I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 742 Principles Behind Livershot

Chapter 742 Principles Behind Livershot

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the fourth round, Gondang stumbled and fell to the ground. Manny Crackman, despite his small stature, had proven himself to be a fierce fighter. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause as the referee counted Gondang out.

The announcer stepped into the ring, his voice booming through the underground arena. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! By way of TKO, the new ninth division and lineal champion of the world, Manny Crackman!"

Manny's face was a mixture of relief and joy as the announcer placed the championship belt around his waist. He had worked tirelessly for this moment, training day in and day out to become the best fighter he could be.

The audience was a sea of excitement, some cheering, some whistling, and some shouting Manny's name at the top of their lungs. Fein, Luen, and Voli were among them, looking proud and ecstatic.

"I can't believe it," Fein said, shaking his head in disbelief. "He really did it."

Luen nodded in agreement. "Manny proved that size doesn't matter when it comes to fighting."

Voli smiled and clapped his hands. "He's a true champion, no doubt about it."

Meanwhile, Manny basked in the glory of his victory, the championship belt shining in the dim lighting of the underground arena. He looked out at the sea of faces before him, feeling a sense of accomplishment like never before.

Some random people in the crowd talked amongst themselves, marveling at Manny's skill and determination. "I've never seen anything like it," one said. "He took down a heavyweight with ease."

eαglesnovel`c,om "Size doesn't matter, it's all about skill," another replied.

The announcer continued to hype up the crowd, recounting Manny's journey to becoming the ninth division champion. The audience cheered louder and louder, their passion for the sport palpable.

As Manny made his way out of the ring, the crowd followed him, congratulating him and taking photos with him. He felt like a celebrity, but more importantly, he felt like he had accomplished something great.

Fein turned to Luen and Voli. "That was truly something else," he said. "I'm glad we got to witness it. Thanks for bringing us here. It's for our time to be honest."

Luen smiled. "No problem dude... Me too. Manny really is something special."

Voli nodded. "He's a true inspiration. And who knows, maybe we'll see him go for a tenth division."

The three of them laughed and made their way out of the arena, still buzzing with the energy and excitement of the fight. Manny Crackman, the ninth division and lineal champion of the world, had cemented his name in history, and the world of boxing would never be the same again.

Fein led the group through the dimly lit alleyways towards their next destination. Luen and Voli followed close behind, their faces still flushed with excitement from the thrilling fight they had just witnessed.

"Man, that was insane!" Luen exclaimed, breaking the silence. "I never thought someone like Manny could take down a heavyweight like Gondang."

Voli nodded in agreement. "Manny's got some serious skills," she said. "But I bet Gondang put up a good fight too."

Fein turned to face them, his expression serious. "Both fighters had their strengths and weaknesses," he said, his eyes glinting with a hint of professional pride. "But in terms of style, footwork, defence, and technique, Manny had the upper hand. Gondang's footwork was sloppy and his defence was weak, which made him vulnerable to Manny's swift and powerful attacks."

Luen and Voli listened intently as Fein continued to break down the fight, pointing out various moments where Gondang's weaknesses had been exposed. Fein then went on to explain the lethality of a livershot, how it could bring even the toughest fighter down to their knees.

"Gondang won't be able to get up after Manny's livershot, It's already incredible that he still manage to come out of arena without others help..." Fein explained, "It's a testament to his incredible toughness and resilience. A livershot can cause severe damage and even internal bleeding, which can be fatal if not treated immediately."

Luen and Voli exchanged looks of awe and admiration, impressed by Fein's vast knowledge and expertise.

"Wow, Fein," Luen said, shaking his head in amazement. "I never realized there was so much to boxing. You're like a walking encyclopedia."

Fein chuckled modestly, but there was a twinkle in his eye. "It's all part of the game," he said. "There's always something new to learn and improve upon. That's what makes boxing such a fascinating and challenging sport."


As they walked through the winding streets, the trio continued to discuss the fight, dissecting every move and strategy. And as they walked under the moonlit sky, they knew that the news about the result of the fight would cause a ripple to the boxing community.

As Fein finished his explanation, he turned to Luen and said, "What do you say we go grab a drink and some barbecue? Consider it a treat for helping us out tonight."

Luen smiled and nodded. "Sure, that sounds great. I could use a drink after all that excitement."

As they left the dimly lit alleyways, they walked past a local tavern where a group of people were gathered outside, discussing the fight they had just witnessed. Some were offering their opinions on the fighters' technique, footwork, and overall strategy. Others were simply marveling at Manny's incredible performance, considering his weight disadvantage against Gondang.

Fein and Luen exchanged a glance, amused by the lively chatter of the crowd. They made their way inside the tavern, where they were met with the sound of clinking glasses and hearty laughter. The smell of grilled meat filled the air, making their stomachs grumble.

Fein ordered a round of drinks and some barbecue for the group, and they settled in for a lively discussion about the fight. Fein and Luen shared their insights on the fighters' techniques, and the group eagerly offered their own perspectives.

One person, a middle-aged man with a weathered face and a grizzled beard, spoke up. "You know, I used to train boxers back in the day. I gotta say, Manny's footwork was a thing of beauty. He moved like a cat in there, never wasting a step. And that liver shot he landed on Gondang? That was a thing of beauty."

Another person chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I heard that liver shot can be lethal."

Fein leaned forward, happy to share his medical knowledge. "Well, you see, the liver is one of the most important organs in the body. It plays a crucial role in filtering toxins and producing bile. When you land a hard shot to the liver, it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, making it difficult for the fighter to continue. But some fighters have developed a tolerance to it over time, which can allow them to keep going even after a hard liver shot. It's all about conditioning and training your body to withstand the pain. Obviously, Gondang wasn't that prepared for a livershot."

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