I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 589 Lucius's Call

Chapter 589 Lucius's Call

"Yes, and we have to send reinforcement to the North. This attack may also act of weakening of our force. If any of the regions became paralyzed before the war, it wouldn't be good for us."

The room fell into a tense silence as the commanders contemplated the gravity of the situation. The threat of war loomed over them like a dark cloud, and they knew that the fate of their people rested on their shoulders.


Master Wu stood at the center of the training hall, his eyes blazing with fury as he addressed his disciples. The atmosphere was tense as everyone knew what he was about to say.

"The Twelve Devils have attacked our brothers and sisters in the North," Master Wu said, his voice echoing through the hall. "They have provoked us, and we must respond. We cannot let them think that they can attack us with impunity. We will show them the true power of the South!"

The disciples murmured amongst themselves, nodding in agreement. They had heard about the attack and knew that they couldn't let it go unpunished. The Twelve Devils were notorious for their cruelty and viciousness, and they had been a thorn in the side of the martial arts sects for years.

But Master Wu's words hinted at a deeper truth that only a few were aware of. The Twelve Devils were not just a group of rogue demons, but the tip of the iceberg of a much larger and more sinister plan. The demon race was growing in strength, and they had their sights set on dominating the world.

Master Wu knew this all too well. He had been tracking the movements of the demon race for years, and he had seen their power grow exponentially. They had infiltrated human society, manipulating and controlling from the shadows. They had even managed to gain footholds within the martial arts sects, corrupting some of the disciples with their dark powers.

The attack on the Northern sect was just the latest in a series of escalating provocations. It was clear that the demon race was preparing for something big, and it was up to Master Wu and his disciples to stop them.

"We will not rest until the demon race is vanquished," Master Wu declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "We will stand together, united in our purpose, and we will strike at the heart of their power. The South will not fall to the demons!"

The disciples roared their approval, their fists clenched in determination. They knew that the road ahead would be difficult and fraught with danger, but they were ready to face it head-on. The demon race may have been growing in strength, but they had not counted on the resolve and skill of the martial arts sects.

As Master Wu dismissed the disciples, he knew that the real battle was only just beginning. The Twelve Devils may have been the first to strike, but they were not the last. The demon race was preparing to unleash their full power, and the martial arts sects would have to be ready for anything. But with the courage and determination of his disciples, Master Wu was confident that they could face any challenge and emerge victorious


Fein thought about Lucius's question for a moment before responding. He knew that the war between the North and the Twelve Devils would have far-reaching consequences for the entire continent, and he couldn't afford to make a hasty decision.

"Lucius, I understand your concern, but I need some time to think about it," Fein said calmly.

"Very well, but remember, Fein, that the demons are always looking for ways to exploit the weakness of the humans. If we let the Twelve Devils win this war, they will become more powerful and threaten us all," Lucius said sternly.

Fein nodded, "I understand. I'll let you know my decision as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Fein sat down to think. He knew that the war between the North and the Twelve Devils was just the tip of the iceberg in the demon race's plan. They were always looking for ways to gain more power, and this war was just a small part of their larger scheme.

Fein knew that he had a responsibility to help stop the demons from achieving their goals. He couldn't stay neutral when the fate of the continent was at stake.

Fein stood up from his seat and began to make preparations. He knew that he needed to gather his allies and plan their next move carefully. He couldn't go into battle unprepared, or it would be the end for him and his companions.

Fein contacted his allies and explained the situation to them. They all agreed to join him in the fight against the Twelve Devils and the demon race's larger plan. Fein felt relieved that he had the support of his friends.

As they prepared for the battle, Fein took the time to train and hone his skills. He knew that he needed to be at his best to face the powerful demons that awaited him on the battlefield.josei

Finally, the day of the battle arrived. Fein and his allies marched to the North to face the Twelve Devils and their demon army. As they engaged in combat, Fein felt the weight of the responsibility on his shoulders. He knew that the fate of the continent was in his hands.

Fein fought with all his might, unleashing his various abilities to take down the demons one by one. His allies fought bravely beside him, and they managed to push the Twelve Devils back.

However, Fein could sense that the demon race's plan was much larger than this battle. He knew that they needed to keep fighting if they wanted to stop the demons from achieving their ultimate goal.

As the battle came to an end, Fein knew that his decision to help was the right one. He couldn't sit idly by while the demons threatened the safety of the continent. He had a responsibility to fight for what was right and prevent the demons from affecting innocent like his mother.

Fein and his allies returned home, exhausted but satisfied with their victory. They knew that the battle was far from over, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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