I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 565 Unprecedented Popularity

Chapter 565 Unprecedented Popularity

Fein knew that he needed to heal Brick Norty's soul before he could kill the monster consciousness that had taken over his friend's body. He also knew that he needed to heal Michael's soul in order to awaken him from his coma.

Fein stood before his companions with a determined expression. "We don't have time to waste," he said, his voice serious. "I'll create a portal to take us to the North." He focused his energy, and a blue portal appeared out of thin air.

Voli, Aoi, and Sofia stepped through the portal, and Fein followed them. They emerged in a different location, 300 miles closer to their destination.

Fein used his power of space to create six more portals, each one taking them another 300 miles closer to the North. The journey was long and tiring, but Fein's portals made it significantly faster.

Along the way, they faced many challenges, including harsh weather conditions, dangerous creatures, and treacherous terrain. Fein used his abilities to protect his companions and make their journey as safe and comfortable as possible.

As they traveled north, the landscapes around them began to change. The first place they stopped was a vast desert, where sand dunes stretched as far as the eye could see. The sun was scorching hot, and the heat was unbearable. They had to make frequent stops to rest and rehydrate.

The second place they reached was a dense forest. The trees were tall and thick, with a variety of plants and wildlife. The air was fresh and cool, and the sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating a beautiful pattern on the forest floor. They were careful not to get lost in the maze-like forest, but Fein's sense of direction and Sofia's blood manipulation skills helped them navigate through the dense vegetation.

The third place they stopped was a rocky mountain range. The climb was steep and treacherous, with sharp rocks and loose gravel. The wind was strong, and they had to hold on to each other to avoid being swept off the cliff. The view from the top was breathtaking, with snow-capped peaks and a clear blue sky.

The fourth place they reached was a frozen tundra, where snow and ice covered the ground as far as the eye could see. The temperature was freezing, and they had to wear heavy coats and gloves to keep warm. The wind was harsh, and the snow was deep, making it difficult to move. But Fein's elemental sphere protected them from the worst of the cold, and they managed to push through the tundra with determination.

The fifth place they stopped was a dense foggy forest. The trees were twisted and gnarled, and the fog was thick, making it hard to see. They had to be careful not to lose each other, as the fog seemed to distort sound and distance. They could hear strange noises and whispers in the fog, but they pushed on with Fein's lightning flicks lighting the way.

The sixth place they reached was a vast plain. The grass was tall and golden, swaying in the gentle breeze. The sun was setting, and the sky was painted with shades of pink and purple. They felt relieved to have reached a peaceful place after the harsh terrain they had encountered before.

Finally, after seven portals, they arrived at the North, where they would begin their search for the soul artifact.

Fein and his group finally arrived at the border of the North. The air was colder, and the wind was stronger than any other place they've been to. In front of them stood a massive gate made of black iron, guarded by several soldiers. The guards looked suspiciously at Fein and his group, eyeing their weapons and armor.

As the group approached the gate, the guards stepped forward to block their path, weapons at the ready. One of them stepped forward and asked, "What's your business in the North?"josei

"You can't enter without paying the entrance fee," one of the guards said, crossing his arms.

Fein stepped forward, his posture confident but relaxed. "We're here to find a soul artifact to help our friends," he said, his voice even.

The guards looked at each other skeptically, and one of them spoke up. "And who are you exactly?"

Fein gave them a small smile. "I'm Fein, the chess grandmaster and an S-rank degu user," he said, not bothering to hide his pride.

The guards looked at each other again, then back at Fein. One of them stepped forward and took a closer look at him. After a moment, the guard's eyes widened in recognition. "You're Fein!" he exclaimed. "The Fein!"

The other guard immediately lowered his weapon and both of them took a step back, bowing low. "We had no idea it was you, sir," one of them said. "Please, go ahead. We'll let the gate open for you."

Fein chuckled softly as he walked past the guards. "You're a bit slow on the uptake, but I appreciate the enthusiasm," he said with a wink.

The guards watched as the group walked through the gate, still bowing. "Did you see that?" one of them said in awe. "Fein! We just let Fein through!"

The other guard rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I saw it. Now get back to your post, we have a job to do."

As they walked away from the guards, Sofia nudged Fein's arm and smirked, "Looks like you're not just the chess grandmaster, but also a famous face in the North."

Voli chuckled and added, "Who knew that even the guards at the border would be star-struck by you, Fein?"

Fein rolled his eyes, "It's not like I wanted to be famous. My skills speak for themselves."

Sofia teased, "Oh come on, Fein. Don't be modest. You know you love the attention."

Fein scoffed, "I don't need attention. I just want to help Brick and Michael."

Voli patted Fein's back, "We know that, master. But you have to admit, it's nice to be recognized for your skills."

Fein smiled slightly, "I guess you have a point there."

Aoi nudged Sofia with his elbow and whispered, "Looks like we're traveling with a celebrity."

Sofia smirked and replied, "Who knew the great Fein could reach even the far-away North?"

Fein rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile at their banter. As they walked through the bustling streets, he couldn't help but notice the occasional whispers and stares directed towards him. It seemed that news of his arrival had spread quickly.

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