I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 461 Unwritten Law

Chapter 461 Unwritten Law

"A-Aunt… Please calm…" said Crown Prince Eric as he tried to calm the frenzy Duchess.

"Seriously, Eric?! I am truly disappointed in you. Roy, apprehend all of them and make them stay at the hotel until I let them." said Duchess Amberblaze.

"As you wish, Duchess Amberblaze." replied Roy as he signed the other royal guards.

"Noo… You can't do this. He is the Crown Prince." said one of the young nobles.

"And I am a Duchess and the leader of this delegation group appointed by King Leon. If you have any problem, talk to His Majesty himself. That's if you dare to talk in front of him." said the Duchess coldly before waving her hand to signal Roy.

Roy and the royal guards immediately escort young nobles and the crown prince to their room without wasting time.

After the Crown Prince's party went away, "I apologize for this matter. We the Heart Kingdom will definitely give you compensation, " said the Duchess, bowing her head.

"Hohoho… This is only a small matter. I also didn't want those ignorants to insult my master and get killed for no reason." said Darren while giving a harmless smile.

"Ahh… Yeah, I really apologize…" said Duchess Amberblaze.

Before she finished her sentence, "Huaamm… Anna's sleepy. Mira.. Mira.. Let's sleep together." said Anna while utterly oblivious to the current situation.

'This brat!!' cursed Duchess Amberblaze.

However, the little troublemaker ignores the Duchess and repeatedly asks Mira to sleep together. To everyone's surprise, Mira actually nodded in agreement with Anna.

Although they didn't sleep the whole night, all of them were strong people who could stay awake for a few days without a problem. The reason Anna likes to sleep is that she is not interested in anything other than fighting, eating, and doing naughty things.

All the talk they have done before makes her almost fall asleep a few times. It is already a miracle that she could stay awake on the way here. Then, Jayna decides to send Anna and Mira to her room. To avoid any accident, the little troublemaker couldn't be left to sleep alone.

They don't know what kind of trouble she will do if she sleeps alone. At first, they are afraid she will make some defensive moves while sleeping with Mira. However, after hearing how strong Mira is, they know even if something happens, Mira can defend herself.

During this moment, Darren also decides to follow his master. However, he received a momentary glance from Mira and stopped on his track.

"Darren, rude." muttered Mira in a low voice while being dragged by Anna.

Despite the low voice, everyone could hear Mira's words. Darren immediately bowed his head to apologize to his master.

"I apologize for my rudeness, Master. I hope Master has plenty of rest." said Darren while bowing.

After the girls are gone, "Alright, Young Baron Angus and Duchess Amberblaze, I will excuse myself first. Master is quite moody after she wakes up. I need to prepare something first." said Darren before disappearing.

"Huft…" as the Duchess released a long sigh.

Fortunately, she reacted fast and handled the Crown Prince and the other young nobles. Otherwise, they will offend the current powerful Eternal Kingdom. From their previous talk, the Duchess knows the Eternal kingdom has at least three seventh-grade powerhouses.

This is not a force they could offend just because stupid blunder of young nobles. Moreover, it is unwritten law for everyone to never disrespect or provoke seventh-grade combatants without good reason.

Once they do, their kingdom will immediately abandon them even if they are royalty or one of the most influential people in the kingdom. There have been many incidents similar to in the past because of someone's silly blunder.

This shows that seventh-grade people are not something they could casually talk about or offend. As the pinnacle power of this world, they also have some sort of privilege from reaching this level.

This unwritten law is also taught to every noble in the Heart Kingdom, especially the princes. King Leon always mentions never to provoke unknown people for no reason as they could be hidden or wandering experts.

The World Alliance may consist of seventh-grade leaders. But, there are also some seventh-grade people from ancient times that didn't create their territory. These experts often wander around the world or live in secluded places.

Compared to other national leaders, these kinds of seventh-grade people are more dangerous because they don't have anything to lose. They could turn cities and the nation's territory into a wasteland without confronting the nation's leader frontally.

In the worst case, they could destroy the whole kingdom before leaving only their strongest combatant. By that time, it will take a long time just to rebuild their kingdom again. Moreover, they could still get attacked by the provoked seventh-grade combatant anytime.

Even if they could prevent this tragedy, it would cost the kingdom too many resources. In the end, every kingdom agreed not to provoke seventh-grade people for a stupid reason.

Then, the Duchess also went toward Crown Prince Eric and explained his blunder. She still at least needs to explain the reason she is hurting one of the high nobles. Although she didn't like unnecessary talk, she is still an experienced Duchess with a lot of experience.

She has already handled many situations more severe than this one in the past. As for Angus, he decides to rest in his room while keeping in contact with Jayna. From the start, he completely ignored the Crown Prince and his goons.

He is more interested in Mira. Unlike Darren, who has seventh-grade strength, Angus couldn't feel the little girl's power at all besides feeling she is strong and similar to Fire Phoenix. Even after observing her with [Analyze] for a whole day, he still didn't find anything about her.

This causes him to be interested in her. He feels Mira is at the level of above seventh-grade people.

'She is probably at the level of eighth grade, which has never been achieved before.' thought Angus inwardly while sharing his sense with Jayna.

Seeing Mira sleeping with Anna like a good girl, Angus feels like the girl is an enigma similar to Anna and decides to leave her sleeping.josei

After the two little girls sleep while cuddling each other like good siblings, Jayna goes outside the room as she agrees with Angus to leave them alone for now. As soon as Jayna comes outside, Mira opens her eyes and looks at the sleeping Anna hugging her like a koala.

Suddenly, Mira smiles happily while patting Anna's small head lovingly. Feeling the warm touch on her head, Anna is purring and talking in gibberish words. No one knows what Mira is currently thinking as she is back to sleep, closing her deep-green eyes.

After letting the two little girls sleep, Angus and Jayna decide to slip out of the inn and observe the Nirvas ridiculous entrance test. The test will be open in the middle of the day. They thought of gathering more information about the test by themself.

They find many people gathering in front of a huge rocky mountain. The mountain is covered with a thick mist that prevents detection skills/spells. In front of everyone, they could find a path to lead inside the misty mountain.

A few people are also in front of the path wearing tribal clothes. The people have a reddish brown skin color similar to the Berston race of Sur village. However, they look more muscular than the Berston race.

After a while, some tribal clothed people appear from the misty path led by an old skinny man. Seeing the incoming group, everyone was silent and didn't dare to make a casual movement.

"Alright, let's begin today's test." said one of the tribal-clothed people nearby the old man.

"As usual, please go to the registration in an orderly manner before coming to us for the test." said the tribal-clothed people.

Then, people go towards the nearby building that handles the registration. After a moment, Angus finds a few people holding a parchment going toward the tribal-clothed people who oversee everyone.

After giving their parchment, they come to the rocky mountain and hit the rocky hill using powerful skills/spells. Despite receiving an attack continuously, the rocky mountain still stood unscathed.

The tribal clothed people who Angus speculated as the examiner will give a verdict towards everyone who just hit the rocky mountain. After observing further, Angus finds that not everyone gets a passing remark from the examiner.

He speculates they need to reach a specific attack power before getting a passing remark. Observing the situation further, Angus and Jayna find this power test is mandatory before people can do the five test entrances.

They also find the five tests are very random and ridiculous. The older skinny person only said a random word to each examinee before the other examiner nearby gave the test based on the given word.

The test and words are completely random. Sometimes the older skinny man said something like cloud, a beast name, monster name, money, food name, and many others.

Unfortunately, they could only hear the elderly words and not the real test content as they have some isolation barrier to prevent others from listening.

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