I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 773 Twist And Turns

Chapter 773 Twist And Turns

Fein had just gone to bed when a loud explosion jolted him awake. His heart raced as he quickly got out of bed and looked out the window, only to see thick black smoke rising from a nearby house. He immediately activated his elemental powers, using his ability to control water to create a tidal wave to extinguish the flames.

As he worked to put out the fire, Fein could hear the panicked voices of people around him, screaming and shouting. His heart sank as he realized that one person had already died in the fire.

Fein approached the authorities and volunteered to help with the investigation, using his heightened perception to determine the cause of the explosion. It was determined that the cause of the gas leak was due to the negligence of a maid who left the gas stove on overnight.

Fein felt a wave of speechlessness as he thought about the preventable tragedy. He couldn't help but think of the family who lost their loved one and the guilt the maid must be feeling.

As the police worked to manage the aftermath of the explosion, Fein did what he could to assist, providing water and support to the firefighters and families affected by the disaster.

As the flames were put out and the injured were taken away, Fein walked over to the victims to offer his condolences. They were crying their hearts out, mourning the loss of their loved ones and their homes. Fein put a hand on their shoulders and tried to comfort them, using his words to soothe their broken spirits.

"I am sorry for your loss. I will make sure that you will have a safe and comfortable place to stay for the meantime," Fein said softly, trying to alleviate their pain.

The victims looked up at him, their eyes red and swollen from crying. "Thank you, lord Fein," one of them managed to say before breaking down in tears again.

As Fein turned to leave, he noticed the police reprimanding the maid for her negligence. She was crying and apologizing repeatedly, and Fein couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her.

"Please forgive me, I didn't mean to cause any harm," the maid pleaded, her voice shaking.

Fein couldn't deny the guilt that he felt for having been able to save only one life instead of all. However, since he couldn't do anything... That's it. After all, he have a motto that he would only help anyone that his hand can reach.

eαglesnᴏνel He knew he had to do something to help the victims, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about the maid. As the police finished interviewing her, Fein caught a faint smile on her face, but when he looked at her, she was crying again.

He brushed it off as just his imagination and continued to comfort the victims, making sure that they were taken care of and given proper attention. However, the smile on the maid's face lingered in the back of his mind, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something more to the incident than just mere negligence. 'The fuck? Did my eyes play tricks with me?


As news of the gas leak and the maid's negligence spread throughout the neighborhood, tension began to rise. Many were outraged and demanded justice for the victim who lost their life in the fire. The maid's life was turned upside down as she lost her job and was ostracized by the community.

One day, as the maid was walking down the street, a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and lunged at her with a knife. The maid screamed as the crazed man stabbed her in the stomach, causing her to fall to the ground in pain. The man quickly ran away, leaving the maid lying on the ground, bleeding.

Passersby rushed to the maid's aid, calling for an ambulance as they tried to stop the bleeding. The maid's face was contorted in pain as she clutched her stomach, trying to stem the flow of blood. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered for help.

The ambulance arrived soon after and took the maid to the hospital, where she underwent surgery to repair the damage to her intestines. The attack left her traumatized and fearful, constantly looking over her shoulder for any sign of danger.

The police investigated the incident, but the attacker was never caught. Some speculated that it was an act of revenge by someone who lost a loved one in the gas leak. Others believed that it was simply a random act of violence committed by a disturbed individual.josei


"I finally killed that piece of shit." The maid who was supposed to be weak have a faint smile on her face while lying on the hospital bed. 

Suddenly, a  doctor walked into the room with a calm demeanor, but as he approached the maid's bed, his expression turned sinister. He pulled out a syringe and injected it into her IV line, causing the maid to stir awake.

"What are you doing?" she asked, fear creeping into her voice.

The doctor's grip tightened around her throat, and he leaned in close to her ear. "Only dead people can keep secrets," he whispered before tightening his grip and strangling the maid.

The maid's eyes widened with terror as she struggled to breathe, her hands grasping at the doctor's arm in a desperate attempt to free herself. But the doctor's strength was too much, and soon her body went limp.

The doctor released his grip and stepped back, looking down at the lifeless body with a mixture of satisfaction and regret. He knew what he had done was wrong, but the thought of the maid revealing his own secrets was too much to bear.

He quickly left the room, hoping to avoid suspicion, but the guilt of his actions weighed heavily on him. He knew he could never undo what he had done, but he vowed to do better in the future.

As for the maid, her secret was now buried with her, never to be revealed.

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