I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 563 Scary Encounter

Chapter 563 Scary Encounter


Fein raised his sword high above his head, the white blade glowing brightly in the dark room. He focused his gaze on the woman, who was still grinning wickedly at him. Without hesitation, he charged forward, the blade slicing through the air with a deafening sound. The woman tried to dodge, but Fein was too quick. The blade connected with her arm, slicing through flesh and bone like it was butter. She let out a piercing scream of pain, but Fein didn't stop. He swung again and again, each strike precise and deadly.

Finally, with one swift motion, Fein brought the sword down, cutting the woman in half. Blood sprayed across the room, drenching everything in a sickening red hue. Fein and his friends stood there, panting heavily, their hearts pounding in their chests. As the adrenaline began to wear off, they looked around the room, taking in the horror of what had just happened. Fein sheathed his sword and turned to his friends. "We need to get out of here," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

They all nodded silently, their faces pale with shock. As they turned to leave, they heard a faint whisper in the darkness. It sounded like the woman's voice, but it was barely audible. Fein hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and kept walking. He knew they needed to get as far away from that place as possible.

As they emerged from the abandoned building and into the night air, Fein felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had never been so scared in his life, but he had also never felt so alive. He knew he would never forget that night.

Although he could kill it in an instant. The visual or appearance of the woman was just too scary. Fortunately, he has a strong will that helped him to remain calm and collected in such situations.

Fein and his group returned to the hotel, looking tired and disheveled. Voli let out a low growl, pacing around the room as if on edge.

Sofia collapsed onto the nearest chair, her face pale and drawn. "I can't believe what we saw in that place," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Aoi perched on the back of the chair, her feathers ruffled and her normally serene expression troubled. "It was as if the entire place was alive with malevolence," she said.

Fein leaned against the wall, his arms crossed and his face expressionless. "We encountered a painting that seemed to be alive, and a woman who... I don't even know how to describe it. She was like a ghost, but not quite."

Voli snarled, his lightning crackling around his paws. "Whatever that place was, it wasn't natural," he said. "I could feel it in my bones."

Sofia shuddered, wrapping her arms around herself. "I don't want to think about it anymore," she said. "Let's just get some rest and try to forget about this whole thing."

Fein walked into his hotel room, shutting the door behind him. He stood in silence for a moment, thinking back to the encounter with the woman in the abandoned mansion. Despite his rational mind telling him there was nothing to fear from her strength, he couldn't shake off the eerie feeling that she gave off.

"She was strong, but that wasn't what scared me," he thought to himself, "it was her appearance and the ambiance of that mansion that made me feel uneasy. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about that woman and that place just didn't sit right with me."

Fein sighed and shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He knew that dwelling on the encounter wouldn't do him any good, and that he needed to focus on their mission. With a determined look on his face, he turned and began preparing for their next move.

Fein was busy cooking in the kitchen of their hotel room, with his tamed bear Voli helping him with the ingredients. He was making a traditional Japanese breakfast, consisting of miso soup, rice, grilled salmon, and tamagoyaki (Japanese omelette). The aroma of the miso soup and the salmon filled the room and made their stomachs rumble in anticipation.

As Fein presented the dishes on the table, his friends Sofia and Aoi could not help but admire the presentation. The rice was shaped into little triangles and topped with furikake seasoning, the salmon was grilled to perfection and had a beautiful glaze on it, and the tamagoyaki was rolled up into a perfect little square.

Sofia took a bite of the salmon and closed her eyes in satisfaction. "This is amazing, Fein. The flavors are so well-balanced," she said with a smile.

Aoi nodded in agreement as she tried the miso soup. "Yes, the miso flavor is not too strong, and it complements the other dishes perfectly."

Fein beamed with pride as he watched his friends enjoy his cooking. "I'm glad you like it. I learned how to make this from my grandmother, and I've been practicing ever since."

They spent the rest of the morning enjoying their meal and talking about their plans for the day, feeling energized and ready to face whatever challenges may come their way.


The group gathered in the lobby, ready to explore the hotel's amenities. Aoi suggested, "How about we start with the pool? I heard it's heated and has a great view of the city."

Voli chimed in, "Sounds like a plan. But don't forget the sunscreen. I don't want any of us getting sunburned."

Fein smirked, "Don't worry Voli, I think we can handle a little sun."

As they made their way to the pool, they couldn't help but marvel at the stunning view of the city skyline. Sofia remarked, "This hotel really knows how to spoil its guests."

They lounged on the pool chairs, sipping on cold drinks and chatting about their travels. Fein couldn't help but notice the way the sun made Sofia's skin glow. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "You look absolutely stunning."

Sofia blushed and whispered back, "Stop it, Fein. You're making me all flustered."

They spent the afternoon soaking in the hot tub, enjoying the warmth and relaxation. Aoi joked, "I could get used to this. Maybe we should stay here forever."

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