I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 462 Prodigy Of Nergal

Chapter 462 Prodigy Of Nergal

Despite not knowing anything about the test content, Angus and Jayna could still understand the ridiculousness of the test. Most participants always declared to give up today's exam before leaving.

Although they failed and gave up the exam, it didn't mean they needed to do five tests from the start. Some of the tests required more than one day to finish. Therefore, they create an expiration time for people who pass the test and record their current test number.

After someone fails the test, they are obligated to pass another test in a month before they must do it from the start again. In other words, people could give up the test when the test content is too difficult and try again tomorrow as long as it doesn't pass one month.

After a while, Angus also finds the Mad Monk Orpus and some people. Despite having a near-death experience with Darren, he still has his usual crazy attitude while drinking alcoholic drinks.

"Hoo.. I never expected that our criminal would join forces with Nergal. No wonder that Mad Monk dared to approach us casually." said Angus as he recognized a few people in the Mad Monk party.

As a high noble, Angus immediately recognized two famous people from the Nergal Kingdom. The first one is the Nergal's Crown Prince, Arnet Nergal. The second one is one of the Nergal's princesses, Brigida Nergal, also known as the Prodigy of Nergal.

Angus hears a lot about these two people, especially Brigida Nergal. Although Crown Prince Arnet has more fame for being intelligent, decisive, and ruthless, he is more interested in Princess Brigida.

He hears that Princess Brigida is hailed as the most talented combatant in Nergal's history. Such a person definitely interested Angus as a fighter.

Just by seeing the reaction of the current Brigida, he is already satisfied. Currently, Brigida looks calm without any expression, but her body language and stance show she is on high alert.

Moreover, this only happens after Angus and Jayna observe them for a while despite already being spied on by the other kingdom's spies for a long time. They know Princess Brigida must feel being watched by a strong person.

This kind of alertness instinct could only be achieved by accumulating a lot of battle experience and combat talent. Unfortunately, she will never find Angus and Jayna's presence as they are entirely hidden by Angus's artifact cloak ability [Shroud of Invisibility].

After one full year of hard work, Angus can finally unlock all the seals and completely tame boots and cloak artifacts from the battlefield arena inside the Endless Dimension. With his ridiculous mana regeneration, he can open their seal in no time effortlessly.

On the other hand, he needs some effort to tame both artifacts, especially the boots artifact. Although the boots only had three seals, the sentient spirit inside it was very stubborn.

If Angus didn't be careful, the boots could escape using its ability before he could react. Fortunately, Angus manages to tame them by overpowering them using his mana.

During this time, he is glad his mana core is customized to produce purer and denser mana than the ordinary one. Otherwise, he needs more time to tame these two artifacts. Just as Angus observes the Nergal's princess more, he suddenly gets pinched in the waist by Jayna.

"Ouch!!" exclaimed Angus.

"Try to look at her more." said Jayna coldly.

"Ehh… Jayna, you know I am just a little bit interested in her as a fighter. There is no need to get jealous." said Angus.

"Yeah, I know. Well, it seems finally I got myself the love rival that I always wanted." said Jayna while glaring at Princess Brigida.

Although Jayna only glares casually at Princess Brigida, Angus knows she wants to burn the Nergal Princess to ash. He even sees an invisible Fire Phoenix silhouette behind Jayna, ready to burn their prey.

While trying to calm his lover, Angus notices it is now Princess Brigida's turn to do the power test. She took out her spear halberd weapon and hit the rocky hill with a casual swing *Bang*. Despite the blunt action, the examiner nodded his head and declared she passed.

At the same time, Angus and Jayna have their reaction looking at Princess Brigida's casual attack. Both of them know it is not just a simple attack from [Analysize]. With Angus' vast martial arts and battle experience, he knows there's a profound skill in that casual attack.

Although Jayna didn't have much actual battle experience, she still has Fire Phoenix memories inside her head. She may need more time to digest Princess Brigida's skill, but she knows it is not just a simple swing.

