I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 564 Next Plans

Chapter 564 Next Plans

Voli laughed, "As much as I love the idea, we do have a job to do. And Fein's cooking is waiting for us."

Fein's ears perked up at the mention of his cooking. "Ah, yes. I promised to make my famous spaghetti and meatballs tonight. Let's get ready for some culinary magic."

As they made their way to the hotel room, the group couldn't help but feel content and relaxed. The day had been filled with laughter, good company, and relaxation. They were grateful for the chance to unwind and recharge before their next stop. They haven't really decided yet if they would go to the North or to the South.


"Ugh, I'm so bored," Sofia complained, flipping through TV channels. "There's nothing good on."

Fein chuckled. "Well, if you're looking for entertainment, why don't we try something a little more old-fashioned?"

He stood up and walked over to a small pile of board games in the corner of the room. "How about we play a game?"

Sofia raised an eyebrow. "Really? You want to play board games?"

Fein shrugged. "Hey, it's better than staring at the walls all day. Plus, I happen to be quite good at them."

Voli and Aoi both perked up at the mention of games. "Ooh, what kind of games?" Voli asked.

Fein sorted through the pile and pulled out a few different options. "We've got Monopoly, Clue, Risk...take your pick."

The group settled on Clue and spent the next few hours trying to solve the murder mystery. Fein, of course, was the first to correctly guess the culprit.

"I told you, I'm a master strategist," he boasted.

Sofia rolled her eyes. "You got lucky."

After the game was over, Fein disappeared into the kitchenette to start preparing dinner. The others could smell the tantalizing aromas of garlic and spices wafting out from behind the closed door.

A short while later, Fein emerged with a steaming plate of spaghetti and meatballs, garnished with fresh herbs and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese.

"Voila! Dinner is served," he announced, setting the plate down on the small table in the corner.

The others eagerly dug in, their taste buds exploding with delight at the rich and savory flavors.

"Mmmm, Fein, this is amazing!" Aoi exclaimed.

Voli nodded in agreement. "I can't believe you made this all from scratch."

Fein simply grinned in response, pleased with the compliments.

As they finished up their meal, they chatted and laughed, enjoying the simple pleasures of good company and good food. It was a small moment of happiness in the midst of their dangerous and unpredictable lives.


The next day, Fein and Sofia decided to have a friendly match as Fein wants to familiarize himself with his transformations.

Fein and Sofia entered the sparring arena, both wearing their training gear. Sofia looked determined, but Fein had a cocky grin on his face.

"Ready to get your butt kicked, Sofia?" Fein taunted.

Sofia rolled her eyes. "Let's just see who comes out on top," she said.

Fein started off with his swordsmanship skills, twirling his sword in the air and charging at Sofia. She blocked his attack with ease, using her power of destruction to push him back.

Fein retreated, but then suddenly transformed into a Raven, swooping down on Sofia from above. She dodged, but Fein was quick to transform again, this time into a Golden Giant, his massive size making it hard for Sofia to land a hit.

"Is that all you got, Fein?" Sofia shouted, her eyes glowing with power as she used her blood manipulation to form sharp, blood-red spikes around her fists.

Fein chuckled, transforming once again into a Vampire, his fangs bared as he darted towards Sofia. She tried to strike him with her spiked fists, but Fein was too fast, darting around her and striking her with lightning speed.


As the fight continued, Fein transformed into every creature in his arsenal, each transformation more powerful and intimidating than the last. Sofia fought hard, but Fein always seemed to have the upper hand.

In the end, Fein transformed into his final form - the Demon Lord. His eyes glowed a deep, menacing red as he prepared to strike Sofia with all his power.

But then he paused, his expression softening. "Okay, okay, you win," he said, returning to his human form and grinning at Sofia.

Sofia smiled, shaking her head. "You always have to go overboard, don't you?"

Fein laughed. "It's all in good fun," he said. "Besides, it's always fun to show off my perfect transformation skills."

Sofia rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "You're such a showoff, Fein."

Fein just grinned, feeling the thrill of the fight still coursing through his veins.


Fein sat in the center of the room, his face grave with determination. His friends Voli, Aoi, and Sofia sat around him, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and concern. Fein took a deep breath before beginning.

"Guys, I have a plan," Fein said, his voice low and serious. "We need to head north to search for a soul artifact."

"A soul artifact?" Voli repeated, eyebrows raised in surprise. "What's that?"

"It's a powerful artifact that can heal injured souls," Fein explained. "And we need it to help two of our friends."

Aoi tilted her head. "Who are these friends?"

"Brick Norty and Michael," Fein said, his voice grim. "Brick Norty has turned into a monster due to the incompatibility of his genes to the perfect serum we created and his weak, injured soul is preventing me to wipe out the monster's consciousness on his body and we need to heal it before we can save him. On the other hand, Michael is in a coma because of his own injured soul. We need to heal him to wake him up."

Sofia leaned forward, her eyes serious. "Do you know where this soul artifact is located?"

Fein nodded. "Not really, but Lucius provided information about places where there are likely soul artifacts. Brick and Michael are counting on us."

Voli grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Sounds like an adventure! Let's do it!"

Aoi smiled softly. "We'll do whatever we can to help."

Sofia nodded in agreement. "I'm with you, Fein. Let's go get that soul artifact and save our friends."

Fein's expression softened slightly as he looked at his friends. "Thank you, guys. I couldn't do this without you. Let's go save our friends and bring them back home."

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