I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 607 Declaration

Chapter 607 Declaration

Fein closed the door behind him as he entered his room, a contemplative look on his face. He had been thinking about the war on the North and what he needed to do to ensure the safety of his friends from the war between humans and demons that was about to happen on the entire continent. Fein knew very well that the invasion of twelve devils was the prelude of the war, it was the catalyst.

After a few moments, Fein's expression hardened as he made up his mind. He closed his eyes and focused his energy, feeling it surge through his body. When he opened his eyes again, they were glowing with an intense blue light.

With a burst of speed, Fein teleported to the underground base of Ranger's Eye. As soon as he appeared, he summoned his shadow army, calling upon the dark forces he had learned to control.

In an instant, hundreds of shadow creatures appeared around him, taking shape and form as they emerged from the darkness. And then, from the shadows of the army, came the three shadow lords: the chimera ant, the death knight, and the angel of death.

As Fein summoned his shadow army, the ground beneath him began to tremble. From the darkness, a sea of shadows emerged and took form, coalescing into an army of thousands of shadow soldiers, all ready to do their master's bidding.

The shadow army was an imposing sight to behold, their forms shifting and warping with each passing moment. Some had wings, others had extra limbs, and some were simply amorphous masses of darkness. Their glowing eyes and razor-sharp claws only added to their fearsome appearance.

At the forefront of the army were the three shadow lords: the chimera ant, the death knight, and the angel of death. The chimera ant was a monstrous creature with the head of a lion, the wings of a bat, and the tail of a scorpion. The death knight was an armored warrior wielding a massive greatsword, its skull-like helmet glowing with an eerie green light. The angel of death was a winged humanoid figure with a ghostly visage and a tattered cloak.

Fein stood tall and proud amidst his army of shadows, his golden eyes gleaming with power and his hair billowing in the wind. The sheer force of his presence was enough to send shivers down the spines of those who dared to face him.

As the army prepared to march, Fein gave a single nod, and they set off, their forms shifting and morphing with each passing step. The ground shook beneath their feet, and the air hummed with an otherworldly energy. They were an unstoppable force, and nothing could stand in their way.

With a deep breath, Fein turned to his army and spoke, his voice ringing out loud and clear. "You have a battle ahead of you, my minions, head my command and fight the twelve devils in the North. They are indeed strong. But with the power of shadows on you side, you cannot be defeated. Let us march forth and claim victory!"

The shadow army cheered with Fein's declaration, their dark forms seeming to ripple with excitement. They were a sight to behold, a vast horde of shadowy soldiers with glowing red eyes, all clad in heavy armor and wielding wickedly sharp blades. Each soldier was a formidable fighter in their own right, with impressive strength, speed, and agility.

As the three shadow lords stepped forward, the soldiers parted to make way for them, bowing in deference to their rulers. The chimera ant shadow lord was a monstrous creature, its insectoid form towering over even the tallest soldiers. Its chitinous armor glinted in the dim light, and its sharp mandibles clacked menacingly.

The death knight shadow lord was no less terrifying, its skeletal frame cloaked in dark robes and wielding a massive scythe. Its eyes burned with an otherworldly fire, and the air around it grew cold and still.

The angel of death shadow lord was perhaps the most unsettling of them all, with its glowing dark wings and ethereal form. Its eyes were pure black, and its expression was blank and emotionless. Yet there was no denying the power that radiated from it, a palpable aura of death and decay.

Fein surveyed his army with a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that with them at his side, he was virtually unstoppable. The shadow army was his to command, and he intended to use it to crush his enemies and claim ultimate victory.

Just like that, the shadow army which composed of A-rank shadow creatures and Fein's three S-rank shadow lords blended within the darkness and entered the shadow realm to use it as transportation means. With the help of shadow realm, they would be able to cross distance and arrive at the North at the fastest speed possible.josei

It would also help Fein conceal his powers. Such a strong lineup of shadow army would scare every country. If they marched outside, the other powers would mistake it as a riot from the monsters.

Whit shadow realm, these problems are solved which provided Fein a peace of mind.

Fein smiled as he looked at his slowly vanishing shadow army, relishing in the power and convenience it brought him. He began to speak to himself in a low voice, "With this shadow army, I won't have to worry about fighting anymore. I can just relax at home and let them handle everything. And the best part? They're practically immortal. Even if they die, they'll be resurrected in the shadow realm after an hour. And the stronger the creature, the longer the duration of resurrection. This is truly the ultimate convenience."

Fein chuckled to himself, feeling satisfied with the thought of never having to risk his life in battle again. With his shadow army at his command, he was practically invincible. He could take on any enemy, no matter how powerful, and emerge victorious. The thought filled him with a sense of pride and confidence, as he knew that he was now a force to be reckoned with.

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