I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 755 Final Battle

Chapter 755 Final Battle: Azure Sword God

As Jiang Chen and Fein faced each other in the midst of the sea, the tension between them was palpable. Each swordsman knew that this battle would be one for the ages, a fight that would be remembered for centuries to come.

Jiang Chen's eyes glinted with anticipation, his body poised and ready for action. Fein, on the other hand, had a look of fierce determination on his face. They stood there for a moment, sizing each other up, before suddenly rushing forward in a blur of motion.

Their swords clashed with a deafening sound that echoed across the sea, causing the earth to quake beneath them. The shock waves created by their attacks produced waves that traveled for miles and miles, causing the spectators to move 10 kilometers away just to watch the battle safely.

With each slash of their swords, the air around them seemed to tremble and the space to shake. Their strikes produced shock waves that could be felt for kilometers around, and the mountains in the distance were annihilated by the sheer force of their blows.

Jiang Chen and Fein moved with lightning speed, their movements too fast for the human eye to follow. They danced across the water, their swords flashing in the sunlight. Each attack they made was dangerous, capable of ending the battle in an instant.

As they continued to battle, the clouds above them were torn apart by the sheer force of their movements. A hole was made in the clouds, and the sun shone down on the two warriors, illuminating their faces as they clashed.

Jiang Chen was the first to strike, his sword slicing through the air with a speed that was almost too fast to follow. Fein managed to dodge the blow at the last moment, but Jiang Chen was already moving again, his sword sweeping down in a devastating arc.

Fein met the blow with a strike of his own, and the clash of their swords produced sparks that rained down on the sea. They moved back and forth, exchanging blows with a speed and precision that was almost inhuman.


Their swords collided once again, and the force of the impact was enough to send a shock wave through the water. The sea around them boiled and churned, and the spectators could feel the force of the impact from miles away.

As the battle raged on, the two warriors seemed to merge into one, their movements and attacks becoming more and more fluid. They moved as one, each anticipating the other's movements with uncanny accuracy.

In the end, it was impossible to tell who had won the battle. The sea around them was torn apart, the sky was filled with smoke and dust, and the spectators could only watch in awe as the two warriors continued to fight, their swords flashing in the sunlight. The damage of their battle was evident, and it would take centuries for the land to fully recover.

'Damn, so strong!' Fein took a deep breath. This is the first time someone parried all his full-powered sword attacks. In the SS-rank realm, in terms of pure swordsmanship, Jiang Chen was equal to him if not higher! 'Probe!'

Name: Jiang Chen

Race: Human (Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God from the Fifth Dimension)

Talent:  Sword Heart (SS rank talent), Kendo God (SS rank)

Class: Swordsman

Ratio: 1 in 1,000,000,000 Genius in Sword

Energies: SS rank (Degu Energy)

Str: SS

Agi: SS

End: SS

Understanding of the Laws: Sword Nature lvl 64...

Skills: Swordsmanship Lvl 53...

Elemental Techniques: Azure Sword God, One Buster, Ultimate One Stroke...

Degu Abilities: Sword Heart, Sword Comprehension, Kendo God, Enhanced Reaction, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Sixth Sense, Plane of Swords...

'Jiang Chen is really higher than me in terms of swordsmanship by 2 levels.' Fein didn't expect to receive a mind-blowing information.

First of all, Jiang Chen have degu abilities called Sword Heart and Kendo God which enhances his talent to sword to SS-rank, similar to him. Second, Jiang Chen is actually Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God from the Fifth Dimension! Lastly, what the fuck is the law "Sword Nature"?

eαglesnovel`c,om After the battle and infusing with Niki. His knowledge about the world expanded. It wasn't limited to third dimension anymore. So seeing someone with similar nature, Fein felt surreal. Sword God from the Fifth Dimension... What kind of concept is that? Albeit he wasn't one to talk since he's the one and only incarnation of Damien, the strongest 10th dimensional being who was one step closer to 11th dimension.

As the two swordsmen clashed, their power rippled across the sea and shattered the earth beneath them. Each of their strikes created a shockwave that traveled miles away, causing the mountain range to tremble and the clouds to disperse. The sheer force of their battle was enough to send their audience, watching from a safe distance, flying off their feet.

Fein's sword flew into the sky, multiplying like a cancer. The swords rained down upon Jiang Chen, but he dodged and parried with swift, precise movements. Fein sheathed and unsheathed his sword with lightning speed, releasing white sword light that sliced through the air and cut the ground beneath them. Jiang Chen's eyes turned azure, and his body was covered in azure flames as he channeled the power of the Azure Sword God.

Fein's attacks were fierce and relentless, but Jiang Chen was just as skilled. With each strike, he chipped away at Fein's sword domain, breaking through the rain of swords and deflecting the white sword light. Jiang Chen lunged forward with his One Buster, a sword slash that could split a kingdom, but Fein countered with his own attack.

Fein's sword turned into a giant dragon that coiled around Jiang Chen's blade, locking the two in a deadly stalemate. Jiang Chen gritted his teeth and channeled all his energy into one final attack - his Ultimate One Stroke. His sword glowed with an intense white light, and he slashed down with all his might.

The impact of the two swords meeting was deafening, sending shockwaves through the sea and cracking the mountains. The air was filled with smoke and dust as the two swordsmen stood motionless for what felt like an eternity. When the dust finally cleared, it was Fein who emerged victorious, his sword piercing through Jiang Chen's chest, only three centimeters to the heart.

Jiang Chen fell to his knees, gasping for air. His aura faded as he struggled to stay conscious. Fein stood over him, his sword at the ready. "You fought well," he said. "But in the end, it was I who emerged victorious. You still have one ability that you haven't use yet right? Plane of Swords?

"It's not that I don't want to use it, but I can't..." Jiang Chen looked up at Fein, his eyes filled with admiration and respect. "You truly are a worthy opponent," he said, before collapsing to the ground.

'"It's not that I don't want to use it, but I can't..." Fein muttered. 'What does he even mean by it? Does it have a huge cost if he used it?'

The spectators watching from afar could hardly believe their eyes. The power unleashed by the two swordsmen had left a trail of destruction in their wake. The sea was split in half, mountains were shattered, and the very ground they stood on had been reduced to rubble.

As the dust settled, Fein looked out at the vast expanse of the sea, contemplating his victory. He knew that he had defeated the strongest swordsman in the land, but he also knew that there would always be someone stronger out there. "But for now, I am the strongest swordsman in the continent!"

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