I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 512 Targeting Ability

Chapter 512 Targeting Ability

The only reason why Roy is still not dead from violating the soul contract is because of the rare powerful magic tools that negate the backlash. However, it didn't mean Roy could just give more information to Crown Prince Arnet and betray the Heart Kingdom.

Every time he divulges crucial information about the Heart Kingdom and betrays the Heart Kingdom, he will receive a backlash. Moreover, the backlash would be minimal and weaker if he didn't go directly against the Royal family or share anything about their information.

This is also one of the loopholes of the soul-bound contract. Therefore, as long as it is not about the Royal Family's information, he could still withstand the backlash.

In other words, he could divulge information about others besides the Royal Family with minimal backlash. In the meantime, the bound blonde woman stays silent while looking at the floor after hearing Crown Prince Arnet's question.

Seeing the unresponsive absent-minded woman, "Tch… Take her away. You could do all you want to her." commanded Prince Arnet in frustration.

Since the Heart Kingdom reinforcement arrived, nothing has been going well for him. From keep getting the ridiculous impossible test to the current missing Princess Brigida.

He also only has a little information about black-haired little girls and the Heart Kingdom's connection with the Eternal Kingdom. At first, he wants to ask the traitor Roy, but the person is too weak to receive another backlash.

Arnet underestimated the backlash of the soul-bound contract. He didn't expect that when Roy informed them that the Heart Kingdom had a large area detector on their group, Roy immediately got an intense backlash and almost died.

Even now, Roy is still not fully recovered, sitting not far from him with a pale face. He looks so weak that even a non-combatant human could kill him.

Arnet knew the rare magic tools could only withstand a few more backlashes before getting destroyed. He prefers to get more critical information from Roy that will give them the advantage in the long run rather than superficial details about the Heart Kingdom's delegation.

Seeing the magic armor shining brightly on Roy's body, 'It seems the mysterious detector is connected with the Royal Family. Otherwise, the backlash will not be this bad. I need to use this piece carefully.' thought Arnet.josei

"Master Roy, how is your condition? Are you feeling better?" asked Arnet with a warm fake smile.

Just as Roy wants to reply, *BOOOOOM* A shining spear penetrates the whole caravan and directly kills Roy from the sky. Because of the strong momentum and speed, the entire group was thrown away in shambles.

Some of the Arnet's Royal Guards even died on the spot before they could react. Even the Mad Monk Orpus thrown away and could not respond to this sudden attack. By the time everyone notices the attack, the whole group is already in chaos.

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* Arnet coughed some blood from his mouth as his internal organ was damaged by the strong shockwave. Even his safety barriers are instantly destroyed by the attack. He never expected to receive such a strong attack that they couldn't detect.

Arnet's paranoid mind immediately thought the worst thing and made him panic. He didn't even realize that he was getting carried by the surviving Royal Guards and kept staring at the dark bluish spear on the ground not far from him.

There is no trace of Roy and all the surrounding knights near him. All he could see was only the leftover splattered blood and meat. At the same time, the surviving Royal Guards ignored the shocked Arnet and decided to run full speed towards Nergal's border.

They didn't care anymore about their disguises and covering their tracks. At the same time, inside the hotel training area, Angus feels something before sticking out his hand. Suddenly, a large amount of mana was consumed as the Ultimate Weapon spear returned to his hand.

Jayna and Angus immediately slump on the ground, exhausted as they depleted almost all their mana. Seeing the couple exhausted, the other royal guards release the spell, drained mentally and physically.

Synchronizing mana is not easy, even with their long years of experience. Combined with using and maintaining complex spells like the Prayer's Room, it is already good that they didn't break the magic in the first place after a few seconds.

However, they also know this spell is too good to be ignored despite all the restrictions. With all the buff and enhancement, any person inside the Prayer's Room spell is invincible.

As one of the teams that practice the spell directly under Angus' lecture, they know the true benefit of this divine spell. Using it wisely, this divine spell could turn back any bad situation.

While everyone is recovering, Angus looks at the Ultimate Weapon spear for a moment before storing it back with a frown. He didn't know why but felt that the artifact spear was somehow more docile than before.

Before throwing the spear, Angus felt like handling a rebellious child. Now the spear is like an obedient child and didn't even struggle when he stored it in his storage device.

He knows a powerful artifact like Ultimate Weapon is never like being stored in the storage device as if it is a common thing. Angus always needs to restrain it with his mana before being able to keep it.

Unexpectedly, the spear artifact suddenly followed his command and didn't struggle, unlike his twin sword artifact. Similar to the Ultimate Weapon spear, his twin sword artifact also didn't like to be stored and was quite rebellious.

He didn't even know its true name even after holding it for a few years. It is normal for others to be unable to learn an artifact's true name just in a few years. However, Angus is a natural weapon master. He didn't need a long time to control and know the artifact's true name.

Yet, the twin swords are stubborn and refuse to give their names to Angus. The artifact's true name is very important as the user could use at least 50% of the artifact's power just by knowing it.

After storing the spear, Angus finds Aunt Extalia standing behind him with a cold expression. His Aunt didn't even need to say anything for Angus to understand that she was truly pissed off.

Although the area is protected by a strong barrier to hide the mana fluctuation, it broke as soon as Angus threw the Ultimate Weapon. Therefore, everyone in the town could feel the mana fluctuation from the Prayer's Room spell.

Aunt Extalia also noticed this and arrived quickly at the training area. However, she didn't interrupt or question him why Angus suddenly used such a divine spell openly. After knowing Angus for the past week, she is getting accustomed to handling all the trouble Angus causes.

At this moment, she wasn't even surprised if they got attacked by a few monster overlords simultaneously. Therefore, she decided to stay silent and let him do as he pleased.

She is too tired to lecture Angus and the others. Moreover, she knows what Angus did has to do with the traitor Roy. When Angus talked about Aunt Extalia, she noticed Angus may be affected by Roy's betrayal.

The young man may not show it, but she notices Angus' strange behavior. When conversing with her, Angus didn't have any playful tone like usual. From start to finish, he just stayed serious.

Although Angus could turn serious when required, he is still quite playful occasionally. Aunt Extalia didn't know if it was because of Princess Brigida or Roy. But, after conversing with Brigida just now, she realizes the main reason must be Roy.

Like Angus said, the Princess is too pitiful to affect Angus. At most, it only leaves a bad taste in his mouth. Hence, she suspects Roy's betrayal may affect him more than she realizes.

"I suppose I need to explain to you." said Angus.

"If you understand that, explain to me what you just did." replied Aunt Extalia.

Hearing this calm sentence, Angus was surprised before smiling warmly.

"Thank you for not stopping me, Aunt Extalia. Anyway, I just take care of that traitor bastard. I don't know how he is still alive after divulging some of my information. Still, he will not be our problem anymore." said Angus.

No one besides Angus knows that King Leon gave strict orders to kill anyone who spread information about Angus. Although Roy didn't say Angus's name, he still indirectly shared Angus' information and broke King Leon's direct order.

Unfortunately for Roy, he didn't realize this mistake since King Leon often releases strict orders to him and Royal Guards. Hence, he breaks one of the soul contract's important clauses: obeying the King's order. Since he also didn't kill himself, he violated the soul contract again.

These two violations superimposed one another and combined with the betraying Heart Kingdom's clause. As a result, Roy almost died before he could even say Angus' name.

Then, Angus told Aunt Extalia about the new ability he found from the Ultimate Weapon. Angus remembers when he fought against it in his past life, the Ultimate Weapon could target him no matter his location.

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