I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Who’s there?

Chapter 68: Who’s there?

Royal Academy of the Heart kingdom, hailed as one of the best academies in the human race. Many people want to have a chance to study there as most of the graduated people often become famous people at their respective work.

Not only that, but the Royal Academy is also a huge gathering place for many experts in various kinds of fields. From a crafter to a chef, they even have archaeological experts in various kinds of ancient culture and fields.

Now, the royal academy is on high alert since their academy is hailed as the best, getting infiltrated by a group of cloaked men.

Because of this, the headmaster Antonio immediately tightened up the security. No one could get in or get out for the time being. Since the intruder could come in undetected insight the academy means that there is someone from the inside that helps them.

Fortunately, this time the group cloaked man could be captured successfully. So, the headmaster could easily 'ask' them about the traitor that sold his academy.

While the headmaster interrogated the cloaked man, teacher Oswalt immediately tried to get out from the academy after knowing that the intruder was getting caught.

'Damn.. How could they get caught so easily?! At least killing yourself without getting caught. I need to get out of here fast.' Thought Oswalt while walking in a certain direction.

Unfortunately for him, all the exit of surrounding the academy is already blocked. Moreover, every single perimeter of the academy is guarded by academy guards. It will be difficult even for a rat to pass by.

While he is walking, "Oswalt?? Where are you going? The headmaster told us to gather at the meeting room." asked Teacher Elis curiously.

"Ahh.. I suddenly got a stomach ache. You go there first. I will catch up later." answered Oswalt

"Alright, Don't take it too long." replied teacher Elis while frowning a little bit.

'Huff.. Luckily, I already prepared my escape route before.' Thought Oswalt while entering one of the certain big abandoned warehouses.

The royal academy is very vast and has many buildings and facilities. Some of them are being abandoned and used as warehouses. One of them is this building which is located in a remote location inside the academy ground.

Entering the abandoned warehouse, Oswalt immediately put a few boxes aside from a certain spot and pushed the hidden mechanism. Then, a trap door that led to the underground appeared.

Opening the trapdoor using his special key, he finally found a staircase leading to the underground. Under the dim light of his mana at his finger, he entered the trapdoor.

After walking the stairs for a while, he found himself in a small underground room. Then, he tapped one of the walls of the room and revealed another hidden door.

Before he could enter the door, "I never know that there is a hidden door here. Care to explain where it leads, Oswalt?" said another voice inside the small underground room.

"Who's there?" asked Oswalt vigilantly.

Then, teacher Elis deactivated her concealment. "You travel quite far for having a stomachache, Oswalt." said Teacher Elis while taking out her battle staff.

"Tch.. You should mind your own business Elis." replied Oswalt while suddenly shooting a few[Firebolt] towards her.

Looking at the approaching [Firebolts], Elis skillfully uses her battle staff to disperse any of them before instacast her spell [1st Circle - Entangle].

A root sprouted from the ground and tried to bind Oswalt. However, he could dodge it easily while countering with his own [Firebolt].

The fight between two people of the same grade, especially high grade one, often called a battle of attrition.

In this battle, the ability to multitask between casting spells, defence, offence, etc. is very important. Just the wrong step could end their doom. Soon, they reach a stalemate state after exchanging many of 1sr Circle spells.

As sometimes passed by, "Tch… You leave me no choice. Take this [2nd Circle - Fireball]." a series of yellowish fireballs immediately launch at Elis.

Looking at the yellowish fireball, "You crazy!!" rebuked teacher Elis

Elis immediately put her guard and dodge them. But, all of them immediately explode after touching something. Using a spell-like [Fireball] in this enclosed space is the same as suicide since the shockwave also could damage the caster.

[Fireballs] may be a handy spell since it could create a small explosion. But, in an enclosed space like the underground room, this could injure everyone inside the room.

At the last moment, Elis managed to create a wall made of vine root from the ground [2nd Circle - Nature Wall] to protect herself. Still, she is affected by the shock each [Fireballs] produces and burns her [Nature Wall] to ash.

As for Oswalt, he already made a barrier made of mana in front of him to mitigate the shock towards him [2nd circle - Mana Barrier].

