I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 463 Morphing Ability

Chapter 463 Morphing Ability

"No wonder everyone hunted down the Fullross race. Just looking at their beautiful wings makes everyone want to touch and possess them." said Angus after observing the Fullross' wing.

Hearing this, Jayna looks coldly at Angus.

"Angus, you are sleeping alone for the next few days." said Jayna while pouting.

"Ehh… W-Why?!" asked Angus confusedly.

"Hmph.. They are just stupid flappy birds." replied Jayna without further explanation.

Angus didn't know that Phoenix was actually king of birds. As their king, Phoenix is far superior to any bird-related race. Comparing them is like comparing a snake with a legendary dragon. Seeing Angus' admire the Fullross' wings make the moody Jayna angrier than before.

Angus didn't know what he had done wrong but decided to appease his girlfriend. He is already used to sleeping together with Jayna. It will be hard for him to sleep alone without Jayna's warmth beside him. He is too addicted to the girl's soothing warmth.

After exchanging greetings with the examiner, the two Fullross get in line for the test registration. This makes Angus sure that everyone needs to do the five tests before being able to enter the Nirvas.

He speculated there must be something like unique power, contract, or restriction to the entrance. Otherwise, the two Fullross could easily enter the Nirvas Kingdom as they seem to be allied and close with the examiners.

Angus and Jayna also find the Nergal delegation to give up today's test and return to their hotel. Ignoring their enemy kingdom, they observe the test for another few hours.

Fortunately, Angus has ridiculous mana regeneration to maintain [Shroud of Invisibility]'s effect. They didn't have any problem spying on others without gathering attention. Some strong people like the two-winged Fullross still noticed their spying but couldn't find their exact location.


With the combination of [Shroud of Invisibility] and their natural stealth skill, it will be hard for anyone to sense them. Even if people stand before Angus and Jayna, they can hardly detect them.

Still, Angus and Jayna are quite surprised since many people actually noticed their spying activity. After observing further, most of these people have strength at least fifth grade and few of them reach sixth grade.

They kept observing for another few hours. During these hours, some people managed to complete the test. Some got lucky as they needed just to hunt monsters/beasts while the others just needed to do some chores or make things.

As the sun sets, Angus decides they have already seen enough and want to return. Moreover, he also could feel his communication device vibrating from a long time ago. *Crack* Just as they wanted to return, an old man wearing colorful robes appeared from inside the ground.

"It seems I am not too late. Kekeke…" laughed the old man.

Seeing the old man's appearance, Angus and Jayna immediately put up their guard and were ready to retreat. Unlike Darren, they couldn't sense his full power until he revealed them. They already know the crazed-looking old man in front of them.

He is none other than the Mad King Baldur, King of the Mocan Kingdom. The crazy king is very temperamental and famous for carelessly using his superb earth skills/spells. He is also renowned for his laziness as king and likes to wander around.

Before anyone could react, the mad king jumped toward the rocky hill and punched it *BOOOMMM* a strong shockwave reverb towards the surrounding. The shake could even be felt from outside the Twilbo Woods.

"What the hell are you doing?!" said Kelraz, the elder examiner, who is already standing in front of the Mad King.

Currently, the elder examiner has already transformed into a two meters tall man full of muscle. Moreover, his right-hand looks unproportioned and bigger compared to his body.

Still, this unproportioned hand is wholly crushed under the Mad King's fist while there is some crack on the rocky hill behind the elder examiner's hand.

"Well, don't I need to hit this rocky mountain before completing my test?!" asked Baldur while taking back his hand.

"How many times did I need to tell!? You don't need to hit it this hard!!" rebuked the elder examiner to the mad king.

"Tch.. What a boring man. No wonder you don't have a wife at that age." said Baldur while picking his ears with his pinky.

"I don't want to get told that by someone like you!! Tch.. Forget it. I will die of anger if I keep talking to you. So, did you complete the task?!" said Kelraz.

