I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 588 Prelude To War

Chapter 588 Prelude To War

The third shadow lord was an angel of death, with a tall and slender frame. Its wings were pure shadowy black, and its eyes were like two pools of darkness. Its skin was smooth and pale, and it wore a black robe that covered its entire body. The angel held a scythe in its hand, and its blade gleamed with a silver light. It looked both beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

As the shadow lords appeared, they all kneeled down in front of Fein, showing their loyalty and awe to their master. Fein could feel their power surging through his body, and he smiled knowing that he could call upon their strength whenever he needed it.

The chimera ant spoke first, "Master, we are at your service. Our loyalty to you is absolute, and we will serve you until the end of time."

The death knight followed, "We are the guardians of the shadow realm, and our power is yours to command. With our strength, you shall rule over all."

The angel of death finished, "Our existence is to serve the one who summoned us. We are yours to command, and our loyalty to you is unbreakable."

Fein nodded in approval, knowing that he had created three powerful allies that would help him achieve his goals. He could feel the potential of their power, and he knew that with their strength combined with his own, there was nothing he couldn't accomplish. The reason why Michael couldn't summon his personal shadow army and shadow lord like him was because Michael was still an A-rank. He needs to become an S rank to unlock this application.

As the day went on, Fein trained tirelessly, pushing himself to become stronger and better at each of his abilities. He experimented with his other abilities, finding new creative applications for each one. He discovered that his Blood Lock ability could also be used to manipulate his opponent's movements and that his Flame Advent ability could be used to create a shield around himself.

As the sun began to set, Fein finally stopped his training and sheathed his sword. He looked up at the sky, feeling a sense of pride at the progress he had made. He knew that there was still much more to learn and improve upon, but he was confident that he was on the right path.


The scene opens in a dimly lit room, with a group of powerful people from the Southern territory gathered around a large round table. The mood is tense and serious as they discuss recent events in the North.

"Those devils have gone too far this time," said one man with a stern expression on his face. "This is a clear declaration of war."

"Agreed," said another man. "We cannot let them get away with this. We must take action."

The room fell silent as the leader of the group, a woman with a sharp gaze, spoke up. "We must be careful with our next move. We cannot give them any reason to escalate the situation further."

One of the members spoke up, "But they attacked our people! They have already escalated the situation. We cannot let them get away with this. The attack on the North is a provocation for the entire human race!"

The leader nodded, "I understand your frustration, but we must act strategically. We cannot afford to make any mistakes."

As they continued to discuss their options, the leader's mind raced with thoughts of the potential consequences of a full-blown war with the demon race. The last thing she wanted was to put her people in harm's way, but she knew that they needed to take a stand. She couldn't help but think about the innocent lives that would be affected by their decisions.


The leaders of the Southern Kingdom sat around a large table in the grand hall, each deep in thought as they contemplated the recent attack in the North.

"This is an act of war," declared the King, his voice booming across the room. "The demons have made their intentions clear."

Several council members nodded in agreement, murmurs of assent filling the room.

"But why now?" questioned one of the generals, leaning forward to address the group. "We haven't had any issues with the demon race for years."

"Perhaps they're looking to expand their territory," suggested the queen, her eyes narrowed in thought. "Or maybe they're simply looking to provoke us."

A powerful nobleman spoke up next, his voice low and dangerous. "Either way, we cannot let this go unanswered. We must retaliate with force."

"But what about the potential consequences?" another council member spoke up. "We could risk a full-blown war with the demons."josei

"The time for caution is over," the King declared, slamming his fist down on the table. "We cannot allow them to attack our people without consequences. We will strike back, and we will make them pay for their aggression."

The room fell silent, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on everyone present. It was clear that this attack had shaken the kingdom to its core, and the decision of how to respond weighed heavily on the shoulders of the leaders gathered there.


At a secret meeting of military commanders, General Yu declared, "The Twelve Devils have crossed a line with this attack. They have shown that they are not interested in peace and are willing to attack us on our own soil. We must take this as a provocation and prepare for war." Use show, not tell in the narration.

The military commanders sat in a dimly lit room, their faces etched with concern as they discussed the recent attack by the Twelve Devils in the North. General Yu, a stern-faced man with graying hair, spoke up from the head of the table.

"The Twelve Devils have crossed a line with this attack," he declared, his voice firm and commanding. "They have shown that they are not interested in peace and are willing to attack us on our own soil. We must take this as a provocation and prepare for war."

The other commanders nodded in agreement, their expressions somber. One of them, a grizzled man with a scar running down his cheek, spoke up.

"I agree, General Yu. We cannot let this attack go unanswered. The demon race has been growing bolder in recent years, and if we do not act now, they will only become more aggressive."

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