I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 428 Soothing Flame

Chapter 428 Soothing Flame

The man fought for his life against this mysterious living weapon for hours before, the energy inside it finally exhausted. At the same time, the whole area is turned into a wasteland from their fight and creates many deep ravines.

After the spear loses its power, it falls into one of the crevices as the Earth itself swallows it. Angus knows that until his life ends in the past, the spear will never be found again, no matter how hard they search for it.

This spear is the same spear artifact that Angus threw before he passed out. After the fight ends, the man looks at all the obliterated wasteland and traces of the human parts all over the area with lifeless eyes before screaming in agony.

If it is not because of the enormous rainstorm in the area, Angus will definitely see the tear from the man's lifeless eyes.

At the same time, Angus subconsciously drops tears despite being expressionless. He feels nothing but loneliness and sadness. All the pent-up and buried memories begin to surface.

Then, Angus looks at his side as he finds a fiery warm blaze from his side enveloping him. Miraculously, this fire didn't burn Angus but kept him warm and calming before he finally woke up.

By the time Angus wakes up, it is already late night. Once again finds a deadly snake on top of his body, looking at him.

After checking Angus is fine with his dreadful glare, Onyx moves towards the sleeping Anna beside him. Angus also finds Jayna sleeping beside him with Anna.

'Damn, I will never get used to that snake.' thought Angus as he still remembered Madam Malkin's guards' situation.

During the incident a few days ago with Madam Malkin, her guards and Onyx happen to be looking at each other for a moment. Because of that, the guards have become stiff like a statue even until now.

They are still alive, but they can't move or even speak. It feels like all of their skeletal muscles are frozen. They couldn't even control their excretion either. At first, the house of Gonzalez demands they be released from their state, but another huge incident happens.

Late in the night, Madam Malkin is found dead with a horrified face. The guard finds Madam Malkin's body butchered into pieces with only her head intact. Until now, no one knows the assailant, but the Royal Guards realize it is the work of Angus.

Still, there is no real evidence and Angus also has a perfect alibi during the incident. Since Madam Malkin is imprisoned because she is suspected of being a spy, the Extermination Squad decides to take up the case and pressure Gonzalet's family for any connection.

In the end, nobody has time to pay attention to Madam Malkin's guard. The Gonzalet family is too busy to save their tail. Since then, many rumors have spread around.

Some of them said never to provoke Angus, Jayna, or Anna. Otherwise, they will never know how they will die. Even Empress Dahlia couldn't help but stay silent in her palace without making a fuss.

She even increases the security all over her palace and never another person enters her room besides her trusty subordinate.

"Brat, you better give me a damn good explanation." Angus heard a voice from a nearby corner shadow.

Jayna instantly wakes up hearing the voice while Anna is still sleeping peacefully with Onyx beside her.

Seeing Angus wake up, "Angus, are you alright?" asked Jayna worriedly.

"It's okay. I am fine. I just have a little headache from mana deficiency's side effect, " said Angus, reassuring Jayna.

"Brat, don't make me ask you again!!" said King Leon as he came out from the shadow.

Before Angus could reply, "Father!! Why are you here?!!" shouted Jayna.

"Jayna, he needs to…" said King Leon.

"Didn't I tell you never to enter my room without my permission!! Get out now!!" shouted Jayna while cutting her father angrily.

"Jayna, this is impor…" said King Leon.

"Get out!! Or you will see the royal palace burn down to ash!!" said Jayna as her eyes turned into fiery sharp bird's eyes.

Seeing Jayna's fiery eyes, King Leon knows Jayna will definitely do it if he does not get out of her room now.josei

"Fine… Brat, you better explain to me in the morning and you better fix those walls." said King Leon before disappearing.

After King Leon disappeared, "Huft… I am sorry. I already told Father not to enter my room carelessly, but he is very stubborn." said Jayna.

"It's okay." said Angus while kissing Jayna.

After sharing a deep kiss, Jayna snuggles into Angus' arm. They stay silent while comforting each other.

"Did you want to know about that?" asked Angus as he broke the silence.

