I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 774 Brewing Conspiracy

Chapter 774 Brewing Conspiracy

Somewhere In a dark and damp cave in the North, a group of demons gathered together, huddled around a flickering torch. Their glowing red eyes were fixed on a map of the Milea Kingdom spread out on the ground.

"We must find a way to weaken their economy," said the demon with the largest horns. "Their currency is what fuels their power. If we can disrupt their trade routes, we can bring them to their knees."

"But how?" asked another demon with spiky black hair.

"We must convince the merchants in the neighboring kingdoms to stop trading with Milea," replied the horned demon. "We'll offer them a better deal, of course. And if they don't agree, we'll use force."

The demons cackled at the idea of using violence to achieve their goal.

"But what about their army?" asked a demon with a raspy voice. "They're known for their strength in battle."

"We'll take care of them," said the horned demon with a sinister grin. "We'll send assassins to take out their top generals. And we'll make sure that the rumors of their military prowess are greatly exaggerated, so other kingdoms won't be afraid to attack them."

As they continued to scheme, the demons revealed more information about the Milea Kingdom. They spoke of its rich culture, its vast territories, and its powerful rulers. They also talked about how the kingdom's economy had made it one of the most prosperous in the region, with merchants and traders flocking to its cities to do business.

The demons continued to plot, whispering their dark plans to one another in the flickering light of the torch. They spoke of sabotage, assassination, and subterfuge, determined to bring down the Milea Kingdom and spread chaos throughout the region.

As they spoke, their faces twisted with malice, their eyes glowing with a wicked light. They were demons, after all, creatures of darkness and evil. And they would stop at nothing to achieve their goals. 


eαglesnovel`c,om The Milea Kingdom was one of the largest and most prosperous kingdoms in the region. Its economy was based on agriculture and trade, and its fertile lands produced abundant crops of wheat, rice, and other staples. The kingdom's politics were stable, with a hereditary monarchy that had ruled for generations. The king was wise and just, and the people loved him.

The kingdom was protected by a well-trained and well-equipped army, which was led by the king's younger brother, Prince Harold. The prince was a formidable warrior, and he had won many battles against the kingdom's enemies. The army was made up of foot soldiers, archers, and cavalry, and it was supported by a powerful navy.

Milea Kingdom had strong diplomatic ties with its neighboring kingdoms, and it had a reputation for being a fair and reliable trading partner. The kingdom was famous for its beautiful silk fabrics, which were highly prized by traders from all over the world.

Compared to other kingdoms in the region, Milea Kingdom was considered to be one of the most stable and prosperous. Its neighbors looked to the kingdom with envy, and some even plotted to overthrow the king and take control of its wealth and resources.

Despite these threats, the king remained vigilant, and he worked tirelessly to maintain his kingdom's prosperity and security. He invested heavily in his army and navy, and he sent emissaries to neighboring kingdoms to strengthen his alliances.josei

The people of Milea Kingdom were proud of their country and their king. They worked hard to support their families and their communities, and they took pride in their country's achievements. They knew that their king was always looking out for their best interests, and they trusted him to lead them to a bright and prosperous future.


The demons stood atop the mountain, peering down at the Milea Kingdom's gate. They knew that taking down the kingdom would require a carefully crafted plan, and the first step was to gather as much information as possible.

"We must be cautious and gather information discreetly," said the leader of the demons, a towering figure with long horns and a menacing gaze. "We cannot afford to alert the kingdom of our presence or intentions."

The demons began to discuss their plan, debating on the best way to infiltrate the kingdom's network of spies and informants. They knew that this would require patience, skill, and a deep understanding of the kingdom's culture and politics.

"We should start by targeting the lower-level spies and informants," suggested one demon, a sly-looking creature with sharp claws and a forked tongue. "They are often overlooked and may be more susceptible to our influence."

Another demon, a crafty creature with gleaming red eyes and a wicked grin, added, "We should also gather information on the kingdom's military and economy. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses will give us an advantage in our plan."

The leader of the demons nodded in agreement. "We must be thorough in our research. No detail is too small. We must know everything about this kingdom if we are to bring it to its knees."

The demons then set out to put their plan into action, slipping into the shadows and moving silently through the night. They would not rest until they had gathered all the information they needed to take down the Milea Kingdom.

As they vanished into the darkness, their eyes gleaming with a sinister intent, the people of Milea Kingdom remained blissfully unaware of the conspiracy brewing in the shadows.


The three demons disguised themselves as travelers, their cloaks and hoods concealing their demonic features. They walked through the forests and hills that surrounded Milea Kingdom, taking note of the kingdom's defenses and the organization of its army.

As they approached the outskirts of the kingdom, they saw the first line of defense: watchtowers scattered along the perimeter of the kingdom. The demons observed the placement of the watchtowers, noting how they were spaced out to provide maximum coverage of the borders.

The demons continued their journey, taking note of the placement of supply routes and the strategic locations of military bases. They saw how the kingdom's army was organized and how they were trained to fight. They watched as soldiers patrolled the borders, making sure that no one entered or exited the kingdom without permission.

The three demons communicated with each other through telepathy, discussing what they had observed. One of the demons spoke up, "The Milea Kingdom is well-organized and disciplined. Their army is well-trained and experienced. It will be a challenge to take them down."

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