After the dust settles, Elis comes out from it with a little burn and immediately launches a barrage of attack using her battle staff [Staff Art - Barrage Motion]. A series of chain attacks keep hitting Oswalt's [Mana Barrier] rapidly without stopping.

[Mana Barrier] may be a strong barrier spell, but it also consumes the user mana to maintain the barrier. Feeling his mana is dropping at a fast rate, Oswalt begins to get irritated. josei

"Don't get cocky woman!! [2nd circle - Fire Breath]" as Oswalt released a breath of fire towards her.

Because of the point-blank range attack, Elis could not dodge it perfectly and was pushed back by the [Fire Breath] to the nearby wall.

"Urgh.." groaned Elis

"Haaa.. Haa.. What annoying woman!! You should never mess with me!" said Oswalt while preparing a [Fireball] to finish her off.

At this time a huge magic circle appears on the ground, "And you should never underestimate me! [3rd Circle - Nature Growth]" said Elis while giving all her mana to the magic circle.

"How?! you didn't cast it... " before Oswalt could respond a huge sprout of vegetation rose from the ground and destroyed the ceiling.

The vegetation keeps growing and destroys everything in the room. By chance, the collapsed ceiling also closes the hidden door along with its tunnel.

After a while, "*Cough* *Cough* Crazy bitch!! She wants to bury me alive!!" said Oswalt while looking at unconscious Elis who is protected by the big tree.

"Damn it!! The guard will feel this commotion and check this place. My escape route is also buried!! It's all your fault, bitch!" curse Oswalt but he could not do anything to her as the big tree was still protecting her.

He is also on the low mana from the battle and needs to dig his escape route faster. While digging the rumble frantically, Oswalt suddenly feels a danger behind him.

*Ting* A translucent barrier engulfs Oswalt's body. Then, he sees that a throwing dagger falls on the ground behind him.

"Hoo.. You have a barrier enchanted item. Interesting…" said Angus while walking towards Oswalt calmly.

'A kid?? No, if I am not wrong he should be the famous scholar Angus. Why is he here? Moreover, was he the one that threw that dagger?' thought Oswalt.

"Kid, you should get some help. The building suddenly collapsed and few people were under the ground." said Oswalt as he tried to buy some time.

"Really??" replied Angus as he released a little bit of his killing intent.

At this moment, Oswalt felt like a bloodthirsty predator. All his body and instinct is telling him to run. Angus's killing intent is monstrous as he keeps killing his virtual opponent inside the battle manual system.

It could be said his killing intent is on par with a mighty general that slays thousands of people in his hand.

Suddenly, the chilling aura is gone and Angus disappears at once [Beast Walk]. Angus appears behind the Oswalt and attacks him [Spear Hand]. *Bang*

On the contrary to his expectation, a barrier engulfs Oswalt once again and his body is thrown away by Angus's force attack towards the nearby debris.

"Tch.. Annoying barrier. Let's see if it has a limit" [Angus]

Angus once again approaches Oswalt using [Beast Walk]. Then, he launched many kinds of attacks towards Oswalt. [Iron Fist] [Dynamic Torrent] [Dynamic Punch]

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* After a series of attacks, Oswalt's barrier item stopped working. He pushed to use his own [Mana Barrier] to protect himself and his mana is consumed much faster than when he is fighting Elis.

"Get out of me, Monster!! [2nd circle - Fire Breath]" as Oswalt spouted a fire from his mouth.

Angus seems like already predicting this, dodge to the side and shoot a water ball towards Oswalt's mouth from his hand [1st Circle – Aqua Ball] at point-blank range.

[Aqua Ball] managed to hit Oswalt's face directly. He feels like being forced to drink a lot of water at once and makes him unable to breathe properly.

Using this opportunity, Angus gathers his man in his fist and punches it towards Oswald's body [Dynamic Punch].

The? punch hit various kinds of Oswalt's body at once and broke all his ribs. Oswalt's body is flown away embedded in the nearby debris.

Angus strength is already four times normal human, combined with his enhanced strength, his much is very lethal to the unprotected normal human body.

Looking at his work, "I guess I am going overboard again."

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