I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 427 Ultimate Weapon

Chapter 427 Ultimate Weapon

'How could it be here!!' thought Angus as he kept looking at the spear.

Feeling Angus' mood, "Angus, is everything okay?" asked Jayna.

"T-That spear, where did you get it?!" asked Angus to Aunt Extalia.

Seeing Angus' serious expression, "Did you know anything about that artifact?" asked Aunt Extalia back.

"Just answer me, where did you get it?!!" shouted Angus as he began to lose his calm.

"Easy, kid. I just picked it up from that stupid brat Ulvic." said Aunt Extalia.

"Third Prince Ulvic?!" asked Angus back.

"I see. Now, I remember that it is brother Ulvic's artifact. No wonder it looks familiar. Aunt Extalia, how did you manage to get it? The last time I saw brother Ulvic, he…" said Jayna as she remembered some unpleasant memories.

"He almost got corrupted by that artifact. So, I just take it after putting him to sleep and give him to Leon. I know Leon and Dahlia are not good parents, but to even let their kid be almost completely corrupted by an Artifact. That is beyond careless." grumbled Aunt Extalia.

'If I didn't decide to visit him, he may really get corrupted by now. Sometimes I wonder how Leon could ever be this careless about his child. Fortunately, I managed to save time. Hmph… There will be no sex for him this week.' thought Aunt Extalia inwardly.

"Actually, I am on my way to putting that artifact in a more secure place since it looks hazardous for an ordinary combatant. However, I happen to find that you are here and decide to check up on my beautiful niece." added Aunt Extalia.

"Anyway, boy. Did you know something about that artifact?" asked Aunt Extalia.

Angus didn't answer and kept staring at the spear artifact blankly. At this moment, Angus begins to remember things about the spear in front of him. Subconsciously, his emotion and memory leaked toward Jayna through their bond. These memories are confusing and worrying her.

"A-Angus." called Jayna.

"Ahh.. Ohh.. Yeah, I am fine." replied Angus as he woke from his daydreaming.

Then, Angus approaches the spear and observes it more carefully without touching it.

"Hmm… If I am not wrong, this spear artifact was sold a few years ago at the Golden Trade auction house, right?" asked Angus.

"Yes. How did you know?" asked Jayna.

"Well, I just happened to participate in that auction and bought that mysterious box at that time." said Angus.

"Ahh… No wonder I found that mysterious box a little bit familiar the first time I saw it." replied Jayna.

"Mysterious box?! Forget about it. Did you know anything about that artifact?" asked Aunt Extalia.

"Before I answer about that, did prince Ulvic do something to this artifact?" asked Angus.

"He tried to subdue the weapon using some kind of equipment and stuff." said Aunt Extalia.

"Equipment?!" asked Angus back.

"After Father didn't manage to subdue that artifact, Brother Ulvic became madly obsessed with that artifact. I hear he spends hundreds of thousands or even a few millions of gold coins for research just to unseal and subdue it." asked Jayna.

"What a fool!! He is lucky that he didn't get killed by this artifact yet. Nothing good will come from becoming obsessed over something." said Angus.

'Said someone who is madly obsessed with my niece.' thought Aunt Extalia.


At this moment, Anna reverts to her human form and runs toward Angus. Aunt Extalia immediately tries to stop her. However, Anna didn't try to touch the artifact and only looked at it from close range.

"Angus…" called Anna.

"What is it, Anna?" asked Angus.

"It is pitiful." replied Anna.

Hearing this, Angus was surprised before looking back at the spear artifact.

"Yeah, you are right. It is pitiful." said Angus as he stretched his hand to touch it.

Before his hand touch it, his arm is grabbed by Aunt Extalia.

"Boy, what are you doing? Didn't I tell you that this artifact is dangerous?! Even I need to completely cover my hand with thick mana to prevent it from influencing me." said Aunt Extalia.

"Well, my dear aunt. Did you forget? I am a natural weapon master. Wielding this artifact is a piece of cake for me. Besides, didn't you want to know more about this artifact? It will be better to demonstrate it directly." said Angus.

Aunt Extalia didn't immediately reply and kept staring at Angus's black eyes.