"Ahh… Sure." said Baldur with a smile before stomping the ground.

*BAM* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* Suddenly, a huge mammoth-like corpse came from the ground.

"One elephant with nasty smell and full of maggots arrived. With the extra packing and fast delivery, everything will be 1 million gold coins." chimed Baldur like a delivery man.

"Tch… I never thought you could hunt it in just a week. Fine, you are passed. Go through the path." said Kelraz ignoring Baldur's joke before ordering the others to take care of the gigantic corpse.

Hearing this, Baldur doesn't jokes with the examiner either and walks towards the path and disappears inside the thick mist.

As the Mad King disappears, Kelraz's body starts to shrink. Then, he becomes a small, skinny old man once again. Furthermore, his injured right hand is also fully healed.

"So, this is the morphing ability of Altras. As expected of the God-slaying race, they have the ridiculous ability." said Angus.

Altras is not only famous for their legend as the race capable of killing God. They also have a unique morphing ability. With this ability, they can manipulate their flesh and change them as they like.

Not only could they change their appearance and turn into something, but they could also easily heal any wound. Besides the Vampire, Altras is one of the races hailed as the immortal race. It is said that they could keep regenerating as long as they have a single piece of meat left.

Some records even said they could beat and kill a God in the past mainly because of this ability. As a researcher fascinated by magical things, Angus couldn't help but be interested in this ability.

Moreover, he finds it strange. In the books, Altras is described as having four arms. But, every single examiner only has two hands despite having some Altras' red-skinned features. After observing for another hour, Angus and Jayna decide to go back.

Arriving back at the hotel, they are welcomed by the grumpy Aunt Extalia. Fortunately, Angus managed to distract her with the information of Mad King Baldur and two Fullross along with the Orpus' treachery.

"I see… So, the Mad King is inside Nirvas and there will be two Fullross coming. I also never thought Orpus would actually side with Nergal. No wonder he can stay hidden all this time." said Aunt Extalia.

"Alright, you two go back to your room and no more adventure during the night!!" added Aunt Extalia while stressing the last part of her sentence.

"Right." said the couple before escaping from their Aunt's Wrath.

Unfortunately, Angus still couldn't appease Jayna to sleep together and return to his room alone. Entering his room, he decides to have a quick shower before resting. While showering, he remembers how the elder Altras manipulate his flesh and muscle.

Then, Angus looked at his own hand before stretching it in front of him. *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* In a few minutes, Angus' hand is deformed while some of his veins are ruptured along with broken bones.

"Hah.. Hah.. Damn, it hurt more than I thought." said Angus as his hand began to heal from his natural regeneration.

Since Angus could also heal any wound and return it to his perfect shape, he decided to manipulate his muscle and deform his hand. To his surprise, he feels unbelievable pain from it.

He recklessly crushed his hand from the inside and damaged his nervous system directly. As a result, he feels more pain than if he broke his hand from external sources. Still, he didn't give up and decided to try a few things as soon as his hand completely healed.

In the end, Angus finds it too painful to manipulate his blood vessel, not to mention his bone. He also couldn't just numb his nerves as it needed for him to feel his muscles and control them.

Moreover, Angus only controls his muscle and not his entire flesh. It is only a cheap imitation of Kelraz's morphing ability. He couldn't control his skin, bone, or even blood.

Angus also tries to control them with the help of mana, but he needs to be concentrated on using it. Any distraction will make him lose control of them. By the time it is the middle of the night, Angus completely gives up and decides to try later with more information.

He notices his current Intelligence is not high enough to manipulate his flesh with mana in detail. Moreover, he was also distracted a lot by pain. As he stopped his experiment, *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* Angus heard a clap from the corner of his room.

"I never thought there would be a human able to manipulate their flesh this far. Moreover, Young Baron Angus also has ridiculous natural regeneration comparable to Vampire." said Darren, who appeared from the dark corner of the room.

"Ohh… Master Darren, What did I owe you for your night visit?" asked Angus calmly.

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