"Angus, It doesn't matter." replied Jayna while looking at Angus's black eyes.

"Jayna.. I.. " said Angus.

"Angus, it truly doesn't matter to me whether you tell me or not. I will still love you as you love me." said Jayna.

Hearing this, Angus immediately hugs Jayna and kisses her.

"I love you, Jayna. I love you so much." said Angus.

"I love you too." replied Jayna.

Despite already hearing this same word countless times from each other, they never get bored and feel their bond become even stronger. Soon, they fall asleep while in each other's arms.

That night Angus didn't have any nightmares as he expected but only had a dreamless sleep while feeling a soothing, familiar warmth envelop him.

The next day, Angus is summoned by King Leon as soon as the sun rises. Unfortunately, Angus's attack yesterday somehow destroyed not only some part of the Royal Palace but also part of King Leon's working room.

Therefore, Angus is heading towards a different room from where King Leon used to work.

Arriving in front of the room with Jayna, "Are you sure about this?" asked Jayna worriedly.

She knows her father is furious this time and worries about Angus's punishment.

"Yeah. Besides, I have always wanted to renovate this ridiculously huge palace for a long time. Just look at this uselessly high ceiling. Is this a place for a Giant or something?" said Angus.

"We could even practice our flight here if it is not because of some anti-flying rune around the palace." added Angus.

"You are right. Giant and other big size races came here in the distant past." Angus and Jayna heard a voice behind them.

"Err.. Morning." said Angus as he found King Leon's murderous glare.

Hearing Angus's answer, King Leon's face contorted a little bit.

"Inside now!!" said King Leon before disappearing.

Without wasting more time, they enter the room, which is more spacious than King Leon's usual working room. They also find many stacks of unorganized documents at the table nearby.

Although the room is more spacious, it looks more disorganized than King Leon's previous working room. Still, this room is heavily enchanted with many kinds of isolation runes.

Whatever they say here could never be heard from the outside. They also find Aunt Extalia and old butler Darius behind King Leon.

"Sit." commanded King Leon.

After Angus and Jayna sat opposite King Leon, "Did you know your mistake?" King Leon coldly asked.

Angus didn't answer and stared back at King Leon.

After staring at each other for a while, "Let's get to the point. Just give me my punishment and be done with it." said Angus.

*BANG* Suddenly, King Leon appears in front of Angus and punches him. However, a strong silver shield withstands the blow, which surprises King Leon [Unbreakable Shield]. In the meantime, the other people in the room stay still and only watch their clash.

'It is stronger than before.' thought King Leon.

'His blow is heavier than before.' thought Angus.

"Did you think it is enough just to punish you?!!" yelled King Leon.

"Then, what do you want?" asked Angus while glaring at King Leon.

Seeing Angus' stubborn glare, King Leon knows that he warned. If he gives a lousy verdict for his punishment or somehow prevents him from meeting Jayna, Angus will release hell upon him. Judging by his crazy achievements so far, he knows Angus could do it.

After taking a deep breath to calm himself, King Leon disappeared and returned to his seat behind the table.

"How long before you could kill a fifth-grade monster alone?" asked King Leon out of nowhere.

Hearing an unexpected question, Angus is surprised but thinks for a moment.

"If nothing is wrong, I should be able to kill a weak fifth-grade monster in a few years." replied Angus.

"I see. How about a sixth-grade combatant?" asked King Leon.

"Well, as long as they are not from those superior races, I will definitely be able to kill them in a few years in a frontal battle." said Angus confidently.

"Good. I will hold your word. Now, your punishment is to break Jayna's marriage contract." said King Leon.

"Leon, you can't be serious!! That contract…" chimed Extalia from the side.

Before Extalia could speak further, King Leon raised his hand to signal her to stop talking.

"Enough. This is my final verdict. So, brat. Did you think you could do it?" asked King Leon.

"Hmph.. Even if you don't tell me, I will do it." said Angus with a smirk.

p Suddenly, Jayna stands from her seat while banging the poor table.

"No deal!! I will break the contract on my own!!" yelled Jayna.

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