I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 573 Zayla’s Embarrassment

Chapter 573 Zayla’s Embarrassment

Chapter 573 Zayla’s Embarrassment

“Mom!” Drew walked in happily. Seeing Drew, Miriam felt a little better. “I thought you were at your Uncle’s place. Why did you come to the manor again?”

“I know you miss me, so I came here to have breakfast with you!” Drew replied, taking a big bite out of a steamed bun. Miriam watched Drew wolfing down her food and couldn’t help but smile.

“Is it because you didn’t like your Uncle’s cooking?” Miriam asked.

Drew stuck out her tongue and quickly denied it, saying, “My Uncle’s cooking is delicious! I just missed you, that’s why I came up the mountain.” Miriam chuckled at Drew’s denial and handed Drew a fork.

“I gave birth to you and I know you too well. You’ve always been picky about food since you were a child.”

“How can you blame me?” Drew gave Miriam a look of innocence. “Well, that’s because you gave birth to me so well!” Miriam was amused by Drew’s antics, and at this moment, Miriam felt a little better after the heavy mood from the night before.

Looking at Drew who was wolfing down the food, Miriam couldn’t help but think of her other daughter, who was five years older than Drew and three years older than Janus. However, Miriam had never fulfilled her duties as a mother to this daughter.

“Mom, what’s wrong with you?” Drew looked at Miriam and asked worriedly, “Is there something wrong with you? Don’t scare me…”

“No, I’m fine.” Miriam held Drew’s hand, “Just take your time eating, and don’t choke.’ As soon as Miriam finished speaking, Drew stuffed a shrimp dumpling into her mouth.

Miriam couldn’t help but laugh again as she watched Drew’s uncouth posture while eating. Miriam decided to tell Drew about her older sister at an appropriate time in the future.

Now, with Clarence’s people watching Miriam closely, it was best for Miriam to be cautious with her words, even when talking to her daughter, let alone mentioning her eldest daughter. With Drew’s company, Miriam obviously ate a little more than before.

After a satisfying meal, Drew shared with Miriam about her life at the base these past few days.

Since Drew was only interested in having fun, Clarence’s people didn’t find any important information from Drew. “Mom, I’ve eaten so much of your food, and I can’t just mooch off you! Let me give you a gift!”

“What gift?” Drew took out a braided bracelet from her pocket, with beads of different colors on it, which was very chic. “Bonnie taught me how to make it, and I picked out all the beads myself!”

“Here you go! It’s for you!” Drew said as she put it on Miriam’s wrist. Despite Miriam’s high status and access to all kinds of jewelry, the simple bracelet brought her great joy.

“Is that beautiful?”

“Of course, it’s beautiful. It’s you who made it, so it’s definitely beautiful, Drew was overjoyed and hugged Miriam tightly, acting like a child.

“You’re almost an adult, yet you still act like a child. Who would want to marry you in the future?” “Mom, it’s that nobody dares to want me, but I can want them!!”

“Them?” Miriam looked at Drew in shock. “You want to have your cake and eat it too?” Drew shook her head immediately, “No, I wouldn’t dare.”

“I don’t think you would dare either. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure your future husband is a good one.” Brew thought about it seriously.

Drew felt that her mother would definitely like Iowa! But Drew didn’t know if Iowa would like her. After all, she was a sickly child with a short life expectancy…

As Drew thought about it, she started feeling a little sad and hugged Miriam tightly again. Drew left the manor and returned to the base. Soon, the third round of assessment began. Jasmine was confident in her jade appraisal skills. Jasmine was only one point apart from Zayla, and Jasmine believed she could overtake Zayla in this round. After all, as a country bumpkin, it was impossible for Zayla to identify real and fake jade after just a few classes.

“The assessment is simple. From hundreds of pieces of jade, they have to pick out the genuine ones. The one who does it faster and with higher accuracy will be awarded five points.” Old Mrs. Vaughan explained the rules and scoring system clearly to prevent any cheating from Clarence or other judges. The assessment began.

Two rectangular tables were filled with various types of jade pieces, including jade bracelets, jade plates, jade pendants, jade ornaments, and even some uncarved jade stones.

Two baskets with soft cloth were placed next to the jades, one for genuine pieces and the other for fake ones. Jasmine was confident and calmly picked up her tools to begin selecting the genuine pieces, while Zayla just scanned the entire table without picking up any tools.

Zayla’s unusual behavior caught Jasmine’s attention. Jasmine was convinced that Zayla couldn’t have learned to identify real and fake jade after just a few classes because Zayla seemed to haven’t fully mastered the use of the tools. Jasmine was feeling proud and couldn’t wait to see Zayla’s embarrassment. But in the next moment, Zayla’s unusual behavior caught everyone’s attention.

Zayla picked up the jade pieces and threw them into the baskets for genuine pieces with her left hand and the basket for fake ones with her right hand as if she was picking out products at a store without even examining them.

Within a few minutes, hundreds of pieces of jade were sorted out.

Just as Zayla reached out and pressed the bell on one side, her legs suddenly became weak, and she had to support herself on the table. Old Mrs. Vaughan, the teacher of the course, quickly approached Zayla. Old Mrs. Vaughan couldn’t show her concern for Zayla, so she asked in a stern tone, “What’s wrong?” Zayla shook her head, “I’m fine, and I just didn’t stand firmly earlier.” Then Zayla ràng the bell.


The bell rang throughout the room. Everyone looked at her in surprise! Jasmine was also shocked. On her table, there were still two-thirds of the jade wares waiting to be selected!

Even an expert would need at least half an hour to identify and pick out genuine pieces from hundreds of jade pieces. But now only ten minutes had passed! Was Zayla crazy? Did Zayla just give up on identifying the real from the fake because she didn’t know how to do it?


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