I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 754 The Battle Of The Titans

Chapter 754 The Battle Of The Titans

Jian Chen was born in a small village in the Central Plains. His father was a swordsman who had taught him the art of the sword since he was a child. At a young age, Jian Chen showed exceptional talent with the sword and quickly surpassed his father's skills. He left his village to travel the world, seeking out the best swordsmen to challenge and learn from.

Jian Chen is a quiet and reserved man, who speaks only when necessary. He is fiercely dedicated to his craft and spends most of his time training and perfecting his swordsmanship. He is humble and respectful towards others, but can be fiercely competitive when challenged.

Jian Chen has become known as the "Peerless Sword God" for his incredible swordsmanship. He is able to cut through anything with a single slash, and his thrusts are said to have the power to wreck kingdoms. He has defeated countless opponents, including some of the greatest swordsmen in the world. He has never been defeated in battle, and his reputation as the number one swordsman in the Central Plains is unchallenged.

Jian Chen has been ranked as the number one swordsman in the Central Plains for the past decade. He is widely considered to be the greatest swordsman of his time, and many have tried to challenge him for his title, but none have succeeded. Even the rank 2 Fein defeat couldn't even tough his shoe. 

Jian Chen's travels have taken him across the world, where he has faced many challenges and made many allies. He has a deep respect for the sword and its power, and believes that it should be used only for good. He has dedicated his life to the pursuit of perfection in his art, and is always seeking out new challenges and opponents to test his skills against.


As the sun began to set over the Central Plains, Jiang Chen stood alone on the peak of the highest mountain in the land, hidden fortress in sight. His eyes were fixed on the horizon, where the sea met the sky, and his expression was serene and otherworldly. His long black hair, tied up in a bun, fluttered in the gentle breeze that blew across the mountain.

eαglesnovel`c,om He had been lost in thought for hours, contemplating his life as the greatest swordsman in the Central Plains. It had been a decade since he had claimed the title, and in that time, no one had been able to challenge him for it. He had defeated all of his opponents with ease, cutting through their swords and leaving them in awe of his power. But the lack of challenge had left him bored and unfulfilled, and he had begun to feel as though he were alone at the peak, looking down at everyone aloofly.

But then he had heard about Fein, the rising star who had defeated the top 2 to 100 swordsmen in just a few days. Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement at the thought of facing such a formidable opponent. He had been waiting for a challenge like this for years, and he knew that Fein would not disappoint him.

As he stood there, lost in thought, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the cool mountain air fill his lungs. He could sense Fein's energy and power from afar, and he knew that their battle would be a legendary one. He thought to himself, "It's been so long since I've felt this kind of anticipation. Fein, you have truly ignited a fire in my heart. Let's see what you're capable of."

Jiang Chen opened his eyes and turned to leave, his serene expression replaced with one of determination. He knew that he had to prepare for the battle ahead, both physically and mentally. He couldn't wait to face Fein and see what the young swordsman was truly capable of. The Central Plains had not seen a battle like this in years, and Jiang Chen was ready to take on the challenge with all of his power and skill.


The day of the long-awaited battle had arrived. The swordsmen and degu users had all gathered on large boats, ready to witness the historic event from a safe distance. They all knew the danger of being too close to the battlefield, as the residual slashes from Jiang Chen and Fein's swords could prove deadly.

As they sailed across the sea towards the hidden fortress, the tension among the group was palpable. They whispered amongst themselves, speculating on who would emerge victorious from the battle between the rising star and the sword god.

On the boat, a seasoned swordsman named Liang stood at the bow, his eyes fixed on the fortress in the distance. He spoke to his fellow swordsmen, "I have seen many battles in my time, but this is one for the history books. Fein has shown us all what he's capable of, but Jiang Chen is no ordinary opponent. It will be a clash of titans."

The group nodded in agreement, their eyes glinting with anticipation.

As they neared the fortress, the swordsmen and degu users disembarked from the boats and hiked up the mountain to a safe distance. They settled in to watch the battle unfold, their hearts racing with excitement.

Meanwhile, Jiang Chen stood alone on the battlefield, his sword drawn and his eyes fixed on the approaching Fein. He felt a flicker of excitement in his chest, something he hadn't felt in a long time. The prospect of a real challenge had finally presented itself.

As Fein approached, Jiang Chen's body language shifted. He lowered his sword and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He then opened his eyes and looked straight at Fein, his expression calm but focused.

"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time," Jiang Chen said. "It's been a while since I've had a worthy opponent. Let's make this battle one to remember."

Fein simply nodded in response, his own eyes shining with anticipation. The two swordsmen then took their positions on the battlefield, ready to begin the battle that would determine the strongest swordsman in the Central Plains. The swordsmen and degu users watched with bated breath.josei

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