"That's quite an interesting move she got there." said Angus with a smile.

"Angus, did you manage to understand it completely?" asked Jayna.

"Yup. It may look profound, but it is just a basic move. So, nothing hard to understand." said Angus casually.

Jayna glared at Angus for a moment, "I am not sleeping with you tonight." said Jayna coldly.

"Ehh… Why?" asked Angus confusedly.

"Think for yourself!!" said Jayna while pouting.

'Err… Is this why they say women are hard to understand?!' as Angus didn't know what made Jayna angry even with their bond.

Angus didn't know that even with Fire Phoenix's memories, Jayna could hardly analyze Brigida's move. Yet, Angus is completely able to see through her movement, even able to predict a few of her fighting stances and patterns.

[Analysize] work better if they have more relevant knowledge. Therefore, Angus indirectly said he has more knowledge in martial arts than Fire Phoenix's thousands of years of memories.

Although some of the important Fire Phoenix's memories are sealed and blurred, it is still tremendous knowledge. This reminds Jayna about Angus' ridiculous talent when it comes to skill and close combat.

"Group." said the elder examiner towards the Nergal group.

Hearing this, Arnet and Mad Monk Orpus immediately winced a little while releasing a long sigh before going towards the isolation area to know their real test content.

While Angus contemplates such a reaction from the Nergal group, the elder examiner suddenly opens one of his eyes.josei

"Two Birds." said the elder examiner despite no group or people in front of him.

Suddenly, all the strong combatants nearby could feel something approaching their place at incredible speed.

One of the examiners released a long sigh, "Tch.. What troublesome!!" said the examiner before jumping high into the air.

*BAMM* a large shockwave suddenly appears in the air and releases a massive gust of wind towards the surrounding. The shockwave is so massive that it even throws some people away.

"What the hell are you doing, Irun?!!" rebuked the examiner towards a person with two enormous wings on his back.

"Hahahaha… Long time no see, Olvit." replied he winged the man in front of him.

"Don't laugh!! Just what the hell do you think you are doing?!!" rebuked the examiner Olvit.

"Hahahaha… *Bang* Ouch!!" said Irun, the winged man before someone hit his head.

"Stupid, brat!! Didn't I say not to cause unnecessary trouble!!" said another winged man that suddenly appeared behind Irun.

Without waiting for Irun to respond, the muscular middle-aged winged man drags Irun while pulling his ear to the ground.

"I am sorry, Master Kelraz. As usual, this stupid brat is too hot-headed." said the middle-aged winged man while bowing to the elder examiner.

"Don't worry about it, Urblim. We used to like that. Hahahaha…" laughed the older examiner, who suddenly looked more lively.

This scene surprised everyone as they knew the elder examiner always looked like a senile old man who could stop breathing at any time. At the same time, many people are also interested in the two-winged people.

Not many races with the innate ability to fly and wing still exist today. Even those bird subraces from the beast race branch are also extinct. This is because one of the strongest monsters in Firuman, Sin Crow, also hailed as the ruler of the sky.

The Monster Overlord is the true ruler of Firuman's sky and never shares any of its territories with other species besides its subordinate. It also has a deep grudge against all the flying and winged races. Therefore, it hunts any flight and winged race to the point of extinction.

Unlike other Monster Overlords with land or sea territory, Sin Crow decides to stay in the air, orbiting the whole Firuman.

Sin Crow is a colossal poisonous crow monster that carries toxic mist, gas, plague, or virus toward the surrounding area. Just by its single wing's flap, it could kill any living being within a few kilometers away in a few seconds.

Its toxin is even more dangerous and deadlier than Palrgos's curse as it carries potent miasma. Therefore, it is rare to see any winged race these days. Because of their rareness, they are also hunted by slave traders and other greedy people.

In the last few hundred years, only one winged race has managed to survive and keep its own civilization. They are called Fullross, the fastest race in the world.

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