I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Another Break

Chapter 69: Another Break

"I guess I am going overboard again." commented Angus after looking at the Oswalt condition.

'Haa… I guess my bad habit still could not get away.' Thought Angus as he tied Oswalt and restricted his mana.

During the fight, Angus didn't expect that Oswalt's body was weak after getting few punches from him. Since all this time his training partner is the old dwarf Balrug who has ridiculous resilience, he couldn't adjust his strength properly when fighting Oswalt.

Moreover, it's very hard to hold back in a life and death battle like before. Fortunately, Oswalt is still a full-fledged grade 4 combatant. Although his orientation is towards magic, his body is still stronger than an ordinary person.

Otherwise, he will die from receiving Angus's monstrous attack. Still, this didn't mean Angus could combat grade four combatant in frontal battle.

The major reason he could win is that Oswalt's mana already drained from the battle against Elis. Oswalt is also a magician that specialized in barriers rather than battle like Duke Jacob.

After tying Oswalt and erasing his trace from the surrounding, he used [Mana Echolocation] to avoid being found by the academy guard that was already coming to inspect the area.

Fortunately, only the academy guard came to inspect. If it is the headmaster or other five grade people, they could easily find Angus within their perception.

Angus also didn't have to worry that they could trace the residual mana in the battle spot since his swirl bracelet always absorbed all his excessive mana. It will only leave minuscule mana in the air that can hardly be traced.

Unless they have very advanced technology to capture them and match them with Angus mana signature, they would never have found that it is Angus.

However, such a technology is very advanced and hard to procure along with the expert that can use it. Angus thought it would be a waste of resources to use it just to trace it back to him.

'*Sigh* the worst case I just need to reveal my strength.' thought Angus as he finally went back to his dorm.

Few days after that, a meeting consisting of teachers and a few employees happened inside one of the big meeting rooms in the Royal Academy.

"Alright, now let's begin the meeting about the intruder that happened a few days ago. Ellen, please enlighten us." said the Headmaster Antonio

"Thank you, Antonio. As everyone knows, a few days ago, a group of unknown people intruded on our class tournament. After a series of interrogation using [Truth Potion], we found that they are from the Nergal Empire."

"We also found the preparator that smuggles them is Oswalt Fanari, one of our teachers that specialize in barriers. Fortunately, we managed to catch him before he managed to escape." explain the vice-headmaster Ellen.

After everyone digested the information, "Now, let's decide how we should proceed with Oswalt and increase our security further. So, this kind of incident may not happen again in the future." said the headmaster while looking at the other teacher.

The headmaster could punish Oswalt and deal with him easily. However, he also needs to make sure that none of the teachers working in the academy will do the same thing in the future.

But, he also could not push too much towards these people since it may leave some dissatisfied towards them. So, the best solution is by letting all his employees decide how they should punish the traitor by themself.

After a long discussion, they finally agreed to make a contract for all the people working in the academy. The contract is variable but one of its clauses is as long as they work here, they must not get in the way of the academy interest or something similar to it.

Contract in this world is different from a contract on Earth, where there are many kinds of contracts. But most of them always have a serious repercussion for the breach of the contract. Some people even say that it is better to die than breach a contract.

This way all the employees in the academy will be bound and forced to not betray the academy as long as they work here.

After the meeting almost came to end, "Pardon me, Headmaster. But, I hear the one that apprehends Oswalt and few other intruders is still unknown. We also couldn't ask Oswalt since he is still in a coma from his injury. What we need to do with him/her?" asked one of the muscular teachers.

"Don't worry about it teacher Genus. As long as this mysterious helper is not doing anything bad towards the Royal Academy we will leave him be. Any other question?" asked the headmaster.

After none of the teachers gives another question, "Then, let's end this meeting and immediately implement our new policy." said the headmaster.

Meanwhile, the headmaster and teacher are busy tightening their security around the academy, most of the students are on holiday.

After much consideration, they decide it will be safer for the student to go home for the time being. They also believe that the mysterious person is likely a high-grade combatant which is not the student that study here.

Most of the students here are ungraded with dozens of them being first-grade people. It is impossible for them to win against Oswalt and injure him badly.

Like every break before, Angus is staying at his townhouse manor. Fortunately, his father is already back. So, he didn't need to escape from his clingy aunt. Who knows how many times he almost died under those huge mountains.

Now, Angus is having breakfast with his two brothers. As usual, the atmosphere is cold as his older brother Jason regards Angus as thin air. He still thinks that Angus is a weak and useless brother.

As for his second brother Vergil, he just doesn't know how to mediate Jason with Angus since both of them always ignore one another. During this usual tense breakfast, a humming sound heard from the teleportation device in the garden.

Feeling the gentle and familiar aura from it, the three brothers immediately go towards the teleportation device.

"Father" said the three brothers.

As the blonde hair duke walked towards them, "Long time no see, everyone." replied Duke Jacob.

After that, they continue their greeting while having breakfast. After catching up with their father, they know that his father will be in this manner for a few days before he needs to be back to the Black Fortress to defend it against the monster. josei

Unlike other small countries and nations that are overthrown by the horde of lower grade monsters, the Black Fortress managed to push back the lower grade monster and stood still in their place.

This shows the power of the Heart kingdom, just a horde of lower grade monsters will not bypass the heavily armed Black Fortress easily. Still, the monster is relentless.

Although they are not attacking continuously, they still launch an attack once every few days. The Duke needs to always standby in this Fortress in case something unexpected happens.

Fortunately, the last attack happened and ended a few hours ago. So, the duke has a few days to meet with his sons after a long time. After they finished their breakfast, Duke Jacob called Angus to the basement training room.

Entering the training room, a [Firebolt] is launched at Angus. But, Angus could easily avoid it without changing his facial expression.

"So, are you going to teach me how to form mana core or not?" asked Angus with a lazy expression.

"Hahaha… As I thought, you are getting stronger after all these two years. It seems you managed to train your body secretly." said Jacob.

Hearing his father respond, "Are you going to teach me or not?" asked Angus once again.

"Easy, Angus. It's been two years since we met. How about a little bit of spar?" replied Jacob.

Looking at his father's smile, "I can't say no. Can't I?" asked Angus.

But, his father only gives him a kind smile towards Angus while releasing his fighting intent slowly.

"Haa… You are similar to that old dwarf. a battle junkie. Well, not that I could complain about it." said Angus while approaching his father.

"Old Dwarf, you mean Balrug Goldstein? So, it's true you are becoming his student." said Jacob.

"Hee… How do you know.. Nope, let me guess you hear it from Vergil. I should not let him meet with that crazy dwarf." replied Angus

"Hahaha… Judging from your grumble, I believe he is not only teaching you the art of smithing. Now, I am getting excited by our spar." said Jacob.

"Tch… Fine, let's do it." as Angus stops a few meters from Jacob.

After staring at each other for a while, "Please, give me some leniency?" asked Angus calmly.

"Don't worry I will…" before his father finished replying, Angus already approached his father instantly.

[Beast walk] [Dynamic Punch] *Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

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