I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 513 God Artifact

Chapter 513 God Artifact

Fighting against Ultimate Weapon is one of the hardest fights Angus has ever experienced in his past life. At some point, it is harder than his last fight before dying. When Angus fights against Ultimate Weapon, he has access to his enormous chi.josei

Unlike Firuman, which is filled with many dangers, Earth is much safer and he rarely needs to use chi. Therefore, his chi reserve is massive. Yet, with this tremendous amount of chi, he is still almost dying from the fight.

During this fight, he noticed a few things about Ultimate Weapon's ability. One of them is targeting ability. Initially, Angus thought it had a function similar to target homing missiles.

After the deadly fight with the Ultimate Weapon in his past, he gathers information about this legendary weapon. During his research, Angus speculates that its target function is to hit any target according to the user's will rather than simply homing ability.

No matter where the target is, it could always hit it. Although he only finds this description from ancient notes and myths, he feels this is true and decides to try it to kill Roy, who is somewhere inside Humnia Grassland.

He believes as long as the Ultimate Weapon is charged with enough power, it could target anyone no matter how far they are from the user. This ability is bizarre and illogical, but Firuman is a magical world where people could resurrect death or breathe underground.

Hence, Angus is not too surprised about this kind of ability in Ultimate Weapon. Still, this ability has a weakness. After hitting a large distance target, the user must retrieve the Ultimate Weapon manually.

As a result, there is a huge chance that the enemy will retrieve Ultimate Weapon and use it against the first user. Fortunately, Angus remembers another of its abilities. The Ultimate Weapon spear could disappear or teleport to another place.

During the fight, Angus recalls that the Ultimate Weapon spear is somehow capable of teleporting to a far distance before charging at him again. He notices that it always appears at the same place every time it teleports.

Therefore, Angus concluded it has some kind of recall or returns ability. Although he never truly tested this ability, he still didn't worry about it falling into the Nergal's hand. He feels somehow Ultimate Weapon will never let anyone touch it beside him.

With the remaining energy inside, it could even resist and fatally wound any seventh-grade combatant that tried to subdue it. If Angus couldn't recall it back, he just needed to retrieve it later manually.

Fortunately, his guess is correct and he didn't need to retrieve Ultimate Weapon later. Still, it didn't mean he completely escaped being nagged by Aunt Extalia for gambling with uncertain weapon ability.

Aunt Extalia may already give up on lecturing Angus and the others. However, she still needs to remind him about the probability of such a dangerous weapon falling into the hand of Nergal. If Nergal somehow gets Ultimate Weapon in their hand, their loss will be huge.

"Tch… Whatever, just rest for now and don't make more trouble. We will go to Nirvas tomorrow." said Aunt Extalia as she noticed Angus and Jayna didn't even hear her nagging.

With Angus's ability and power, there is no way Aunt Extalia is capable of restricting him. If Angus wants, he could just teleport to somewhere and disappear without Aunt Extalia noticing. Moreover, they are still in a foreign land and she couldn't just punish him for taking care of a high-ranking traitor.

Aunt Extalia still didn't completely believe in Roy's death, but she could just ask King Leon to check Roy's soul contract later. If Roy is truly dead, his soul contract will definitely turn invalid.

After Aunt Extalia leaves the area, Anna and the others approach Angus and Jayna.

"Angus… Angus… That's so cool!! It's like whooshh and Booomm. Then whoos!!" said Anna excitedly.

"Anna, calm down." said Angus trying to calm the excited Anna.

"But, it's so cool. Anna also wants a Shiny Shiny spear." said Anna.

"Hmm?? Weird… Why don't you just try to use it? Who knows, you may be capable of holding it." said Angus.

"No, can't do. Shiny Shiny Spear is really grumpy and like Angus. It didn't want anyone to touch it, even Anna." replied Anna while pouting.

"Ehh… How did you know?" asked Angus.

"It told Anna not to touch it or it will burst Anna." said Anna.

"It told you? Hmm… Did you hear the same thing with my twin sword artifact?" asked Angus.

