dizziness disappeared… When Zayla looked up at herself in the mirror, she was shocked.


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