After a while, "Fine, you win. But, I will immediately send you to the medical ward if you show any sign of being corrupted. Also, be careful. You already have three artifacts in your possession though two of them are not weapon types." warned Aunt Extalia.

"Sure. Don't worry. I know what my body is capable of." replied Angus.

"I hope so." replied Aunt Extalia before releasing Angus' hand.

'Thought she is partially right. I may enter the medical ward after this.' thought Angus inwardly before touching the spear artifact.

As soon as he touches the artifact, various kinds of vision emerge from Angus' head.

"I see. As I thought, you are thirsty. Then, I shall help you this once for the sake of old time." muttered Angus in a low voice.

Angus pulled the spear from the ground and began to play it in his hand. While Angus is doing the dancing spear movements set, he imbues the spear with his mana. In reaction to Angus' mana, the spear feels like humming and creates a blue spark around it.

"Actually, I don't know too much about this spear. This spear has many names, such as Gungnir, Zeus's thunderbolt, Gae Bulg, God-killing spear, Ten thousand weapons, and many others. Personally, I call it the Ultimate Weapon." said Angus before taking a throwing position.

At this moment, Angus begins to charge the spear artifact with a tremendous amount of mana and make it shine brightly. *Bzztt* Angus keeps giving his mana to make the whole spear covered in blue light.

Because of the mana intensity, Angus' hand started to get slowly charred. If not for his ridiculous regeneration, his entire hand would burn to crips by the spear long ago.

"Brat, What are you doing?!!" asked Aunt Extalia as he tried to stop Angus.

Before Aunt Extalia could stop and touch Angus, a silver-white shield envelops Angus. Seeing the shield, Extalia looks at Jayna, who covers Angus with [Unbreakable Shield].

"Jayna, release the shield now." yelled Aunt Extalia.

Before Jayna could reply, "This artifact is unlike the others and there is only one way to subdue it. Anyway, thanks for the cover, love." said Angus as he gritted his teeth to keep his mana under control.

After almost reaching the mana deficiency state, Angus throws the spear towards the wall nearby with all his strength. *BOOOM* Before anyone could react, a massive hole appeared through the whole royal palace until it reached the Royal Palace's outer wall.

On the Royal Palace's outer wall, there is a spear embedded in it. The spear released a blue spark before it calmed down and turned back like a normal spear.

Everything is obliterated in a linear path from the Royal Palace's outer wall to Angus' current location. Even the strong heavy enchanted Royal Palace wall is torn down by the spear. Moreover, all of this happens in an instant.

"Haa.. Haa.. Alright, Aunt Extalia. I leave everything to you." said Angus with a smirking before collapsing from the mana deficiency.

Before Aunt Extalia could wake from shock, King Leon appeared at their location.

"What's the meaning of this?!!" roared King Leon loudly.

King Leon's voice is so loud that the entire Royal Palace can hear it. At this moment, Aunt Extalia could only do a facepalm about the trouble they would face.

While everyone in the Royal Palace is in panic, Angus finds himself on the familiar raining ground as soon as Angus falls unconscious.

Unlike the Fireman's hard rocky ground, he finds himself on asphalt ground with blood everywhere. Countless corpses wearing all kinds of clothes are lying around him.

Not far from him, a person with a bloody appearance and massive killing intent are looking toward an enormous group of people in front of him. The people come from different kinds of groups as they wear different clothes.

Some of them wear suits, traditional monk clothes, sportswear, casual clothes, and many others. However, this sea of people radiates chi all over their bodies.

Moreover, all their bodies are bleeding and cracking like they are made of ceramic. At the same time, their eyes are filled with malice, hatred, and craziness. In the middle of the group, a bright shining spear was chained into some sort of wagon.

Before long, these ten thousand people scream maniacally and all their chi goes towards the spear, leaving their bodies crumbling like fragmented glass.

Suddenly, the spear came out from its chain. It shines brighter and shoots towards the man like a meteor. However, the man didn't stay still either and immediately released his strongest domain and most destructive skill. *BOOM*

Explosions envelop the whole area and destroy anything just from the initial shockwave. It is like a nuke exploded in the area but without radiation danger.

However, this is not the end. After the initial clash, more small explosions could be heard as the man kept fending off the living weapon in front of him.

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