I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 743 The Country Of Kavala

Chapter 743 The Country Of Kavala

The group listened intently, fascinated by Fein's explanation. As the night wore on, they continued to chat and enjoy each other's company, savoring the taste of the barbecue and the warmth of the camaraderie.

As they left the tavern, Fein turned to Luen and Voli with a smile. "Thanks for joining me tonight. I think we all learned a thing or two along the way."

Luen and Voli nodded in agreement, happy to have spent the evening in good company. As they made their way back home, they couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that they had witnessed history being made that night.

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The news of Manny Crackman's victory spread like wildfire throughout the continent, reaching every corner and every walk of life. People talked about the fight with passion, and the name Manny Crackman became synonymous with legendary status.

In the city streets, vendors selling their wares could be heard shouting about Manny's lethal punch that made Gondang hit the mat. Pedestrians stopped to listen and added their own commentary, sharing their own thoughts on the fight.

At the cafes and restaurants, patrons eagerly discussed Manny's achievements, citing his nine division world championship, his IBF championship, and his lineal division championship. They marveled at his 50-0 undefeated record and wondered who could ever beat him.josei

Even in the countryside, farmers and herders took breaks from their work to discuss the fight. They talked about Manny's speed and power, and how he managed to conquer a fighter twice his size with ease.

In the aristocratic mansions, the nobles discussed the fight with their guests. They compared Manny's style to the great fighters of old, and speculated on what his future fights might bring.

Everywhere you went, people talked about Manny Crackman. His name was on everyone's lips, and his legend grew with every passing moment.

Amidst the chatter, there were those who doubted Manny's abilities, wondering if he could really live up to the hype. But the majority believed in him, confident that he would continue to dominate the boxing world for years to come.

As the news spread, Manny's supporters began to plan celebrations in his honor. Parties were organized, and people prepared to raise their glasses to the one and only Manny Crackman, a true champion and a legendary figure in the world of boxing.


Fein and Voli stepped out of the portal and into the chaotic and lawless country of Kavala. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and the sounds of gunshots could be heard in the distance. Fein immediately summoned a shield around them, just to be safe.

Voli looked around nervously, clutching his bag tightly. "I don't like this place, Fein. It feels dangerous."

Fein nodded grimly. "We won't be staying long. Just one night at an inn and then we'll be on our way."

They made their way through the crowded and dirty streets, avoiding eye contact with the rough-looking people who stared at them as they passed by. Fein led them to a small inn on the outskirts of town, away from the worst of the violence.

The innkeeper, a gruff-looking man with a scar on his face, eyed them suspiciously as they approached. "What do you want?" he growled.

"We need a room for the night," Fein said calmly, handing over a few coins.

The innkeeper snatched the coins from his hand and grunted. "Room 6. Don't cause any trouble."

Fein and Voli made their way up the rickety stairs to their room. It was small and cramped, with a single bed and a small window that looked out onto the dirty street below.

Fein immediately began setting up wards around the room, while Voli sat on the bed. "Is this really necessary, Fein?"

"Yes, it is," Fein replied firmly. "This place is dangerous. There are S-rank criminals here and I suspect that there was an SS-rank hiding in here."

They spent the night in the small room, listening to the sounds of violence outside. Gunshots and screams could be heard throughout the night, but Fein's wards held strong, keeping them safe inside the room.

The next morning, Fein and Voli quickly packed their bags and left the inn. They made their way back to the portal and Fein summoned it once more.

As they stepped through the portal and onto the other side, Voli let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad we're out of there. That was a nightmare."

Fein nodded in agreement. "Kavala is a dangerous place. Although we have the power to clean the criminal groups, this city is a hopeless city and I don't want to intervene much.

The country of Kavala is a land of pure chaos and corruption, where criminal gangs and warlords rule the streets and the government is little more than a puppet for the powerful elite. The history of Kavala is one of violence and upheaval, marked by brutal wars and oppressive regimes.

At its heart, Kavala is a country with a deeply ingrained culture of violence and lawlessness. The people of Kavala are fiercely independent and distrustful of authority, often taking matters into their own hands rather than relying on the government or the police. This has led to the rise of powerful criminal organizations and gangs, who operate with impunity throughout the country.

The government of Kavala is largely ineffective and corrupt, with many officials on the payroll of the criminal organizations that control the country. The judicial system is notoriously slow and unreliable, with many judges and lawyers also in the pocket of the criminal underworld.

Despite the chaos and lawlessness, there are unspoken rules that govern life in Kavala. These rules are enforced by the criminal organizations and gangs that control the streets, and breaking them can result in severe punishment or even death. These rules include things like not interfering in the affairs of the criminal organizations, not betraying the trust of your fellow gang members, and always paying your debts on time.

The culture of Kavala is deeply rooted in violence and criminality, with many young people idolizing the gang leaders and aspiring to join their ranks. The arts and entertainment industry is dominated by depictions of violence and criminal behavior, further perpetuating this culture.

Despite its reputation as a dangerous and corrupt country, Kavala is not without its charms. The country is home to stunning natural beauty, including lush rainforests, towering mountains, and pristine beaches. However, visitors to Kavala are advised to exercise extreme caution and avoid venturing into areas controlled by the criminal organizations.

The country of Kavala is literally similar to Gotham, which is why Fein doesn't want to intervene much and continued on their journey, leaving the country of Kavala behind them. But the memory of the violence and chaos they had witnessed there would stay with them for a long time to come.

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