I Don't Want to Be Loved

Chapter 208 It's too late (1)

Chapter 208 It's too late (1)

Chapter 208 – It’s too late (1)

Translator – Yue

“My Duke, it’s time.”

With the signal, Danil himself tensed his bow, ready to shoot the arrow. By this time, the Queen must have already drank the poison, so she should be dead by now. Danil knew that people on the verge of death always chose the less painful method to go.

“Ignite the arrow head.”

As soon as he said his order, the cloth imbued with oil that was tied around the arrow head quickly caught fire. The cabin was made of wood, but they’d taken the precaution of spreading oil around the area, anyways. The second the arrow landed anywhere near the cabin…

It would be quick.

Danil wished Rihannan had indeed taken the poison he’d offered her. It would be foolish of her to hope for a way out, and besides, he’d been honest when he said he didn’t want her to suffer.

Danil inclined his head as a last farewell. He aimed nervously at the cabin, ready to let the arrow why when…

A knife came flying towards him, stabbing his hand. At the same time, many voices around screamed “Catch them! Catch them all!”

With a screech, numerous soldiers came out from the forest. The zone quickly turned into a battlefield and. In the increasing chaos, Danil took out the knife that was firmly stuck on his hand and reached for the bow and arrow that was still aflame. Just then, a sharp pain spread all over his body, making him moan.

This time, another large dagger stabbed his good hand, rooting it to the ground. The shadow of a man approached him.

The man put out the fire burning in the arrow by stepping on it with his foot. Then, a menancing voice called out.

“Danil Lyurik.”

Danil grid his teeth. Count Clovis must have spilled the beans on him. He’d told him before that if he ever dared rat him out, he’d make him pay dearly. In the end, it seems that the weak fool was even more scared of the King’s threats.

Danil raised his head. He knew he’d die here anyways, so he didn’t even think of pleading for his life. He could see the enraged visage of the man above him.

Danil smiled. “Igor Cheska. You are too late. Your queen is dead. She drank the poison herself.”

Igor’s expression froze. “…poison?”

Danil felt great satisfaction upon hearing his astonished voice. He’s always wanted to see the man who humiliated Chrichton crumble down to pieces at least once in his lifetime.

“I gave it to her. I let her choose between being poisoned and being burned alive.”


“It’s been a long while, now. Her body must be cooling down by now.”

The King’s face immediately changed, as though his soul had left his body. His eyes filled with commotion trembled violently, while his steps faltered. The King left Danil and immediately run off to the cabin. When some of Danil’s men approached him, he slit their throats without even blinking.

When Igor opened the cabin door, the inside of the room was pitch black. He felt a strong sense of déjà vu. Six years ago, under the same circumstances, he’d run off and opened a cell door.

Those horrible memories from his past life came back to haunt him once more. After Rihannan had witnessed the misunderstanding with Leticia, he immediately chased after her and…


Back then, Igor’d desperately called out for her, but it seemed as though she couldn’t hear him at all. He’ hoped that once he’d reached her and explained everything, that it was a misunderstanding, that he’d never slept with Leticia and had never even been interested in anyone but her, she’d understand. He’d explain it all and not hide a single detail.

However, just when he was about to reach her, he saw her tripping over at the top of the stairs. Everything happened in slow motion. Rihannan… her hand on her forehead, as though she was fainting… her body losing balance…

Without thinking, Igor instinctively jumped at her. What happened afterwards was all blurry, a lagoon in his memory.

He remembered he did manage to grab her and shield her in his embrace. But the fall… he could not stop that fall.

As the fell together, her heavily pregnant body wrapped tightly in his arms, his body crushed against the hard steps of stone, giving him great pain. In the end, he hid his head against the edge of one of these steps. He felt warm blood flowing down his face, the world slowly turned dark and…


A faint voice was calling out his name.josei


His mother’s voice clearly resonated in his ears. Little by little, he started growing accustomed to the light. He saw the colorful ceiling, his mother weeping of happiness and the merry doctor looking relieved.

“Igor, did you regain your senses? do you know who am I?”


The Queen Mother was ecstatic after hearing his voice. She quickly turned to the doctor beside her. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with his head. Look at him more carefully if you still think so.”

The doctor inspected Igor while asking some questions. Igor made sure to answer everything as calmly as he could, even though his head was still spinning around.

In the end, the doctor triumphally declared: “Queen Mother, I don’t think you have anything to worry about, the King does not have any serious injury!”

“Oh, thank God!”

The Queen Mother was deeply relieved. Igor could slowly feel that his head was finally settling down. Just then, he realized that the person he cared for the most was not anywhere near the room.

“…where’s my wife?”

The two people who had been happily babbling till then suddenly turned serious and shut their mouths. The memories of what happened before he lost consciousness slowly came back to Igor’s mind.

The scene in which he rolled down the stone stairs with his wife.

Igor quickly stood up from the bed.

“Igor, don’t! You must rest, you shouldn’t m-“

Igor slapped away his mother’s hands rudely. He sat up and notice bandages wrapped around his head. Not only that, many parts of his body were heavily bandaged.

“Thankfully you didn’t break any bone, but you suffered a great hit to your head. We thought you would never wake up again.”

“I asked where is Rihannan. No. Is she ok? Did she get more injured th-“

Looking at their sealed lips, Igor feared the worst might have happened. Maybe… did she die after falling down the stairs…?

“Mother… is Rihannan… dead?”


With a loud noise, the door suddenly flew open. He could also hear many agitated voices.

“Move! Move aside! If you stand in my way, I’ll cut you all!”

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