I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 608 True Rulers Of The World

Chapter 608 True Rulers Of The World

The sky turned dark as the twelve devils descended upon the North. The A-rank degu user watched in horror as the devils unleashed their S rank spells upon the helpless city. Buildings crumbled, and the earth shook beneath their feet. The user could see people running for their lives, but it was of no use. The devils' spells were too powerful, and death seemed inevitable.

The user knew that they were outmatched, and their only hope was to hide until the devils left. They crouched behind a pile of rubble, their heart racing as they heard the screams of the dying. The user peeked out cautiously, watching as the devils continued to rain destruction upon the city.

Suddenly, an S rank spell hit too close, and the user was thrown backward by the impact. They could feel the heat of the blast and the sound of the explosion ringing in their ears. The user was injured and struggled to get up, but they had to keep moving.

The A-rank degu user stumbled through the ruins, trying to find a place to hide. They could see the devils flying overhead, their massive wings casting a shadow over the city. The user knew they were lucky to be alive, but the destruction around them was overwhelming. The user could only hope that the devils would leave soon and that they could rebuild what was left of their city.

The user huddled in a corner, listening to the sounds of destruction around them. They couldn't fight against the devils, and they knew it. All they could do was pray for survival and hope that they would make it out alive.

As the S rank spells rained down upon the Northern territories, the people's reactions were a mixture of shock, horror, and despair. The sky was illuminated by bright flashes of light, and the deafening sound of explosions echoed through the air. The people below could do nothing but watch in terror as buildings crumbled, trees were uprooted, and the ground shook violently.

The appearance of the S rank spells was truly terrifying. Some were giant fireballs that engulfed entire buildings in flames, while others were icy blasts that froze anything in their path. Lightning bolts struck from the sky, creating deep craters in the ground. Some spells created powerful gusts of wind that uprooted trees and sent people flying through the air. And then there were the spells that seemed to defy explanation, such as the one that created a massive rift in the ground, swallowing everything in its path.

The people were in chaos, screaming and running in all directions, desperately trying to escape the devastation. Some tried to fight back, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer power of the devils' magic. The A-rank degu user could only watch in horror as countless innocent lives were lost, buildings were destroyed, and the landscape was transformed into a wasteland.

The A-rank degu user knew that they could not stand against the devils, and so they hid and waited for the carnage to end. They knew that their survival was nothing short of a miracle, and they couldn't help but feel guilty for not being able to do more to help their fellow humans. The sheer power of the S rank spells was a reminder of how small and powerless they were in the face of such overwhelming destruction.

The Twelve Devils landed in the midst of the destruction, surrounded by a sea of human corpses. They looked down on the survivors with derision, their expressions twisted into smug sneers. The wind whipped around them, sending dust and debris flying in all directions.

One of the Devils, Balanar, stepped forward, his eyes glinting with malice. He raised his hand, and a dark energy began to swirl around his fingertips. The humans watched in terror, frozen in fear. The Devil spoke in a low, menacing voice.

"Pathetic creatures. You dare to defy us? You are nothing but insects, scurrying around in the dirt."

He flicked his wrist, and the dark energy shot out from his fingertips, blasting a nearby building to rubble. The humans scattered, screaming in terror. The other Devils laughed, their voices echoing through the destruction.

"Ha! They run like frightened little mice! How amusing."

Another Devil raised his hand, and a ball of flame appeared in his palm. He tossed it casually towards a group of humans, and they were consumed by the inferno.

"Let this be a lesson to all who dare to oppose us. You are nothing. Less than nothing."josei

The Devils continued to destroy everything in their path, their arrogance and contempt for humanity on full display. The survivors cowered in fear, knowing that they were no match for these demonic beings.

The North was in chaos. The once-beautiful cities and towns were now nothing more than smoldering ruins. The ground shook with each explosion, and the sky was filled with black smoke. The air was thick with the smell of death, and the sounds of screams and cries filled the ears of those who were unfortunate enough to witness the destruction.

As the A-rank degu user cowered behind a crumbling wall, he watched as the twelve devils continued their assault on the North. The devils seemed to take pleasure in the destruction they were causing. They laughed as they cast their S-rank spells, easily obliterating anything in their path.

But soon, the devils were confronted by 24 S-rank degu users from the North. The degu users arrived on the scene with anger and unwillingness etched on their faces. They had seen enough destruction and death and were not going to stand by and watch as their homes were destroyed.

The lead degu user, a tall man with sharp features and piercing eyes, stepped forward and spoke with authority. "What is the meaning of this destruction? Why have you invaded our land and caused such chaos?"

The devils laughed, their expressions of derision only growing more pronounced. "Why should we explain ourselves to a bunch of weaklings like you?" one of them sneered. "We are here to conquer, to show you humans who the true rulers of this world are."

The degu users bristled at the condescension in the devils' voices. They knew they couldn't let this stand, but they also knew that rushing into battle would be foolish. So they stood their ground, their eyes locked in a fierce staring contest with the devils, waiting for the right moment to strike.

The degu users confronted the devils with words, demanding to know their intentions. The devils sneered, looking down on the humans with derision. They treated the degu users like ants, as if they were nothing more than insignificant creatures that could be crushed with a single blow.

The degu users stood firm, refusing to be intimidated by the devils' arrogance. They demanded answers, and the devils finally spoke. They revealed that their intention was to conquer the North and turn it into their own personal playground. They wanted to rule over the humans and use them for their own entertainment.

The degu users were outraged at the devils' words. They refused to let the devils take over their land and enslave their people. The tension between the two groups grew, and it was clear that a battle was about to begin.

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