I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 574 Let’s Meet at the Usual Spot

Chapter 574 Let’s Meet at the Usual Spot

Chapter 574 Let’s Meet at the Usual Spot

“Did you accidentally press the bell?” Old Mrs. Vaughan looked at Zayla and spoke up for her.

In Old Mrs. Vaughan’s mind, identifying the authenticity of hundreds of pieces of jade in just ten minutes was almost impossible. However, before Zayla could say anything, Jasmine spoke up…

“Once you make a move in a game of Go, it’s permanent, just as pressing the bell is a final decision that can’t be reversed.” Jasmine would never give Zayla a chance to back out.

In Jasmine’s opinion, identifying hundreds of pieces of jade in ten minutes was impossible, and she was eagerly waiting for Zayla to make mistakes.

Then Jasmine could use these five points to perfectly surpass Zayla!

Old Mrs. Vaughan looked at Jasmine and said sharply, “Zayla hasn’t even had a chance to speak, and all have been said by you!”

“Jasmine, keep in mind that you are being evaluated in this assessment, and you can’t be issuing orders. You have already breached the rules!”

Old Mrs. Vaughan said without any regard for Jasmine’s dignity.

Even with Clarence sitting under the stage, old Mrs. Vaughan showed no trace of fear! Others were afraid of the Powell family and the Powell family, but she was not afraid! Firstly, she was not from Brevan, and secondly, she was so old that she had nothing to fear.

** Clarence’s expression changed slightly, indicating that he was dissatisfied with old Mrs. Vaughan’s remarks, but he maintained his composure. Clarence didn’t want to argue with a half-dead old lady. Jasmine was so angry that she stomped her foot but dared not say another word. Zayla looked at old Mrs. Vaughan auð smiled at her.

“I’m finished.”

The old Mrs. Vaughan was slightly surprised when she heard Zayla’s words. Then, she and several other appraisers immediately assessed the authenticity of the jade pieces.

Zayla felt her legs go weak and had to support herself on the rectangular table to remain standing. But at this moment, a drop of blood fell. Zayla raised her hand and found that she had another nosebleed…

The staff handed her a tissue, and Zayla quickly wiped it away.

This scene made Clarence who was sitting under the stage laugh. Five or six people assessed the jade pieces together, very fast, but still couldn’t match Zayla’s speed.

Twenty minutes later, hundreds of pieces of jade were appraised without any mistakes! Zayla’s identification was completely correct.

Old Mrs. Vaughan had known of Zayla’s exceptional abilities, but she was still amazed and delighted. At this point, the outcome was clear. Jasmine was still assessing the remaining hundreds of jade pieces.

“Miss Powell, there’s no need for you to continue assessing. Ms. Vargas has already won.”

Jasmine gritted her teeth and clenched the jade pendant tightly as if it were Zayla. Jasmine wanted to smash it to pieces! Jasmine couldn’t understand how Zayla had such an ability.

Zayla had only attended a few classes, yet she was more experienced than the experts.

In the third round of assessment, Zayla went from 11 points to 16 points, while Jasmine remained stagnant. The difference between them was six points!

Clarence was furious about this! Turning his head to look at Miriam, Clarence left in a huff. Not long after Clarence left, Miriam received his message.

“Let’s meet at our usual spot,” Miriam didn’t want to go, but she had to. Miriam gave Zayla and Jasmine a few words of encouragement for the afternoon’s assessment before leaving.

Then, she walked away. As soon as Miriam left, the other judges followed suit. The old Mrs. Vaughan nødded toward Zayla and left with a smile. The fourth round of assessment was scheduled for the afternoon, and Zayla planned to go back to rest for a while.

Zayla felt dizzy, cold, and extremely fatigued, to the point that she felt her body weak. The skin on Zayla’s arms was tingling from time to time. Zayla frowned and rolled up her sleeves, revealing…


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