I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 606 Brick's Cosmic Level Mistake

Chapter 606 Brick's Cosmic Level Mistake

Back outside, Voli and Aoi were still chatting away, with Voli showing Aoi different tricks and techniques to manipulate wind and lightning. Aoi was fascinated by Voli's abilities, and she eagerly asked questions, trying to understand the mechanics behind his powers.

As they chatted, Voli suddenly spotted a squirrel darting up a nearby tree in their window. "Oh, look! A squirrel!" he exclaimed, pointing excitedly.

Aoi turned to look, just as Voli accidentally blasted her with a gust of wind, sending her tumbling backwards.

"Voli! What the hell?!" Aoi yelled, glaring at the golden bear.

"I'm sorry, Aoi! I got distracted," Voli apologized, feeling guilty.

But Aoi was not in a forgiving mood. With a determined expression on her face, she summoned a ball of ice and hurled it at Voli, hitting him squarely on the head.josei

"Hey! What was that for?" Voli protested, rubbing his head.

"That was for being careless, Voli. You need to focus on what you're doing," Aoi scolded, her voice stern.

Voli grumbled, but he knew that Aoi was right. Feeling mischievous.


The next morning, Fein and Sofia headed to the hot springs located a short distance away from their lodgings. The hot water was inviting, and steam enveloped them as they entered the springs.

Fein stretched out in the water, enjoying the warmth on his skin. "Ah, this is the life. It's so relaxing," he said with a contented sigh.

Sofia giggled as she dipped her toes into the water. "I feel like I'm being cooked like a lobster," she said, scrunching her nose.

Fein chuckled. "Well, if it's any consolation, you're the prettiest lobster I've ever seen," he said with a grin.

Sofia rolled her eyes playfully. "You're such a flatterer," she replied, splashing some water in his direction.

Fein laughed and splashed back, sending water droplets flying in all directions. "Hey, watch it! I don't want to get my hair wet," he teased.

Sofia smirked. "Oh, is that so? Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you started a water fight with me," she said, scooping up more water and splashing him again.

Fein grinned and retaliated, the two of them continuing to splash each other and laugh.

As they relaxed in the warm water, they continued their banter, exchanging witty and humorous dialogue. Sofia shared some stories from her childhood, and Fein talked about some of the adventures he had been on in his travels.

At one point, Fein playfully dunked Sofia underwater, causing her to sputter and cough when she resurfaced. "Hey, watch it!" she scolded, playfully splashing him in return.

Fein laughed and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. "You're adorable when you're mad," he teased.

Sofia blushed and playfully punched him in the arm. "You're impossible," she said with a smile.

As they continued to soak in the hot springs, Fein and Sofia shared more jokes and stories, enjoying each other's company and the peaceful surroundings.


After their morning bath, the group gathered to have breakfast together. While they were eating, Brick suddenly called Fein over the mobile phone, shouting something about a "minor miscalculation." The group exchanged confused looks and saw Fein open a portal and followed him.

"What could have happened?" Fey, who just came out of her room, saw everyone enter a blue portal. "Might as well find out then."

As they arrived, they saw a small black hole forming in the center of the room, slowly growing larger and stronger with each passing moment. The group quickly realized the danger they were in and began to panic, scrambling to find a way to contain the black hole before it swallowed them all up.

Fein tried to use his space powers to create a barrier around the black hole, but it seemed to have no effect. Voli attempted to use his wind powers to blow the black hole away, but it only made it stronger. Aoi tried to use her ice powers to freeze the black hole, but it only made it expand more.

Meanwhile, Brick was frantically typing away at the machines, trying to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. But the black hole was growing too powerful, and it seemed like they were running out of options.

Just as the group was about to give up hope, Fey stepped forward and offered to try something new. She phased her body into the black hole and began to manipulate it from within, using her intangibility powers to alter its course and contain its gravitational pull.

The group watched in amazement as Fey successfully managed to control the black hole, slowly decreasing its size until it disappeared completely. They all breathed a collective sigh of relief and thanked Fey for her quick thinking and bravery.

Brick apologized for his mistake, and the group forgave him, knowing that accidents happen when dealing with such complex experiments. They all decided to take a break from the lab for the day and enjoy some outdoor activities, grateful to still be alive after such a close call.

As the group was catching their breaths from the adrenaline rush of the black hole incident, Fein jokingly scolded Brick for nearly sucking them all in. "Brick, you're lucky Fey was there to save the day. Otherwise, we'd all be stuck in there forever!"

Brick scratched his head in confusion. "I don't understand how it happened. I followed the steps perfectly."

Voli, who was inspecting the remains of Brick's experiment, chimed in, "Maybe you added too much energy to the equation. You know, like that time when you accidentally caused a power outage in the city?"

Brick blushed and laughed nervously. "Yeah, that was not my finest moment."

Sofia giggled and added, "Well, at least we can say we survived a mini black hole. Not everyone can say that!"

The group laughed, relieved that the danger had passed. But Fein couldn't resist making one last joke, "Well, I guess we'll have to add 'black hole containment' to our list of skills."

Everyone chuckled, glad to be in good spirits again.

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