"Yup, that Hot Hot Swords are more grumpy than Shiny Shiny Spear. It even told Anna it would burn Anna to ash if Anna tried to touch it. Such rude Hot Hot Swords." said Anna while pouting again.

"Burn not burst?" asked Angus confusedly.

Unfortunately, Anna didn't give any further explanation. Sometimes, Angus and Jayna are still confused about her strange vocabulary.

"Excuse me, Young Baron Angus. May I know where you get such an artifact?" asked Darren in a serious tone.

"Hmm… If I am not wrong, someone found it in the ancient ruins inside Olven Mountain. Then, it is sold at the local auction house in our kingdom. Is there any problem with it?" asked Angus in worry.

Although Angus has some information about Ultimate Weapon, it is only from his past experience and ancient notes. He still didn't fully explore the spear itself.

"Olven Mountain? Why is such a God artifact buried there?" replied Darren.

"God Artifact? Is it different from ordinary artifacts?" asked Angus.

"Young Baron Angus, your spear artifact is certainly categorized as a dangerous artifact like your twin swords artifact. No one could hold it unless it is a fated owner or has your unusual talent. However, that spear is a different thing." said Darren.

​ "It may look like an artifact, but it is also not just an artifact. To be exact, it is more like a living being. Some even call it a living weapon or armor. However, people in ancient times often called it a God Artifact. With such a name, many people thought this kind of artifact could kill even God."

"However, it is not as simple as that. It is hailed as a God artifact because no one could subdue or use it, not even God. Anyone that tries to forcefully use or subdue it will end up dead. The majority reason is that it has its own mind."

"Most old and dangerous artifacts have their own mind, but God Artifacts are different. It is like comparing babies' minds and adults' minds. Dangerous artifacts have a passive-like mind and cannot think clearly, similar to a simple droid."

"However, God Artifacts have their own mind and can think like normal living beings. Therefore, it is completely impossible to subdue such a weapon. I wonder how you can use such a weapon without getting killed." explained Darren.

"Hm… I also don't know. It is probably because I saved it from its sealed and drying condition." said Angus casually before telling Darren when he last used it to destroy the Royal Palace.

Despite his uncertainty, Angus could already guess why he could hold such the Ultimate Weapon safely. The reason is simple. He just beat the spear to the pulp in his past life.

It is also probably why Ultimate Weapon didn't give a sort of burden on his body and mind when he used it the first time.

After talking more about God Artifacts, they continue playing around with Anna. Since Angus and Jayna have ridiculous stamina and natural regeneration, they only need to rest for a while before continuing their activity.

While playing around with Anna, Angus notices that Jayna and Anna still don't have their own weapon artifact. However, he also doubts any existing artifact will accept them. According to Fire Phoenix's memories, her fire is too great for any weapon.

If Jayna didn't have precise control over her fire, she might already destroy countless swords just for her practice. As for Anna, he knows it will be hard to find an artifact capable of using mana and miasma.

Moreover, with their powerful trait and ability, ordinary crafters cannot make their weapon artifacts unless it is someone like Old Man Draught.

However, he knows the importance of weapons. If the raw power is like water in the lake, the weapon is like a pipe to channel the water. With the pipe, the water becomes more concentrated and dangerous than the harmless water in the lake.

'Well, let's just think about it later.' thought Angus.

After a while, they stop playing around and have dinner together. During this time, Aunt Extalia returns from interrogating Brigida and joins them.

While having a hearty meal, "Angus, if you have time, please visit that woman before we enter Nirvas." said Aunt Extalia.

"Hmm?? What for?" asked Angus in confusion.

"Who knows… She keeps asking about you." said Aunt Extalia with a teasing smile.

Hearing this, Angus suddenly feels something hot beside him. Then, he finds Jayna stabbing a piece of meat with her deformed fork that slowly melted.

"J-Jayna, this is not what you are thinking." said Angus in a hurry.

However, Jayna ignores his plea and keeps staring at him coldly. Angus tries to ask Aunt Extalia for help but only finds Aunt Extalia laughing happily while eating her food. It is as if she watches a good show while eating her dinner.

"Angus!!" yelled Jayna.

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